Set BIOS to defaults and set only these settings (that is, everything else should remain at defaults):

- Devices and I/O Ports
    - Remote Console Redirection
        Remote Console Serial Port                   [ Enabled ]
        Baud Rate                                    [ (1) ]
        Console Type                                 [ vt100 plus ]
        Flow Control                                 [ CTS/RTS ]
        Continue C.R. after POST:                    [ Enabled ]
- Startup Option
    - Startup Sequence Options
        Fifth Startup Device                         [ (2) ]
        Sixth Startup Device                         [ PCI HDD: ... ]
    Boot Fail Count                                  [ Disabled ]
- Advanced Setup
    - Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) Settings
        - BMC Network Configuration
            IP Source                                [ Static ]
            IP Address                               [ (3) ]
            IP Subnet Mask                           [ (3) ]   
            Default Gateway                          [ (3) ]   
        - BMC COM Port Sharing/Configuration
            Serial Port Access Mode                  [ (4) ]


  1. This should be set to 115200 when using terminal servers, 19200 when using SOL.
  2. This should be set to the on-board Ethernet device the system will boot from only and no other network devices should show up in the startup sequence. If problems with SOL are seen at PXE boot time, then this can be set to the NIC that the system is not set to do SOL over, but this will require both NICs to be cabled.
  3. These settings should be set according to the network configuration, typically using xCAT stage3 instead of the F1 CMOS setup (or CMOSRAM or ASU). If included in the CMOSRAM setup, for a large number of nodes, the stage3 from xCAT should be run afterwards. If setting here (for a few misconfigured nodes or the like) then make sure to hi-light and press <ENTER> on "Save Network Settings in BMC".
  4. This should be left at the default of "BMC Serial Access Shared" unless using SOL, in which case this should be set to "BMC Serial Access Always Available".

To set BIOS and BMC settings that are in the F1 setup with ASU:

<asu> is either asu or asu64

<asu> batch <settings file>

where <settings file> is the following for nodes using SOL for remote console access



loaddefault all
set cmosConsoleConfig "Enabled"
set cmosConsoleBaudRate "19.2K"
set cmosConsoleType "vt100 plus"
set cmosConsoleFlowControl "CTS/RTS"
set cmosConsoleEnAftPst "On"
set cmosIpmiAccessMode "BMC Serial Access Always Available"
set cmosIPLOrder4 "PCI LAN1"
set cmosIPLOrder6 "None"
set cmosBootfcfg "Disabled"

or <settings file> is as follows for nodes using physical serial (normally through a terminal server) for remote console access

Physical Serial


loaddefault all
set cmosConsoleConfig "Enabled"
set cmosConsoleBaudRate "115.2K"
set cmosConsoleType "vt100 plus"
set cmosConsoleFlowControl "CTS/RTS"
set cmosConsoleEnAftPst "On"
set cmosIPLOrder4 "PCI LAN1"
set cmosIPLOrder6 "None"
set cmosBootfcfg "Disabled"