X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse Point Release patch v1.11 2/23/97 Release Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................. Installation Simply unzip the contents of the archive into your Quake\Xmen directory. Make sure you overwrite ALL files if prompted. Please note, that this patch will ONLY WORK WITH THE REGISTERED VERSION OF X-MEN QUAKE. It will not work with the DEMO. .................. Changes This release contains mostly bug-fixes, and gameplay enhancements. The following have been added to the game, as per user request: +Ability to play as an X-Men character in single player mode To enable playing as an X-Men against the clones, simply type "+coop 1" in the Extra Commands box on the front screen of the launcher, then select "Start Game". Alternatively, you can type "coop 1" in the console from within X-Men Quake, and then "map ", where is any single player map, ranging from X1M1 -> X1M5, and X2M1 -> X2M5. +Chasecam mode Type "impulse 40" in the consol to enable the chasecam. Alternatively, type the following in the Extra Commands box in the X-Men Launcher: +bind c "impulse 40" Then, from within the game, press the C key to toggle the chasecam. +Cyborg Player Model This model is viewable whilst playing normal Single Player, and using the chasecam. Bugs fixed: +Die while in chasecam, respawn inside floor +Restart the level if only 1 client and die in coop +Beast can't punch? +Chasecam raised when playing as Storm/Angel (moved up 12 units) +Wolverine needs his powers reversed +The NERD weapon does not work when you switch to it and hit fire. Hiting fire a second time makes it work +The switching weapons is still there in Chasecam mode, should be instant Deathmatch tweaks: +Enhance Bishops energy blast by giving it a blast radius. An explosive sound similar to the miss explosion sound when you hit another player successfully would also help +Increasing the firing rate of Bishop's laser pistols would enhance this character +Speed up Cyclops laser (projectile speed) +Cannonball punch sound when hit +Pheonix tractor damage upon release +Bishop half damage from plasma weapon & NERD weapon +Wolvy jump attack play scraping sounds +Check Rogue punch sound on flying punch enjoy, Zero Gravity Entertainment