Can I concatenate my page segment or font libraries?


Can I concatenate my page segment or font libraries?


  In VM you can link the various disks as extensions of your A-disk to
  achieve concatenated resource libraries. FLIP will support concatenated
  fontlib disks in VM in Release 4.0.

  In MVS/TSO, an SPE to DCF Release 3.2 was made available with APAR PL44771
  which allows:

  o   Concatenated Font Libraries are allowed with the SCRPTFNT ddname.
  o   Concatenated Segment Libraries are allowed with the SCRPTSEG ddname.
  o   The PROFILE command option can be substituted with the SCRPTPRO ddname
  o   The File command option can be substituted with the SCRPTFIL ddname.

  See the TSO Ehancements Guide (G544-3345) for more information.

Last updated: 93/08/04 14:04:10

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