L O G S I M a Logic Simulation program Version 2.1 Copyright (C), 1986 by Scott Romanowski All rights reserved Commercial Duplication Prohibited November 20, 1986 I Contents 1. Introduction........................................... 1 1.1 Duplication and Use Policy.......................... 1 2. Using LOGSIM........................................... 2 2.1 Equation Syntax and Node Numbers.................... 3 2.2 Tri-State and Open Collector Outputs................ 3 2.3 Initial Conditions.................................. 4 3. Describing the Circuit................................. 4 3.1 Gates............................................... 4 3.1.1 AND Gate........................................ 5 3.1.2 BUFFER Gate..................................... 5 3.1.3 DELAY Gate...................................... 5 3.1.4 DELAYH Gate..................................... 6 3.1.5 DELAYL Gate..................................... 6 3.1.6 NAND Gate....................................... 6 3.1.7 NOR Gate........................................ 6 3.1.8 NOT Gate........................................ 7 3.1.9 OR Gate......................................... 7 3.1.10 XNOR Gate...................................... 7 3.1.11 XOR Gate....................................... 7 3.2 Chips............................................... 8 3.2.1 D Chip Descriptor............................... 8 3.2.2 JK Chip Descriptor.............................. 8 3.2.3 7476 Chip Descriptor............................ 9 3.2.4 74112 Chip Descriptor........................... 9 3.2.5 74123 Chip Descriptor........................... 9 3.2.6 74126 Chip Descriptor.......................... 10 3.2.7 74192 Chip Descriptor.......................... 10 3.2.8 74193 Chip Descriptor.......................... 10 3.2.9 74253 Chip Descriptor.......................... 11 3.3 Clocks............................................. 11 3.4 Data Sources....................................... 11 4. Simulating the Circuit................................ 12 4.1 Simulation Time.................................... 12 4.2 Rise Time Calculations............................. 12 4.3 Gate Delays........................................ 13 4.4 Initial Conditions................................. 13 4.5 Output Modes....................................... 14 4.5.1 Display........................................ 14 4.5.2 File........................................... 14 4.5.3 Print.......................................... 15 4.5.4 Fprint......................................... 16 4.6 Time Units per Screen.............................. 17 4.7 Monitoring nodes................................... 17 4.8 Fanout Lists....................................... 17 5. Chip Descriptions..................................... 17 5.1 Making New Chips................................... 18 5.1.1 Pins, Delay, Mode and Output Pins.............. 18 5.1.2 Chip Modes..................................... 19 5.1.3 Output Equations............................... 19 5.2 Sample Chip Descriptions........................... 20 5.3 Simulating ROMS.................................... 20 5.4 Simulating RAMS.................................... 21 LOGSIM II 5.5 Simulating PALs and PLAs........................... 21 LOGSIM 1 1. Introduction LOGSIM is a digital logic simulation program. It is very general and infinitely expandable. Users create a file describing their circuit and select options to configure the simulation. All times in the circuit are measured in "time units". A time unit is any amount of time, determined by the user. If the user wants to use 10 nanoseconds per time unit, then a 100 nanosecond delay would be 10 time units. Logic values are simply represented as high and low states, the actual voltage levels are immaterial to LOGSIM. Tri-state and open collector outputs are handled specially-- see the section describing them below. LOGSIM requires DOS 2.1 or higher and one disk drive. To use the PRINT option (graphics timing diagram on the printer), the graphics screen dump program included in DOS is required. Using PC-DOS, this program is called GRAPHICS.COM, using MS-DOS, this program is one of the PSCxxxx.COM programs. See your DOS manual for more informa- tion. This manual is written for people who have some famil- iarity with DOS (somewhere between neophyte and wizard). You must be able to edit files to use LOGSIM. Knowledge of the print screen command, file and path names, default drive, default directory, and batch files will help, but is not required. It goes without saying, but you must know about digital logic before understanding what this program does. 1.1 Duplication and Use Policy LOGSIM is distributed as shareware. You can make as many copies as you desire, and give away as many copies as desired. Users may not charge others for copies of this program without the express written permission of the au- thor. If you must charge for the disk(s) when you give away a copy, you may charge no more than $1.00 (one dollar) per disk. If you distribute this program, you must include this policy with the copy. You may not include any portion of this program, modified or not, in any other program without the written permission of the author. If you are pleased with this program, the author humbly requests that you send $20 to the author. Shareware is LOGSIM 2 based on the belief that people will gladly pay for a good product, yet should not be required to pay for a bad prod- uct. Shareware lets people experiment with programs, and form their own opinion of the product. If you choose not to support the author, there is noth- ing to stop you from continuing to use LOGSIM. If you sup- port the author, good for you! You have made the author very happy. The author can be reached at: Scott Romanowski 5 Sherburn Place Wilmington, MA 01887 In addition, improvements to LOGSIM are planned. These improvements will speed simulation, allow larger circuits, allow easy implementation of RAM memories, and add more standard chips. If this program generates a good response, the author will surely distribute the updates. On the other hand, a discouraged author probably won't. 2. Using LOGSIM In order to have LOGSIM simulate your circuit, you must create a circuit descriptor file describing your circuit. To use LOGSIM, at the DOS prompt, type "LOGSIM". LOGSIM will reply with "Circuit Descriptor file", to which you type the name of the circuit descriptor file. Optionally, you can include the name of the circuit descriptor file on the command line, by typing "LOGSIM filename" (where filename is the name of the circuit descriptor file). A circuit descriptor file consists of two parts: the circuit itself, and a list of options for LOGSIM. The two parts are separated by an END statement--simply a line with the word END. A sample circuit descriptor is shown below: JK H 14 1 H 2 13 3 JK H 15 1 H 2 14 4 JK H 5 1 H 2 15 16 AND 5 3 4 CLOCK 1 0000111 DATA 2 01 END TIME 60 MONITOR 13 14 15 PRINT The first 6 lines describe the circuit (in this case a simple 0-1-2-4 counter), the 7th line is the end statement, LOGSIM 3 and lines 8 through 10 are the options. LOGSIM recognizes both upper and lower case letters, and both can be freely mixed in your input. When LOGSIM is reading your circuit description, it displays "Reading element ..." messages to inform you of its progress, and to aid in debugging if there is an error in your circuit description. After LOGSIM is finished reading your circuit descriptor, LOGSIM prints "Circuit descriptor read in" and starts simulating your circuit. There may be a few second pause while LOGSIM determines the initial state of the circuit. 2.1 Equation Syntax and Node Numbers Logical expressions are only used in coding chip de- scriptors. In that case and in this manual, LOGSIM uses the following symbols when representing logic equations: ~ NOT & AND + OR * XOR These are listed in order of precedence, except OR and XOR are the same precedence. Expressions are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses (parentheses only, no brackets [] or braces {} ) can be used to group expressions and over- ride precedence. This precedence scheme can be best shown by some examples: A & B + C = C + A & B = (A & B) + C A + B * C = (A + B) * C A * B + C = (A * B) + C ~A & B & ~C = ( (~A) & B) & (~C) ~(A + B) & ~C + D = ( ( ~(A + B) ) & (~C) ) + D All nodes in LOGSIM are numbered. Any integer from 0 to 1,000 can be used. In addition, there are two special nodes: H (a constant logic high) and L (a constant logic low), which can be used chip input nodes. Example: JK h 2 3 4 5 6 7 is a JK flip flop with ~PRESET tied to logic high. Using the nodes H or L in a gate (ex.: AND 4 H 3) is WRONG! and will cause errors! There can be up to one thousand nodes in a circuit descriptor. 2.2 Tri-State and Open Collector Outputs In LOGSIM, all outputs are capable of being wired-ANDed together (like open-collector outputs). If you connect sev- eral outputs together, the state at that node will be a logic high if and only if all the outputs on that node are LOGSIM 4 logic highs. If any output to that node is a logic low, the node will be a logic low. Tri-state devices are implemented by having the output of the device go high in the high-Z state. For example, consider a tri-state inverter with the following truth table: A B C (Output) L X Z (high impedance) H L H H H L In LOGSIM, this can be represented by the equation C = ~A + B. Note that in LOGSIM, and this manual, the "~" is used to show negation, "~A" means "NOT A". 2.3 Initial Conditions Before LOGSIM starts simulating your circuit, it must determine the initial state of your circuit. To do this it assumes that all nodes start at high logic states, holds clocks and data sources in their initial states, and repeat- edly calculates new states for your circuit. During this process, all delays in the circuit are set to one time unit. You are responsible for ensuring that the circuit starts in a known state! The easiest way is to have a data source that initializes the circuit elements as necessary, and then goes to an inactive state after one time unit. If the circuit contains unstable elements, LOGSIM will inform you of that fact with a message "Element driving node xx is unstable." The INITIAL option (see below) can be used to manually set the state of your circuit. If this is done, LOGSIM uses that as the initial state and does not use this process. 3. Describing the Circuit The circuit description consists of a number of lines, each of which is an element, followed by an END line. Each line is either a gate, chip, clock, or data source. Very Important! Use only spaces to separate items. Do not use commas, or any other punctuation. 3.1 Gates LOGSIM has some standard gates--AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NOT, BUFFER, DELAYH, DELAYL, and DELAY--built in. LOGSIM 5 All the gates have one output node, and the AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR and XNOR can take up to 32 input nodes. The NOT gate is a simple inverter, the BUFFER gate is a non-invert- ing buffer, and the DELAY gate is a non-inverting buffer with a constant, specified delay. The DELAYH and DELAYL gates are similar to the DELAY gate, except that they only delay high or low logic states (respectively) by the con- stant delay. The opposite state (low for a DELAYH, high for a DELAYL) is delayed by only 1 time unit. These gates are further described below, and the default gate delay (1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven) formula can be changed by the GATEDELAY option described below. 3.1.1 AND Gate Syntax: AND [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate ANDs together all the input nodes and outputs that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be ANDed together with one gate. This gate has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: AND 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a high at node 3 if all of nodes 1, 2, 5, and 15 are high. 3.1.2 BUFFER Gate Syntax: BUFFER [output] [input] This gate is a non-inverting buffer--the value of the input appears at the output. This gate only takes one input, and has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per in- put driven. Example: BUFFER 4 5. Node 4 equals the value of node 5 (after the gate's inherent delay of course). 3.1.3 DELAY Gate Syntax: DELAY [output] [input] [delay] This gate is a non-inverting buffer with a constant de- lay. Use this to simulate any fixed delay in the circuit. This gate only takes one input. The longest delay possible in LOGSIM is 32,767 time units. Example: DELAY 12 1 10. The value of node 1 will ap- pear at node 12 after a delay of 10 time units. LOGSIM 6 3.1.4 DELAYH Gate Syntax: DELAYH [output] [input] [delay] This gate is a non-inverting buffer which delays logic high states by a constant delay. The longest delay possible in LOGSIM is 32,767 time units. This gate only takes one input. For example, if the input to a DELAYH gate (with a 4 time unit delay) is the pattern: 000011111111100000001000000, the output will be 000000001111110000000000000. Example: DELAYH 12 1 10. The value of node 1 will ap- pear at node 12 after a delay of 10 time units if it is a logic high, or 1 time unit if it is a logic low. 3.1.5 DELAYL Gate Syntax: DELAYL [output] [input] [delay] This gate is a non-inverting buffer which delays logic low states by a constant delay. The longest delay possible in LOGSIM is 32,767 time units. This gate only takes one input. For example, if the input to a DELAYL gate (with a 4 time unit delay) is the pattern: 111100000000011111110111111, the output will be 111111110000001111111111111. Example: DELAYL 12 1 10. The value of node 1 will ap- pear at node 12 after a delay of 10 time units if it is a logic low, or 1 time unit if it is a logic high. 3.1.6 NAND Gate Syntax: NAND [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate NANDs together all the input nodes and out- puts that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be NANDed together with one gate. This gate has a default de- lay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: NAND 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a low at node 3 if all of nodes 1, 2, 5, and 15 are high. 3.1.7 NOR Gate Syntax: NOR [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate NORs together all the input nodes and outputs that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be NORed LOGSIM 7 together with one gate. This gate has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: NOR 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a low at node 3 if any of nodes 1, 2, 5, or 15 is high. 3.1.8 NOT Gate Syntax: NOT [output] [input] This gate is simple inverter--the value of the input is inverted and appears at the output. This gate only takes one input, and has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: NOT 4 5. Node 4 equals the inverse of the value of node 5 (after the gate's inherent delay of course). 3.1.9 OR Gate Syntax: OR [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate ORs together all the input nodes and outputs that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be ORed together with one gate. This gate has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: OR 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a high at node 3 if any of nodes 1, 2, 5, or 15 is high. 3.1.10 XNOR Gate Syntax: XNOR [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate XNORs together all the input nodes and out- puts that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be XNORed together with one gate. This gate has a default de- lay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: XNOR 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a high at node 3 if the value of node 3 exclusive-or the value of node 2 ex- clusive-or the value of node 5 exclusive-or the value of node 15 is a logic low. 3.1.11 XOR Gate Syntax: XOR [output] [input] [input] [input] ... This gate XORs together all the input nodes and outputs that value to the output node. Up to 32 nodes can be XORed LOGSIM 8 together with one gate. This gate has a default delay of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. Example: XOR 3 1 2 5 15 will generate a high at node 3 if the value of node 3 exclusive-or the value of node 2 ex- clusive-or the value of node 5 exclusive-or the value of node 15 is a logic high. 3.2 Chips Syntax: [chip name] [pin assignments] LOGSIM provides a facility for adding new circuit ele- ments--chip descriptors. A chip descriptor is a file that describes the function a chip. It can also be used as a macro facility to simulate large chunks of circuitry. If LOGSIM does not recognize an element as a gate, it searches for a file with the same name. You can provide full DOS paths as your chip name. For example, if your chip is called "JK" in your circuit descriptor file, LOGSIM looks in the current directory of the current drive for a file named JK. If you called it "B:\logsim\chips\jk.dat", LOGSIM would search for the file B:\LOGSIM\CHIPS\JK.DAT. After the name, the pin assignments are listed. This is a of what node each pin is tied to, starting with pin 1. If you had a four pin chip named "4PIN" and pin 1 was tied to node 4, pin 2 to node 3, pin 3 to a constant high and pin 4 to node 2, the line in the circuit descriptor would be: 4PIN 4 3 h 2 A chip can have up to sixty pins. Several standard chips are included in LOGSIM, all are standard DIP packages. They are described below: 3.2.1 D Chip Descriptor The D chip descriptor is identical to the 7476 chip de- scriptor (see below). It is included only for compatibility with LOGSIM version 1.0. 3.2.2 JK Chip Descriptor The JK chip descriptor is identical to the 74112 chip descriptor (see below). It is included only for compatibil- ity with LOGSIM version 1.0. LOGSIM 9 3.2.3 7476 Chip Descriptor The 7476 Chip Descriptor represents « of a 7476 chip, and is a negative-edge triggered D flip flop with active-low preset and clear. The pin assignment is: (1) ~Preset; (2) D; (3) Clock; (4) ~Clear; (5) Q; (6) ~Q Function Table Inputs Outputs ~PRE ~CLR CLK D | Q ~Q L L X X | H H L H X X | H L H L X X | L H H H v L | L H H H v H | H L H H X X | Q ~Q 3.2.4 74112 Chip Descriptor The 74112 Chip Descriptor is equivalent to « of a 74112 chip. It represents a negative-edge-triggered JK flip-flop with preset and clear. Both preset and clear are active low. Pin assignment: (1) ~Preset; (2) J; (3) Clock; (4) K; (5) ~Clear; (6) Q; (7) ~Q Function Table Inputs Outputs ~PRE ~CLR CLK J K | Q ~Q L L X X X | H H L H X X X | H L H L X X X | L H H H v L L | Q ~Q v indicates a H H v L H | L H falling edge H H v H L | H L H H v H H | ~Q Q H H H X X | Q ~Q 3.2.5 74123 Chip Descriptor The 74123 chip descriptor represents « of a 74123 chip. Chip delays are the standard 1 + 1 time unit per input driven. Pins 1 and 2 are the A and B inputs of the chip, pin 3 is clear, and pins 4 and 5 are Q and ~Q. A DELAYL gate must be connected between pins 6 and 7 (pin 7 is the output of the DELAYL, 6 the input to the DELAYL). Total pulse duration is equal to the delay of the DELAYL plus the delay at node 6 (driving one output--the DELAYL) plus any delay from the output of the DELAYL to the input of the one- shot. It is a 7-pin chip and is described by the following table: LOGSIM 10 Input Output 1 2 3 7 | Q ~Q 6 X X L X | L H L v H H X | H L H L ^ H X | H L H L H ^ X | H L H X X X v | 6 ~6 L X X X X | Q ~Q L Lines 2 through 4 of the table show the different ways to trigger the one-shot. In addition to the change of Q and ~Q, a low is outputted on pin 6. The pulse continues until the low in seen on pin 7 (delayed by the DELAYL, of course), as shown by line 5. The 6 and ~6 for Q and ~Q in line 5 are to handle the case that the one-shot may have been retrig- gered just as pin 7 falls. These equations force the one- shot to trigger again. 3.2.6 74126 Chip Descriptor The 74126 chip descriptor represents ¬ of a 74126 chip. This is a three-state buffer, where pin 1 is the control, pin 2 the input, and pin 3 the output. Chip delays are the standard 1 + 1 time unit per input driven. It can be de- scribed as follows: Input | Output 1 2 | 3 L X | Z (H in LOGSIM) H L | L H H | H 3.2.7 74192 Chip Descriptor The 74192 chip descriptor represents a standard 74192 counter. The pin assignments are exactly as in the real chip (including pin 8 for ground, and pin 16 for Vcc). Pins 8 & 16 are don't cares--you can tie them to anything without affecting the chip descriptor. 3.2.8 74193 Chip Descriptor The 74193 chip descriptor represents a standard 74193 counter. The pin assignments are exactly as in the real chip (including pin 8 for ground, and pin 16 for Vcc). Pins 8 & 16 are don't cares--you can tie them to anything without affecting the chip descriptor. LOGSIM 11 3.2.9 74253 Chip Descriptor The 74253 chip descriptor represents « of a standard 74253 4-to-1 multiplexer. It is an 8-pin chip and chip de- lays are the standard 1 + 1 time unit per input driven. Pins 1 and 2 are the select lines (pin 2 is most signifi- cant), pin 3 is the active-low output control. If pin 3 is high, the output is forced high. Pins 4 through 7 are the inputs C0 through C3, and pin 8 is the output. The function can be described by the equation: 8 = 3 + (4&~2&~1) + (5&~2&1) + (6&2&~1) + (7&2&1). 3.3 Clocks Syntax: CLOCK [output] [pattern] CLOCKS are inputs from the outside world. They apply a periodic pattern to their output pin. The period is given by the length of the pattern specified. If you want node 21 driven by a clock with a 10 time unit period, of which the first 3 are low and the last 7 are high, that would be rep- resented by the line: CLOCK 21 0001111111. Another example: The line CLOCK 1 1111001 represents a clock driving node 1 with a period of 7, of which the first 4 and last 1 time units are high and the 5th and 6th time units are low. Long series of 1's and 0's can be compressed to the forms "(repeat * 1)" and "(repeat * 0)" respectively. For example, the line "CLOCK 21 0001111111" can be condensed into "CLOCK 21 (3*0)(7*1)". Note that only a single bit can follow the asterisk, trying to represent the pattern 010101 with (3*01) is wrong and WILL NOT WORK. 3.4 Data Sources Syntax: DATA [output] [pattern] DATA SOURCES are inputs from the outside world. They apply a specified pattern to their output pin. Unlike clocks, which continuously repeat their pattern, a data source remains at its last state when the pattern has been exhausted. For example, the line DATA 5 1001 is a data source driving node 5 that starts high, goes low for time units 2 and 3, and then goes high for the rest of eternity. Long series of 1's and 0's can be compressed to the forms "(repeat * 1)" and "(repeat * 0)" respectively. For example, the line "DATA 21 0001111111" can be condensed into "DATA 21 (3*0)(7*1)". Note that only a single bit can fol- low the asterisk, trying to represent the pattern 010101 with (3*01) is wrong and WILL NOT WORK. LOGSIM 12 4. Simulating the Circuit Now that you've described your circuit, LOGSIM can sim- ulate it. By default, LOGSIM uses a constant one time unit delay for every output (regardless of inputs driven), dis- plays on the CRT, and goes for 100 time units. By selecting options, you can change these defaults to better suit your needs. 4.1 Simulation Time Syntax: TIME [end] OR TIME [start] [end] The circuit simulation can last for any number up to 32,767 time units. The default is 100 time units (based on a screen width of 100) but this can be changed with the TIME option. If you change the screen width (with the WIDTH op- tion), the default simulation time will also change to the screen width. The number [end] specified is the time in time units to simulate. For example, TIME 120 will run the simulation for 120 time units. If you choose the second form (TIME [start] [end]) the output from the simulation will only be produced for the times between start and end. For example, TIME 100 200 will simulate the circuit for 200 time units, and the only output that will appear will be that between 100 and 200 time units. 4.2 Rise Time Calculations Syntax: RISE [n] OR RISE VARIABLE OR RISE FIXED Output delays can be calculated in one of three meth- ods. Delays can be constant throughout the circuit (exception: DELAY, DELAYL and DELAYH gates), or delays can be a constant delay plus a certain amount per input the out- put drives. The constant delay and the increment per input depends on what type of element is under consideration. The third method just uses the constant, element-dependant de- lay. These three methods can be expressed as: 1) Delay = n LOGSIM 13 2) Delay = f(element type) + v(element type) * # inputs driven by the output or 3) Delay = f(element type) By default, LOGSIM uses the first form, with a uniform 1 time unit delay for all elements. You can change this with the RISE option. The longest delay possible in LOGSIM is 32,767 time units. To select a uniform delay for all elements (except DELAY gates), use the "RISE n" option. For example, RISE 4 will set the output delay for all elements except DELAY gates to 4 time units. This option overrides all delay for- mulas, including those specified with the GATEDELAY option. To select the fixed + increment delay (#2, above), use the RISE VARIABLE option. If you are using the GATEDELAY option, either RISE VARIABLE or RISE FIXED is also required before those numbers are utilized. To select fixed delay based on element type (#3, above), use the RISE FIXED option. 4.3 Gate Delays Syntax: GATEDELAY [fixed] [variable] By default, all gates in LOGSIM use a delay formula of 1 time unit + 1 time unit per input driven. The GATEDELAY option is used to change the numbers to whatever is re- quired. The formula is always [fixed] + [variable] * number of inputs driven. Example: GATEDELAY 2 0.1 changes the gate delays to 2 time units + 0.1 time units per input driven. Note that unless you use either the RISE VARIABLE or RISE FIXED option, GATEDELAY does not have any effect. 4.4 Initial Conditions Syntax: INITIAL [1st node's value][2nd node's value]...[last node's value] This option allows you to specify the initial state of all the nodes in the circuit (note: it must be ALL, not some). Simply list the logic states (1 or 0) of each node in ascending order after the word INITIAL. For example, INITIAL 00001111 is an 8 node circuit, where the first (lowest numbered) 4 start low and the last 4 high. LOGSIM 14 4.5 Output Modes LOGSIM can output the results of its simulation in one of four ways: it can display on the CRT (the default), write to a file, print using graphics, or a quick-and-dirty print- out. By using the DISPLAY, FILE, PRINT, and FPRINT options, the user can select which of these four methods. Only one method can be used in any given simulation, so including two or more of these option in your circuit descriptor file re- sults in only the last one taking effect. To see samples of all four output modes, execute the batch file OUTSAMPL.BAT. 4.5.1 Display Syntax: DISPLAY LOGSIM will display the timing diagram resulting from the simulation on the CRT. If nodes are selected with the MONITOR option, they will be displayed, otherwise the 20 lowest numbered nodes will be shown. LOGSIM can fit 600 time units (default is only 100) on the screen, and will beep when the screen is full. LOGSIM will then wait until the user presses a key before display- ing the next screenfull. 4.5.2 File Syntax: FILE [filename] LOGSIM will output the circuit timing to the specified file. Every node in the circuit will be listed, even if the MONITOR option has been used. A sample of FILE output, using the circuit 0124, is shown below. LOGSIM 15 Timing List Nodes 000000000 000000000 000001111 Time 123453456 1 001110001 2 011110001 3 011110001 4 011110001 5 111110001 6 111110001 7 111110001 8 011110001 9 011110000 10 011110010 11 011110010 12 111110010 13 111110010 14 111110010 15 011110010 16 011110011 17 011010101 18 011010101 19 111000101 20 111000101 21 111000101 22 011000101 23 011001101 24 010101001 25 010101001 The left-most column is the time in time units. Read- ing down each column, the top is the node number (a four- digit number, i.e. the first node listed is 0001, the next 0002, and so on up to node 0016). Below that, reading ver- tically in each column, is a list of the states for that node. A '1' indicates a logic high, and a '0' indicates a logic low. 4.5.3 Print Syntax: PRINT Use of this option requires that you had previously run the graphics screen dump program (GRAPHICS.COM on PC-DOS, PSC.....COM on MS-DOS, see your DOS manual for more informa- tion). The PRINT option is identical to the DISPLAY option, but at the end of each screenfull, instead of the beep-and- LOGSIM 16 wait routine, LOGSIM copies the screen to the printer. This takes time. 4.5.4 Fprint FPRINT (which stands for Fast PRINT) will print the timing diagram on the printer in the LPT1: slot (a.k.a. prn). It is much faster than the PRINT option, but doesn't look as nice. FPRINT displays the nodes selected with the MONITOR option, or the twenty lowest numbered nodes if the MONITOR option is not used. A sample of FPRINT, from the 0124 sample circuit, look like: Timing List Nodes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | \ | | | | / | | | | | Again, read the node numbers vertically in each column. The timing diagram makes more sense if you rotate the page 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Now, read it like a normal timing diagram, with time increasing to the right. A '\' indicates a rising edge, and a '/' indicates a falling edge. LOGSIM 17 4.6 Time Units per Screen Syntax: WIDTH [n] By default, LOGSIM displays 100 time units per screen (or page) in the DISPLAY and PRINT output modes. You can alter this to anywhere between 10 and 600 time units per screen with the WIDTH option. Example: WIDTH 300 display 300 time units per screen (300 per page in PRINT mode). If the TIME option is not used, and the WIDTH option is, the simulation time will default to the screen width. 4.7 Monitoring nodes Syntax: MONITOR [node] [node] [node] ... MONITOR is used in conjunction with the DISPLAY, PRINT and FPRINT options to select which nodes to display. Up to twenty nodes can be selected in any one simulation. The nodes will be displayed in the order that you list them in the MONITOR option, and you can repeat nodes if you wish. Example: to display nodes 1, 3, 13, 14, 15, and 20, use MONITOR 1 3 13 14 15 20. 4.8 Fanout Lists Syntax: FANOUT OR FANOUT [file] LOGSIM can count the number of inputs that each node is driving. The FANOUT option will have LOGSIM display a list of how many inputs each node is driving. By default, the FANOUT list appears on the CRT, but using the second form (FANOUT [file]) lets you send the output to a file of your choice. For example, FANOUT CKT3FAN writes the fanout list to the file CKT3FAN. 5. Chip Descriptions The hardest and most useful (isn't that always the case) part of LOGSIM lies in its expandability. Only the gates described above are built in to the LOGSIM program. All other chips are included in chip descriptor files. Yes, you can write you own chip descriptors, and now I'm going to tell you how. LOGSIM 18 5.1 Making New Chips To implement a new chip (or macro), you must write a new chip descriptor. A chip descriptor consists of 4 or more lines that functionally describe the chip. The first three lines of a chip descriptor state the number of pins, fixed and variable delay, the mode select pins, and the out- put pins. The remaining lines contain equations for the output pins conditions for the mode pins and in that mode. 5.1.1 Pins, Delay, Mode and Output Pins The first line contains three numbers: the number of pins on this chip, the fixed delay increment and the delay increment. Pins on a chip are numbered sequentially start- ing with 1. The fixed delay [ f(element) ] and delay increment [ v(element) ] are used in computing rise times for the out- puts. See the section on Rise Time Calculations. The fixed delay must be an integral number of time units, but the variable delay can can be in fractions of a time unit (e.g. 0.25) The second line, lists the Mode Select Pins. Mode se- lect pins are used to distinguish between several different behaviors of the chip. For example, in the JK chip descrip- tor, pins 1, 3, and 5 are mode select pins--the ~PRESET, CLOCK, and ~CLEAR pins. A JK flip flop's behavior is dif- ferent depending on the states of the CLEAR, PRESET, and CLOCK lines. Mode select pins are included for convenience, as the JK chip descriptor could be re-written to use only the CLOCK pin as a mode select pin Mode select pins MUST be used for any edge-triggered inputs. Every chip descriptor MUST have at least one mode se- lect pin! The third line lists the output pins for this chip. An output pin is a pin whose state is determined by this chip. The output delay associated with a chip applies between the output pin and the outside world. For use within the same chip, there is only a one time unit delay. For example, in the JK chip descriptor, if the mode select pins fall under the HXH state and there is a 5 time unit delay. The newly determined state for pins 6 and 7 appear 5 time units later, but they are usable in the chip itself one time unit later. LOGSIM 19 5.1.2 Chip Modes Chip modes can be thought of as behavior patterns. For example, a 74193 counter can either be holding the present count, loading a new count with the LOAD pin, clearing to zero with the CLEAR pin, counting up, or counting down. By implementing each of those cases as patterns of mode select pins, the equations are simpler and more intuitively obvi- ous. In order to implement edge-triggered devices (example: the JK flip flop, on which the clock pin is negative-edge triggered), you will have to include the edge-triggered pins among your mode select pins. 5.1.3 Output Equations The fourth and following lines of a chip descriptor de- scribe contain equations describing the chip's function. Each line consists of a mode select pattern, a colon (:), the equations for the output pins in that mode. The equa- tions follow the colon and are separated by commas. THe equations determine the states of the output pins--the first equation goes with the first output pin, the second with the second, etc. The mode select pattern is a description of the state of the mode select pins. To represent this, LOGSIM uses an H to represent a logic high state, an L for low, a X for don't-care, a v for a falling edge, and a ^ for a rising edge. In the JK chip descriptor, the mode select pins are 1, 3, and 5. The mode select pattern "HVH" means that node 1 is high, there is a falling edge on node 3, and node 5 is high. LOGSIM examines each mode select pattern in the order they are listed. The equations associated with the first one mode select pattern that applies are used. Examples: Using the JK chip descriptor (see below), if the current states of pins 1, 3, and 5 are high, low, low, then the equations on the sixth line (with the HXL pattern) are used: pin 6 goes low and pin 7 goes high. If nodes 1 and 5 remain high while node 3 changes from a high to low state, the seventh line (HvH) applies. These equations calculate the new state for the Q and ~Q outputs according to the standard JK truth table. LOGSIM 20 5.2 Sample Chip Descriptions The JK Chip Descriptor This is a small chip descriptor that illustrates all of the design topics discussed above. Examining this chip de- scriptor should dispel any questions about the chip descrip- tor format. The chip descriptor file is: 7 1 1 1 3 5 6 7 LxL: H, H LxH: H, L HxL: L, H HvH: (6 & ~4) + (7 & 2), ~( (6 & ~4) + (7 & 2) ) HxH: ~7, ~6 It is a seven pin chip, with a delay of 1 time unit + 1 per input driven (7 1 1). Pins 1, 3 and 5 are the mode se- lect pins (1 3 5), and pins 6 and 7 are the outputs (6 7). The equations show that both outputs (Q and ~Q) are high when pins 1 and 3 (~PRESET and ~CLEAR) are low. Else if pin 1 is low and pin 5 is high (presetting), pin 6 is high and pin 7 is low. Else if pin 1 is high and pin 5 is low (clearing), pin 6 is low and 7 is high. Else if pins 1 and 5 are high while there is a falling edge on pin 3, pins 6 and 7 follow the standard JK rules (check them--you'll see). Finally, if pins 1 and 5 are high, pins 6 and 7 are inverses of each other ( Q = ~ (~Q) and ~Q = ~(Q) ). 5.3 Simulating ROMS ROMs are easy to simulate. Just use the address lines as the mode select lines and express the output directly. For example, an imaginary 4-word, 4-bit ROM with contents 0001, 0010, 0100, and 1111 in addresses 0, 1, 2, and 3 re- spectively. Pins 1 through 2 are the address inputs, and pins 3 through 6 are the data outputs, delays are 4 time units plus .25 time units per input driven. This can be coded as: 6 4 .25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LL:L,L,L,H LH:L,L,H,L HL:L,H,L,L HH:H,H,H,H Of course, if you can reduce the number of equations, you will only improve LOGSIM's performance. LOGSIM 21 5.4 Simulating RAMS Good Luck! RAMs have to be represented as a group of flip-flops with address decoding and output selection--in other words, you'll have to build every memory cell by hand. This is one item that will be changed in the future. 5.5 Simulating PALs and PLAs This is easier than a ROM, just write the equations down and you're done. For example, consider a 4-input (called A, B, C, and D), 4-output (called W, X, Y, and Z) PAL which implements the equations: W = A+B; X = W*~D; Y = A&B&C&D; Z = ~(A*B) + ~(C&D). We'll use pins 1 through 4 for A through D and pins 5 through 8 for pins W through Z. Since there is no obvious mode select pin, we'll choose pin 1. Use a standard 1 time unit + 1 per input driven delay, and we get: 8 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 X: 1+2, 5*~4, 1&2&3&4, ~(1&2) + ~(3&4) By using pin 1 as a mode select and using the pattern X (don't-care), we meet LOGSIM's requirement for at least one mode select pin and we don't obscure the equations. LOGSIM A Index Chip descriptor, 8, 17 Circuit descriptor, 2 END statement, 2 GRAPHICS.COM, 1 Macro facility see Chip descriptor Output delays, 12 Pin assignments, 8 Precedence, 3 PSCxxxx.COM, 1 Special nodes, 3 Time unit, 1 Wired-ANDed, 3 LOGSIM