SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9536 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 9/95 ¦ PSF/400: TCP/IP AND 7913 ATTACHED PRINTERS On June 30th, 1995 IBM added TCP/IP support for Print Services Facility for OS/400. (See also BLD FLASH 9527) This announcement included support for 7913 attached IPDS printers such as the 3112, 3116, 3912, 3916, 3812, 3816, 3930, 4028, and 4230. The 7913 is a protocol converter which requires a unique IP address in the network. To configure this address, the customer must use a component of TCP/IP designed to configure diskless systems called the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). BOOTP is a client/server protocol. The 7913 acts as the BOOTP cli- ent. There must also be a BOOTP Server. Currently, TCP/IP for OS/400 does not support the Bootstrap Protocol and therefore, will not act as the BOOTP Server. For this reason, the customer must have an OS/2 or AIX workstation running TCP/IP in their network to act as the BOOTP Server. The 7913 running level 65 (or later) microcode will allow the customer to as- sign the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway information from a local LAN segment and request the 7913 to save this information in FLASH memory. This will allow customer's without an AIX or OS/2 BOOTP Server on the LAN Segment where they desire to install the printer, to preconfigure the 7913's with the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway information to be stored in 7913 FLASH memory. For more details on 7913's and BOOTP requirements, reference the following FLASHes. o BLD FLASH 9429: 7913 - BOOTP Enhancements / Downloading Microcode o BLD FLASH 9444 - I-data 7913 hints and tips o WSC FLASH 9349 - BOOTP requirement for the I-data 7913 Printer LAN At- tachment o BLD FLASH 9422 - I-data 7913 IPDS Printer LAN Attachment Configuration Info $EOM