.en Enable formatting. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled. If .. this was not the first command in this file then EVERYTHING .. would print. .. .. The next command is the IMMEDIATE ACTION command. The comm- .. and following the ".!!" goes into effect immediately. We .. use it here to select 12 characters per inch (cpi). If we .. selected 12 cpi by placing the backslash command in front .. the first text line, the headers on the first page would .. print at 10 cpi, the default density, because the headers .. are printed before the main text section is analyzed. .!! \| .. .. No font backslash command is in this file, so the entire .. file will print using the default font, FONT1. .. .. IMPTUTR2.TXT - IMAGEPRINT DEMONSTRATION FILE 51123 .. .. .. This file demonstrates all of the ImagePrint formatting and .. backslash commands. Type "IMP80 IMPTUTR2.TXT" to see the .. printed result. Some of the dot formatting commands shown .. here don't contribute to the format of the printed output, .. e.g. setting a parameter to the default value. .. .. Backslash commands are used without comment because they .. are easy to understand and the best way to learn them is to .. see them in use. .. .. Any line starting with a "." is interpreted as a command. .. If the next printable character is another ".", the line is .. ignored. This allows comments to appear in the source text, .. but not be printed. .. .. A two letter command can be separated from the dot in .. column 1 by zero or more spaces. The variable parameter (if .. one is needed), follows the two letter command separated .. from it by zero or more spaces. Each letter of the command .. can be in upper or lower case. A comment can follow the .. variable parameter, separated from it by at least one space. .. The following page length formatting commands are all equiv- .. alent: .. .pl 60 comment - set page length to 60 lines . pl60 . PL 60 set page length to 60 lines .pl60 .pL60 .. .. .ww Word Wrap - enable left and right justification within the .. left and right margins. This is the default state. .. .. .pl 66 Page Length is 66. This is the default value. .. .. .pn 1 Page Number = 1. This is the default starting page number. .. "&&" in the header or footer strings is replaced by the .. current page number. .. .. .oe 5 Odd Extra - Shift everything on odd pages 5 extra columns .. to the right. .ee -5 Even Extra - Shift everything on even pages 5 columns to .. the left. .oe No extra spaces on odd pages. .ee No extra spaces on even pages. .. .. .li 8 8 Lines per Inch (lpi). The default is 6 lpi. .li 6 Change back to 6 lpi. Do not change the inter-line gap .. after you have started printing a document because the paper .. alignment will not be correct. .. .. .sw 65 Set Width of headers and footers to 65 columns. The left .. and right justification and centering of the headers and .. footers will occur within this range. .. .. .. Odd page Headers .oh .oh...\bImagePrint formatting\b \iPage &&\i .oh___________________________________________________________________________ .oh .oh .oh .. .. Even page Headers .eh .eh \iPage &&\i \bImagePrint formatting\b... .eh___________________________________________________________________________ .eh .eh .eh .. .. Odd page Footers .of .of .of___________________________________________________________________________ .of ...format demonstration .of .of .of .of .. .. Even page Footers .ef .ef .ef___________________________________________________________________________ .ef format demonstration... .ef .ef .ef .ef .. .. .lm 5 Left Margin - Set the left margin to the 5th column. .. .rm 60 Right Margin - Set the right margin to the 60th column. .. .. .ce CEnter the next line. The cancel backslash command "\C" is .. used to cancel the bold (\B), underline (\U) and double .. width (\W) commands. .. \u\b\wImagePrint Demonstration\c .ce CEnter the next line. \u\bDot Formatting and Backslash Commands\c .. .. .lf 2 Line Feed - Space down 2 lines. .ti 3 Temporary Indent of 3 from left margin. This is IMPTUTR2.TXT, a demonstration file for ImagePrint \udot\u \uformatting\u and .. .. Here are comment lines right in the middle of the text .. \ubackslash\u commands. This paragraph is left and right justified because Word Wrap mode is enabled. It could be disabled with the ".NW" No Word Wrap command. Each word of this sentence was typed on a separate line. .. .. .fp Force Printing of buffer. .pp New paragraph .. .lm +15 Add 15 to the current Left Margin. .. Let's demonstrate some of the backslash commands: .lf \wThe\w \bquick\b \w\hbrown\w\h \ifox\i jumped \^over\n \b\ithe\b\i \wlazy\w \ucow\u. \i\uThe\i\u \uquick\u \bbrown\b \h\ifox\h\i \i\bjumped\i\b \h\^over\h\n \i\b\wthe\i\b\w \vlazy\n \i\u\w\bcow\i\u\w\b. Notice that the space the backslash commands take up in the file is accounted for when left and right justifying text. The extra width generated by the double width command is also accounted for. .. .lf .lm 5 .rm -15 The left margin has just been set back to the 5th column and .ls 2 the right margin has moved left 15 columns. The line spacing distance has just been changed to cause the text to be printed on every other line. .. .fp .ls Single spaced lines again .rm +15 .. If formatting has been enabled, ImagePrint feeds the paper to the top of the next page when the end-of-file is reached. This is the end of the IMPTUTR2.TXT file. Be sure to look at IMPTUTR2.TXT with your word processor because there are a lot of non-printing comments and explanations contained in it. .. .pa Unconditionally move to the next page. If the paper has .. moved to the top of a new page and no text has printed yet, .. ".pa" will have no effect. .. .. .. This is the end of the demonstration. It was unnecessary .. to force a page feed (".PA"); the paper automatically .. feeds to the top of the next page when ImagePrint finishes .. if formatting had been enabled. .. .. .. Make sure any file submitted to ImagePrint has an end-of- .. file marker character (ASCII 26). Most word processors .. automatically append one. .. It looks like this (may not be visible) -->