How do I get my pages to number Page x of y?


How do I get my pages to number Page x of y?


  Set a symbol on the last page of the document to capture the final page
  number. Use that symbol in the running footing.

  Use this code as the last line of the document:

      .se lstpg = &

  Here is an example of a running footing definition:

      .rf on
      .fo right
      Page & of &lstpg.
      .fo on
      .rf off

  Format with at least 2 formatting passes.

  This works fine as long as you, or an application like BookMaster, don't
  mess with the page number symbol.  If you do alter the page number symbol,
  you'll have to go through some extra gyrations to track the actual number
  of physical pages in your document.

Last updated: 93/08/04 14:08:02

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