Name: MacDNS Version: 1.0.4 Released: February 11, 1999 Requires: A Macintosh computer with at least a 68020 processor, or a PowerPC processor, 1500K of free memory, a TCP/IP network connection and IP address, System 7.0 or later (System 7.5.3 recommended), MacTCP 2.0.6, or Open Transport 1.1 or later Description: MacDNS makes it straightforward to assign domain names and IP addresses for a host. It is also simple to create host "aliases" (multiple names which map to the same IP address) and to set up mail exchanger information. MacDNS supports both standard and reverse queries (name-to-IP-address, IP-address-to-name). MacDNS imports and exports data files in standard zone format. This means that existing host entries from UNIX-based DNS servers can be easily imported into MacDNS. Multiple domains can be served simultaneously.MacDNS 1.0.4 fixes some problems in MacDNS 1.0.3 and earlier versions, providing improved performance and reliability. Upgrading to version 1.0.4 is recommended for all MacDNS customers. This version of MacDNS is available under the terms of a no-fee license. The license agreement appears the first time you open the MacDNS program. Click the Agree button to accept the terms of the agreement. Instructions: This software consists of a self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image (.smi) file. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it.