Unimodem V Driver (Download: 468KB, Self Extracting Zip File, Published: November 17th, 1995) Unimodem V is Microsoft's newest release of Unimodem, the Windows universal modem driver/telephony service provider for data/fax modems. Unimodem V provides the driver support that sits between telephony applications and voice modems and allows them to work together. This driver adds the most-requested features to support data/fax/voice modems, including wave playback and record to/from the phone line, wave playback and record to/from the handset, and support for speakerphone, Caller ID, distinctive ringing, and call forwarding. IHVs and OEMs can include Unimodem V with voice modem hardware so that telephony applications can run on their hardware. ISVs may want to ship it with telephony applications so that their applications can run on voice modems that may not already include Unimodem V. End Users can use Unimodem V with a telephony application or a voice modem if neither includes Unimodem V. General Download Instructions 1.Double click on unimodv.exe 2.Save it in a folder on your PC. 3.Extract the files from the executable by clicking on the file. 4.Open the readme.txt for further instructions.