Claris Organizer 1.0v3 Updater (for U.S. 68K versions only) Overview Thank you for investing in Claris¨ software. We hope that you are finding Claris Organizer to be enjoyable and useful. From time to time, we produce maintenance updates of our software, primarily to correct minor defects that affect a small percentage of our customer base. WeÕd like to make it as convenient as possible for you to obtain these new versions and enjoy their benefits. This updater is specific to the Macintosh version of Claris Organizer and does not update the Power Macintosh version. Updates, in contrast to upgrades, contain few changes from the previous version. Instead of distributing the full, revised application, we can provide just the files necessary to incorporate the new functionality and fixes. When you follow the instructions below for running the accompanying updater, it will automatically combine a copy you've made of your original Claris Organizer 1.0v1 or Claris Organizer 1.0v2 with the new changes to create a new application, Claris Organizer version 1.0v3. This document describes the steps to take to apply the update. You may want to print this document if this is the first update youÕve installed. Once you have used the updater, please read the Release Notes section later in this document. Technical Considerations Hard Disk Space YouÕll need enough room for a copy of the original application and the new version (approximately 2 megabytes of disk space for both). Memory You'll need 2000K of available memory to run the updater. If you don't have this much memory currently available, please contact Technical Support for assistance in updating to the latest version. Virus Detection Software The Updater makes several changes to the resources in Claris Organizer. Many virus utilities consider this activity improper and may try to prevent it, and some of these utilities are not turned off by restarting while holding down the shift key. To avoid this inconvenience, disable all virus detection software before applying the update. To do so, you may have to temporarily remove the utilities from your system folder, then restart. After the program has been updated, put the utilities back in the proper location and restart. See the documentation that came with the utility for information on deinstallation. This ÒClaris Organizer 1.0v3 UpdaterÓ package consists of: 1) an application updater for the Claris Organizer application, 2) a new version of the "Claris Organizer Alarms" extension and, 3) this ÒUpdater InstructionsÓ document. Updater Instructions 1. Hold down your shift key and restart your Macintosh. You can release the shift key when you see the message, ÔWelcome to Macintosh Extensions Off.Õ This will help ensure that nothing on your system will conflict with the Updater. If your computer will not start up with the shift key held down, restart without holding down the shift key and go on to the next step. 2. Make a copy of your original Claris Organizer. 3. Make a new folder and place the copy of the original Claris Organizer application and a copy of the ÒCOrganizer v1,v2 -> v3 UpdaterÓ into this folder. 4. Double-click the COrganizer v1,v2 -> v3 Updater in the new folder. In the UpdateMaker dialog box, make sure the Claris Organizer application is selected in the list and click Update. 5. The update will take a few minutes. When the update is completed, a message is displayed confirming a successful installation of the new version, or an indication of what went wrong if there is a problem. Please refer to the below section "Problems on Updating" for more information. 6. Verify that the update was successful by opening Claris Organizer and creating a new document. Once the application is running select ÒAbout Claris OrganizerÓ from the Apple menu and click the Info button in the dialog. The version number at the top of the list should be ÒClaris Organizer 1.0v3¥, May 1995Ó. 7. Once you have verified that the update was successful throw away the original Claris Organizer application. (Be careful not to throw away the whole Claris Organizer folder). 8. Drag the enclosed Claris Alarms Extension to the System folder. A dialog should come up stating ÒExtensions need to be stored in the extensions folder in order to be available to the Macintosh. Put Claris Organizer Alarms into the Extensions folder?Ó Select ÒOKÓ. 9. Restart your Macintosh without the shift key down to enable your extensions. Problems on Updating If you encounter either of the following error messages, 1) ÒClaris Organizer is not the U.S. version of 1.0v1 or 1.0v2. The cfrg 0 resource is missingÓ or 2) ÒClaris Organizer is not the U.S. version of 1.0v1 or 1.0v2. The code 0 resource is differentÓ Please check that you are using the correct version of the updater on your application. The PowerPC version of Organizer is about 1.5 MB and should be updated with the PowerPC version of the updater. Similarly, the 68K version of Organizer is about 800 K and should be updated with the 68K version of the updater. Claris Organizer 1.0v3 Release notes Claris Organizer 1.0v3 fixes several problems reported with Organizer 1.0v2. The following list identifies the problems resolved in this update. The Claris Organizer 1.0v3 updater: 1) fixes a problem which prevented customers from dialing from within a contact card with a modem installed. In addition to fixing this bug, the customer now has the ability to change the baud rate and dial tone from the Preferences. 2) fixes a bug when printing Òmini-monthsÓ using a different print orientation. 3) fixes a problem with the alarms extension that was disabled when the caps lock key was active. 4) fixes a problem with the calendar printing dialog. 5) fixes a problem with the help command equivalent for international. 6) changes and improves the tab order in the contact card. Claris Organizer 1.0v2 Release notes Claris Organizer 1.0v2 fixes several problems reported with Organizer 1.0v1. The following list identifies the more significant problems resolved in this update. The Claris Organizer 1.0v2 updater: 1) eliminates the timing conflicts previously experienced when dialing with Supra Fax LC modems 2) resolves the menu conflicts created when switching between Organizer and some 3rd party applications 3) fixes errors encountered when selecting preferences after deleting Custom 1 & Custom 2 title text 4) retains the current day (rather than first calendar week) when switching from the Weekly to Monthly agenda 5) retains information after zooming an already expanded contact card; this resolves type 1 errors experienced when running with Radius software 6)  formats the phone number on Fax cover sheets and labels when specified in the Preferences dialog 7) properly aligns the cut lines when printing Sr. Pockets on StyleWriter printers