You are commander Kludge, who is a hero of the revolution and possibly the best pilot in the resistance. You are in hot pursuit of the Quantoids in your ship, INTUITOR I, and will need all of your skill to rid the galaxy of the Quantoids. Each enemy cruiser is worth different amounts depending on their obnoxiousness and contribution to the downfall of the economies of the world. Quantoids of Nebulus IV is written for 80286 PCs with color graphics and 256K of RAM. The program has been tested on IBM compatible clones, an AT&T 6300, and a Compaq 286 Deskpro. The game appears to run the same on all machines but a bit slower on the non 80286 machines. Even though the game requires a color-graphics adapter, the game is in black and white. Quantoids is created under a concept called Kludgeware. The user is encouraged to order customized versions from Kludgeware for $25. You can list 25 of your worst enemies along with point values and background explanations. The disk includes the following programs: QUANTOID EXE 99546 3-31-87 6:35a Game Program ORDER EXE 36682 3-31-87 6:32a Prints order form READ BAT 98 8-26-87 Instructions SCR1 TXT 1147 8-26-87 first instruct screen SCR2 TXT 1369 8-26-87 second instruct screen