Why don't my SMFF formulas look right on the 3800-3?


Why don't my SMFF formulas look right on the 3800-3?


  The 38PP unbounded box fonts don't have the accurate character height
  information all the information that DCF needs to format the formula

  If you have the 3820 font library, format with it, then print on the
  3800-3.  For example:

      SCRIPT file (DEV(38PPN) FONTLIB(FONT3820) CHARS(X0T00395)

  Note:  SMFF is SCRIPT Mathematical Formula Formatter, a separately priced
  DCF feature.

  If your source files have the .DF FONT format of the .DF control word, you
  will get INVALID FONT error messages because the .DF FONT control words
  will call out names of fontlib members (X1nnn, X2nnn, etc) that were in the
  38PP fontlib but are not in the 3820 fontlib. If you don't want to modify
  your source files, concatenate your fontlibs with the 3820 fontlib first in
  the concat order.

Last updated: 93/08/04 14:05:02

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