This message is to inform you of some changes in Microsoft's plans regarding handheld systems. Based on feedback from customers, we are going to take some time to listen, gather information and re-calibrate our strategy to deliver the best 'Windows Companion' possible. A number of factors have convinced us now is a good time to re-calibrate our product strategy; these include cancellation of the VLSI Polar chipset and all machines based on that chipset, inability of lead OEMs to hit desired price-points with WinPad based machines, OEM concern over existing WinPad hardware requirements and schedule delays, and the timeframe when the first WinPad based machines are planned to enter the market. While there have been a lot of changes, MICROSOFT REMAINS COMMITTED TO THE WINDOWS COMPANION CONCEPT. In fact, to leverage a closer connection to the Windows Desktop, the WinPad group has now moved into the Personal Systems Division. We value your support for Microsoft efforts in the handheld area and look forward to opportunity of working together with you on handheld technology in the future.