1 - - - - PROGRAM DIRECTORY: - DOCUMENT LIBRARY FACILITY PROGRAM 5748-XXE - RELEASE 3, MODIFICATION LEVEL 0 0 FEATURES 5194, 5195 0 FMID HSL1302 - DLF FOR OS/VS2 MVS - FEBRUARY 17TH, 1984 1 0 PREFACE + _______ - This program directory contains information necessary to install the Docu- ment Library Facility (DLF) program product base material in an OS/VS2 MVS environment. This directory should be retained for future reference when + _____________________________________________________________ applying maintenance to this product. + ____________________________________ 0 Major topics included in this directory are: 0 * Basic documentation, and general and reference material 0 * Machine readable material, including specifications 0 * Program Support 0 * FE Service Number 0 * Programming systems 0 * Machine configuration required 0 * Pre-requisites 0 * Programming Considerations 0 * Installation procedures - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS + ______________________ - NOTE: If the same SMP control datasets are used DLF Release 2 will be deleted by SMP when DLF Release 3 is installed. 0 NOTE: DCF Release 2 is not compatible with DLF Release 3. 0 Release 3 of the Document Library Facility (DLF) extends the previous release of the DLF with the following operational enhancements, improve- ments, and device support: 0 Additional completion information can be returned to the calling pro- gram when the DLF is called as a subroutine. 0 Addition of the 3375 and 3380 DASD as supported devices. 0 General users can specify a range of user numbers on the LIST DOCUMENT command. 0 In this program directory, any reference made to IBM program products is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program products may be used. - Preface ii 1 0 CONTENTS + ________ - PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Basic Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Optional Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Microfiche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Reference and General Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 MACHINE READABLE MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Basic Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installation - JCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Optional Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 PROGRAM SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Service Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 FE SERVICE NUMBER(S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Service Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 MACHINE CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 PRE-REQUISITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Features/Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SMP Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Additional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 0 PRE-INSTALLATION PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Allocate New Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Increase Size of Existing Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Update SMP Procedures and Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 DLF Specific Pre-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Installation to Target Libraries and DLIBs via SMP . . . . . . . . . . 16 Load SMP Libraries via RECEIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 DLF Specific Tasks Prior to Loading Target Libraries . . . . . . . . 16 Perform SMP APPLY CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Load Target Libraries via APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DLF Specific Tasks After Loading Target Libraries . . . . . . . . . . 17 DLF Specific Tasks Prior to Loading DLIBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Perform SMP ACCEPT CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Load DLIBs via ACCEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 DLF Specific Tasks After Loading DLIBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Install Directly to DLIBs via SMP in Preparation for a SYSGEN . . . . . 23 Execute STAGE 1 SYSGEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Execute STAGE 2 SYSGEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 0 POST INSTALL CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Considerations After Install of other products . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 0 SERVICE LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 - Contents iii 1 0 APPENDIX A. SMP INSTALL LOGIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 0 READER'S COMMENT FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents iv 1 0 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS + _____________________ - Figure 1. Basic Material Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 2. Basic Material Tape Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 3. JCL job for unloading installation JCL from tape. . . . . . 5 Figure 4. FE Service Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 5. New Data Set Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 6. Target Library DD Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 7. Distribution Library DD Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 8. SMPPTS System Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 9. Recommended SMP Work Data Set Allocations . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 10. Sample RECEIVE JCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 11. Sample APPLY CHECK Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 12. Sample APPLY Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 13. Sample JCL to Create the Document Library Data Sets . . . . 18 Figure 14. Sample JCL to initialize the library. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 15. Sample JCL to execute DLF commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Figure 16. Sample ACCEPT CHECK Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Figure 17. Sample ACCEPT Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - List of Illustrations v 1 0 PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION + _____________________ - BASIC DOCUMENTATION + ___________________ - The following publications are distributed with the basic material. For additional copies, contact your IBM representative. 0 * Document Library Facility Licensed Program Specifications, GH20-9164. + _________________________________________________________ 0 * Document Library Facility Diagnosis Guide, SY35-0071. + _________________________________________ 0 This publication provides customers and IBM program support represen- tatives with information for diagnosing program problems. 0 * Document Library Facility Diagnosis Reference, LY35-0072. + _____________________________________________ 0 This publication provides information to diagnose program errors. It describes the general logic flow of the DLF and lists pertinent control blocks and data areas. - OPTIONAL DOCUMENTATION + ______________________ - None - MICROFICHE + __________ - There are no microfiche for this product. - REFERENCE AND GENERAL DOCUMENTATION + ___________________________________ - The following publications are not shipped with the Program Information Department (PID) package, but are related to the installation and execution of this product. You can order publications by contacting your IBM repre- sentative. 0 * Document Composition Facility and Document Library Facility: General + _______________________________________________________________________ Information, GH20-9158. + ___________ 0 This publication describes the DCF and DLF program products, and pro- vides planning information to potential users of the program products. 0 * Document Composition Facility and Document Library Facility Executive + _______________________________________________________________________ Overview and Product Summary, GX20-2332. + ____________________________ - Program Documentation 1 1 0 This card summarizes the functions of both of these products and illus- trates their potential operating environments. 0 * Document Library Facility Guide, SH20-9165. + _______________________________ 0 This publication describes what a document library is, how to set one up, and the functions that can be performed by using the DLF commands. 0 * Document Library Facility Messages, SH35-0049. + __________________________________ 0 This publication documents DLF messages and suggests actions to be tak- en. 0 * OS/VS2 Access Method Services, GC26-3841. + _____________________________ 0 This publication describes the use of Access Method Services commands, a group of utility functions vital to Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). This publication provides VSAM information required to use Access Method Services to establish and maintain data sets. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Program Documentation 2 1 0 * OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Supervisor, GC28-0628. + _____________________________________________ 0 This publication describes supervisory facilities that can be influ- enced by the system programmer. 0 * OS/VS SMP System Programmer's Guide, GC28-0673. + ___________________________________ 0 This publication contains information necessary to utilize the System Modification Program. 0 * OS/VS2 JCL, GC28-0692. + __________ 0 This publication decribes the JCL parameters for OS/VS2. 0 * OS/VS2 MVS Utilities, GC26-3902. + ____________________ 0 This publication contains OS/VS2 utilities useful in installation 0 * OS/VS2 System Programming Library: Initialization and Tuning Guide, + ______________________________________________________________________ GC28-0755. 0 This publication describes PARMLIB parameters and processes related to IPL, specifically the establishing of the DLF load module library as Authorized Program Facility (APF) authorized. - - - - - - - - - - - Program Documentation 3 1 0 MACHINE READABLE MATERIAL + _________________________ - The machine readable material includes basic material only. - BASIC MATERIAL + ______________ - The distribution media for DLF is a standard-labeled 9-track tape, written at either 1600 or 6250 BPI. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TRACK/ FEATURE # EXTERNAL | | DENSITY TAPE LABEL VOLSER | | | | 9/1600 5194 48XXEM0R35194 SL1302 | | | | 9/6250 5195 48XXEM0R35195 SL1302 | | | | Figure 1. Basic Material Tape | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FILE NAME BLKSIZE | | | | 1 SMPMCS 006480 | | | | 2 HSL1302.F1 006144 | | DLFDIST 0067 MASTER(S)/ 0000 ALIAS(ES) | | | | 3 HSL1302.F2 003120 | | ADLFMACS 0003 MASTER(S)/ 0000 ALIAS(ES) | | ADLFSAMP 0012 MASTER(S)/ 0000 ALIAS(ES) | | | | 4 HSL1302.F3 003120 | | ADLFASM 0002 MASTER(S)/ 0000 ALIAS(ES) | | | | Figure 2. Basic Material Tape Contents | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 File 1 of this tape contains the System Modification Program (SMP) control statements in RELFILE format. All subsequent files contain IEBCOPY UNLOADED partitioned data sets that SMP processes. - - - - Machine Readable Material 4 1 0 INSTALLATION - JCL + __________________ - The JCL examples, from this directory may be unloaded into a dataset prior to the SMP installation. This would make the examples available for modifi- cation and use on your system. 0 Unload File 3 of the Distribution tape to receive the JCL for unloading the tape and SMP installation. 0 The following JCL will allocate the dataset and unload file 3. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //INSTALL JOB (ACCT),'NAME',CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=2 | | //* UNLOAD SMP INSTALLATION JCL FROM TAPE | | //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY | | //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A | | //IN DD DSN=HSL1302.F2,UNIT=TAPE,LABEL=(3,SL), | | // VOL=SER=SL1302,DISP=(OLD,KEEP) | | //OUT DD DSN=DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), | | // UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,DCB=SYS1.PROCLIB, | | // SPACE=(CYL,(1,1,12)) | | //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) | | //SYSIN DD * | | COPY OUTDD=OUT,INDD=IN | | /* | | // | | | | Figure 3. JCL job for unloading installation JCL from tape. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 After loading file 3 into the dataset DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB the following members may be used to aid in SMP installation. 0 DSMIVL3A- New Data Set Allocation. 0 DSMIVL3B- Target library DD Statements. 0 DSMIVL3C- Distribution Library DD Statements. 0 DSMIVL3D- Recommended SMP Work Data Set Allocations. 0 DSMIVL3E- Sample RECEIVE JCL. 0 DSMIVL3F- Sample APPLY CHECK Procedure. 0 DSMIVL3G- Sample APPLY Procedure. 0 DSMIVL3H- Sample ACCEPT CHECK Procedure. 0 DSMIVL3I- Sample ACCEPT Procedure. - - Machine Readable Material 5 1 0 OPTIONAL MATERIAL + _________________ - None (This product in not shipped in SOURCE form.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Machine Readable Material 6 1 0 PROGRAM SUPPORT + _______________ - SERVICE PROCEDURES + __________________ - If you have applied all current fixes and still encounter difficulties using this program, refer to the Document Library Facility Diagnosis Guide. + _________________________________________ If reference to this manual does not solve your problems, then call your IBM Support Center per instructions in the memo to users for this program. If the IBM Support Center representative requests APAR documentation, sub- mit it to the following address: 0 APAR Processing Center IBM Corporation P.O. Box 27460 Tucson, AZ 85726 0 To ensure a timely response, make APAR supporting material as complete as possible. 0 If prepaid mailing labels are used, please include a return address. - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Program Support 7 1 0 FE SERVICE NUMBER(S) + ____________________ - The Field Engineering Service Number is: 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | FMID COMPONENT ID FESN | | | | | | HSL1302 5748-XXE 659-6503 | | | | | | | | Figure 4. FE Service Numbers | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - SERVICE CLASSIFICATION + ______________________ - This program is classified as a Licensed Product. Contact your IBM Market- ing Representative or IBM Support Center for information concerning avail- able Program Services. - - - - - - - - - - - FE Service Number(s) 8 1 0 PROGRAMMING SYSTEMS + ___________________ - 1. The DLF will run in the following operating system environment: 0 * OS/VS2 MVS SP Rel. 1.3.0 0 This product will run under subsequent releases and modification levels of the operating system unless otherwise identified. 0 2. System Modification Program (SMP) level 4 or higher should be used for installation. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Programming Systems 9 1 0 MACHINE CONFIGURATION + _____________________ - The minimum machine configuration required to compile and execute DLF is: 0 A batch environment on all IBM System/370 Models 148 and above, the IBM 3031 and above processors, and the IBM 4341 processors that are supported by OS/VS2 MVS SP Release 1.3.0. 0 Floating point hardware is required. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Machine Configuration 10 1 0 PRE-REQUISITES + ______________ - FEATURES/FUNCTIONS + __________________ - Pre-requisites for the DLF are: 0 * Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) 0 * Authorized Program Facility (APF) - SMP LOGIC + _________ - The SMP install logic for the DLF is contained in the APPENDIX and identi- fies additional requisite SYSMODs if any. - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS + _______________________ - Each installation should ensure that IBM is contacted PRIOR TO THE SYSTEM DEFINITION of the Document Library Facility program product to obtain all current information. 0 Before installing this product, contact your IBM Support Center. They will have access to an installation information record (Preventive Service Plan- ning (PSP) bucket) which may contain updates to these installation proce- dures. 0 This information can be found in the RETAIN PSP bucket in upgrade DCF300, subset HSL1302. - - - - - - - Pre-requisites 11 1 0 PRE-INSTALLATION PROCEDURES + ___________________________ - ALLOCATE NEW DATA SETS + ______________________ - Allocate the following new data sets prior to the installation of DLF. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3A), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | //DLFDIST DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFDIST,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=6144), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(40,1,12)) | | | | //DLFSAMP DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFSAMP,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(2,1,5)) | | | | //ADLFSAMP DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFSAMP,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(2,1,5)) | | | | //DLFMACS DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFMACS,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(2,1,2)) | | | | //ADLFMACS DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFMACS,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(2,1,2)) | | | | //DLFASM DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFASM,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(17,1,2)) | | | | //ADLFASM DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFASM,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120), | | // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,SPACE=(TRK,(17,1,2)) | | | | //DLFLOAD DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFLOAD,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), | | // UNIT=xxxx,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1,5)),VOL=SER=nnnnnn, | | // DCB=SYS1.LINKLIB | | | | NOTE: | | | | 1. SPACE Allocations are calculated for 3330 Devices | | 2. DLFLOAD MUST be an authorized program library. | | 3. If installing the DCF DLF Environment Feature (JSR1311), | | the DLFLOAD space allocation should be (CYL,(20,10,10)). | | | | Figure 5. New Data Set Allocation | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Pre-Installation Procedures 12 1 0 INCREASE SIZE OF EXISTING DATASETS + __________________________________ - No additional space is required. - UPDATE SMP PROCEDURES AND DATASETS + __________________________________ - All SMP install steps assume the existence of a cataloged procedure called SMPPROC containing all necessary DD statements for the execution of SMP. If your SMP proc is not named "SMPPROC" substitute your proc name for "SMPPROC" where appropriate. If you do not have an SMP proc, you can obtain one from the IPO system, or you can find instructions for building one in the SMP System Programmers Guide (GC28-0673). The step name in "SMPPROC" is assumed to be "SMP". If your SMP proc step name is not "SMP" substitute your step name for "SMP" where appropriate. - 1. The following target library DD statements are required in the SMP proc for APPLY and RESTORE. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3B), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | //DLFLOAD DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFLOAD,DISP=OLD | | //DLFASM DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFASM,DISP=OLD | | //DLFMACS DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFMACS,DISP=OLD | | //DLFSAMP DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFSAMP,DISP=OLD | | | | Figure 6. Target Library DD Statements | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 2. The following distribution library DD statements are required in the SMP proc for RESTORE and ACCEPT: This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3C), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | //DLFDIST DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFDIST,DISP=OLD | | //ADLFASM DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFASM,DISP=OLD | | //ADLFMACS DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFMACS,DISP=OLD | | //ADLFSAMP DD DSN=DLF.R30.ADLFSAMP,DISP=OLD | | | | Figure 7. Distribution Library DD Statements | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 3. The SMPPTS SYSTEM entry should specify the recommended values for: - - 0 Pre-Installation Procedures 13 1 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SUB-ENTRY VALUE | | | | DSSPACE (50,20,100) (or greater) | | | | PEMAX 999 (or greater) | | | | Figure 8. SMPPTS System Entries | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 See the SMP System Programmer's Guide for instructions on updating the SMPPTS. 0 4. The recommended sizes of the SMP work data sets are: 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | //SMPWRK1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,27)), | | // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200,DSORG=PO) | | | | //SMPWRK2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,27)), | | // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200,DSORG=PO) | | | | //SMPWRK3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,27)), | | // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200,DSORG=PO) | | | | //SMPWRK4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,27)), | | // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200,DSORG=PO) | | | | //SMPWRK5 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,1,27)), | | // DCB=(BLKSIZE=13030,DSORG=PO,RECFM=U) | | | | NOTE: SPACE Allocations are calculated for 3330 Devices | | | | NOTE: This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3D), | | see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. | | | | Figure 9. Recommended SMP Work Data Set Allocations | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 0 5. Review the program directories for any associated features and products your installation will use. These might be: 0 * Document Composition Facility (DCF) Product (HSR1302) 0 * DCF/DLF feature (JSR1311) 0 This review should be conducted to ensure that any prerequisites required for the feature(s) are available. 0 If DCF will be installed, install the tapes in the following order: 0 a. HSL1302 0 b. HSR1302 - Pre-Installation Procedures 14 1 0 c. JSR1311 0 NOTE: Because of a change to the DCF/DLF interface, DCF Release 2 is not compatible with DLF Release 3. Also DLF Release 2 is not compat- ible with DCF Release 3. - DLF SPECIFIC PRE-INSTALLATION TASKS + ___________________________________ - Not Applicable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pre-Installation Procedures 15 1 0 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES + _______________________ - INSTALLATION TO TARGET LIBRARIES AND DLIBS VIA SMP + __________________________________________________ - Take the following steps to install the DLF to both the target libraries and the distribution libraries via SMP: - LOAD SMP LIBRARIES VIA RECEIVE + ______________________________ - Execute the following SMP job to unload DLF data from the install tape onto the SMP data sets (SMPPTS and temporary data sets). This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3E), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //JOB1 JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //RECEIVE EXEC SMPPROC | | //SMP.SMPPTFIN DD DSN=SMPMCS,DISP=(OLD,PASS), | | // VOL=SER=SL1302,LABEL=(1,SL), | | // UNIT=(tape,,DEFER) | | //SMP.SMPTLIB DD UNIT=xxxx,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=nnnnnn | | //SMP.SMPCNTL DD * | | RECEIVE S(HSL1302). | | /* | | | | Figure 10. Sample RECEIVE JCL | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - DLF SPECIFIC TASKS PRIOR TO LOADING TARGET LIBRARIES + ____________________________________________________ - Not Applicable - PERFORM SMP APPLY CHECK + _______________________ - Execute SMP using APPLY CHECK and analyze the output to determine what SYS- MODS, if any, are missing. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3F), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. Due to HMA4441 messages you can expect a return code of '4'. Any other error conditions must be investigated. Receive the missing SYSMODS if any, before continuing to install the DLF. - - Installation Procedures 16 1 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //JOB2 JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //APPLY EXEC SMPPROC | | //SMP.SMPTLIB DD UNIT=xxxx,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=nnnnnn | | //SMP.SMPCNTL DD * | | APPLY CHECK G(HSL1302) DIS(WRITE) . | | /* | | | | Figure 11. Sample APPLY CHECK Procedure | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - LOAD TARGET LIBRARIES VIA APPLY + _______________________________ - Execute the following SMP job to cause SMP to load the target system libraries from the SMP temporary data sets. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3G), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. Due to HMA4441 messages you can expect a return code of '4'. Any other error conditions must be investigated. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //JOB3 JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //APPLY EXEC SMPPROC | | //SMP.SMPTLIB DD UNIT=xxxx,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=nnnnnn | | //SMP.SMPCNTL DD * | | APPLY G(HSL1302) DIS(WRITE) C(ALL). | | /* | | | | Figure 12. Sample APPLY Procedure | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - DLF SPECIFIC TASKS AFTER LOADING TARGET LIBRARIES + _________________________________________________ - Use the following Installation Verification Procedure to ensure that the DLF functions correctly. The installation verification jobs described in steps 2 through 4 are included as members DSMIVL30, DSMIVL31, and DSMIVL32 in the DLFSAMP target library. Edit these JCL statements to fit your installation and then use them to run the sample IVP. 0 1. If you choose, define a VSAM user catalog. Refer to OS/VS2 Access + _____________ Method Services, for information on VSAM catalogs and the use of the + _______________ DEFINE commands. In order to have password protection for your docu- ment library, you must password protect the catalog in which the docu- ment library data sets are defined. 0 2. Define the VSAM data sets for the document library, either in the VSAM master catalog or in a user catalog. You must use the VSAM Access Method Services DEFINE CLUSTER command to create each of the two required data sets. (See OS/VS2 Access Method Services.) + _____________________________ - Installation Procedures 17 1 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //DEFLIBS JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //************************************************* | | //* DEFINE THE DOCUMENT LIBRARY FACILITY CLUSTERS | | //************************************************* | | //DEFLIBS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=512K | | //STEPCAT DD DSN=VSAMCAT,DISP=SHR | | //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A | | //DLFVOL DD UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=nnnnnn,DISP=OLD | | //SYSIN DD * | | DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME (IVPTEST.DIRECTRY) - | | FILE (DLFVOL) VOLUMES (nnnnnn) - | | CYLINDERS (2) RECORDSIZE (64 256) - | | FREESPACE (50 50) SHAREOPTIONS (2) - | | ERASE SPEED INDEXED KEYS (30 0) IMBED - | | READPW (RPASS)) - | | INDEX (NAME(IVPTEST.DIRECTRY.INDEX) - | | CONTROLINTERVALSIZE (1024)) - | | DATA (NAME(IVPTEST.DIRECTRY.DATA) - | | CONTROLINTERVALSIZE (2048)) | | DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME (IVPTEST.SOURCE) - | | FILE (DLFVOL) VOLUMES (nnnnnn) - | | CYLINDERS (5) RECORDSIZE (4089 4089) - | | SHAREOPTIONS (2) ERASE - | | SPEED NONINDEXED READPW (RPASS) - | | CONTROLINTERVALSIZE (4096)) - | | DATA(NAME(IVPTEST.SOURCE.DATA)) | | /* | | | | NOTE: | | | | a. SHAREOPTIONS must be specified as shown. | | b. A VSAM user catalog (VSAMCAT) is assumed to be present. | | If the VSAM data space for DLF is in the master catalog, | | the STEPCAT DD card must be removed. | | | | Figure 13. Sample JCL to Create the Document Library Data Sets | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - - - - - 0 Installation Procedures 18 1 0 3. Use DSMSPEXC to set up a test document library. To initialize the library , issue a DEFINE SYSTEM command followed by a DEFINE USER com- mand for a DLF administrator in the same JOB step. Refer to the Docu- + _____ ment Library Facility Guide, for more information on setting up a + _____________________________ document library. 0 NOTE: Columns 73-80 of DLF command statements are not reserved for sequence numbers. To avoid command statement errors, be sure these statements are not sequence numbered. 0 You can expect the following system messages at this time. They can be ignored: 0 * IEC130I DSMINDIR DD STATEMENT MISSING * IEC070I 104-203, ..., ... DSMPTLIB, ... 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //INITSYS JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //******************************************** | | //* DEFINE THE SYSTEM AND AN ADMINISTRATOR | | //******************************************** | | //DLFINIT EXEC PGM=DSMSPEXC,REGION=512K,PARM='LIST' | | //STEPLIB DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFLOAD,DISP=SHR | | //STEPCAT DD DSN=VSAMCAT,DISP=SHR | | //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A | | //DSMLIST DD SYSOUT=A | | //DSMPTDIR DD DSN=IVPTEST.DIRECTRY,DISP=OLD | | //DSMPTLIB DD DSN=IVPTEST.SOURCE,DISP=OLD | | //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A | | //SYSIN DD * | | DEFINE SYSTEM | | DEFINE USER 111 PASSWORD(/PASS) ADM | | /* | | | | NOTE: This JOB assumes a VSAM user catalog (VSAMCAT). | | If the VSAM data space for DLF is in the master catalog, | | the STEPCAT DD card must be removed. | | | | Figure 14. Sample JCL to initialize the library. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - - - - - Installation Procedures 19 1 0 4. Execute the job containing sample DLF commands. You can verify that the DLF has been correctly installed by executing a typical IMPORT and EXPORT function. In this case, the output produced by EXPORT is a copy of the sample data included for the IMPORT command. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //SAMPDOC JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //*********************** | | //* RUN A SAMPLE JOB | | //*********************** | | //RUNSAMP EXEC PGM=DSMSPEXC,REGION=512K,PARM='LIST' | | //STEPLIB DD DSN=DLF.R30.DLFLOAD,DISP=SHR | | //STEPCAT DD DSN=VSAMCAT,DISP=SHR | | //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A | | //DSMLIST DD SYSOUT=A | | //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A | | //DSMINDIR DD DSN=IVPTEST.DIRECTRY,DISP=SHR | | //DSMINLIB DD DSN=IVPTEST.SOURCE,DISP=SHR | | //DSMPTDIR DD DSN=IVPTEST.DIRECTRY,DISP=OLD | | //DSMPTLIB DD DSN=IVPTEST.SOURCE,DISP=OLD | | //TESTDATA DD * | | ******************* RECORD 01 ******************* | | * RECORD 02 * | | * RECORD 03 * | | * RECORD 04 * | | * RECORD 05 * | | * RECORD 06 * | | * RECORD 07 * | | * RECORD 08 * | | * RECORD 09 * | | ******************* RECORD 10 ******************* | | /* | | //SYSIN DD * | | AUTH 111/PASS | | IMPORT DOCUMENT FROM(TESTDATA) | | EXPORT DOCUMENT TO(DSMLIST) | | /* | | | | NOTE: This JOB assumes a VSAM user catalog (VSAMCAT). | | If the VSAM data space for DLF is in the master catalog, | | the STEPCAT DD card must be removed. | | | | Figure 15. Sample JCL to execute DLF commands. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - - - 0 Installation Procedures 20 1 0 DLF SPECIFIC TASKS PRIOR TO LOADING DLIBS + _________________________________________ - Not Applicable - PERFORM SMP ACCEPT CHECK + ________________________ - Execute SMP using ACCEPT CHECK and analyze the output to determine what SYSMODS, if any, are missing. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3H), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. Missing SYSMODS should then be obtained before continuing the installation of DLF. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //JOB4 JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //ACCEPT EXEC SMPPROC | | //SMP.SMPTLIB DD UNIT=xxxx,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=nnnnnn | | //SMP.SMPCNTL DD * | | ACCEPT CHECK G(HSL1302) DIS(WRITE) . | | /* | | | | Figure 16. Sample ACCEPT CHECK Procedure | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - LOAD DLIBS VIA ACCEPT + _____________________ - Execute the following SMP job to cause SMP to load the distribution libraries from the SMP temporary data sets. This JCL exists in DLFR3BAS.JCLLIB(DSMIVL3I), see "Installation - JCL" on page 5 for details. 0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //JOB5 JOB 'ACCOUNT #','NAME',MSGLEVEL=(1,1) | | //ACCEPT EXEC SMPPROC | | //SMP.SMPTLIB DD UNIT=xxxx,DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=nnnnnn | | //SMP.SMPCNTL DD * | | ACCEPT G(HSL1302) DIS(WRITE) C(ALL). | | /* | | | | Figure 17. Sample ACCEPT Procedure | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - DLF SPECIFIC TASKS AFTER LOADING DLIBS + ______________________________________ - Prepare to use the DLF. The steps required depend on whether you are a new or current DLF user. - Installation Procedures 21 1 0 * If you are a new DLF user, define the document library for your instal- lation as described in the Document Library Facility Guide, Chapter 6, + ________________________________ "Setting Up the Document Library." 0 * If you are currently using Release 1 of the DLF, the structure of the library data sets changed from Release 1 to Release 3. Appendix A of the Document Library Facility Guide, describes the process for convert- + _______________________________ ing from Release 1 to Release 3. 0 * If you are currently using Release 2 of the DLF, the structure of the library data sets is the same for Release 3. No conversion is required. 0 You may now want to re-run the Installation Verification Procedure (See "DLF Specific Tasks After Loading Target Libraries" on page 17). At this point you must modify the JCL to use your installations Document Library. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation Procedures 22 1 0 INSTALL DIRECTLY TO DLIBS VIA SMP IN PREPARATION FOR A SYSGEN + _____________________________________________________________ - Not Applicable - EXECUTE STAGE 1 SYSGEN + ______________________ - Not Applicable - EXECUTE STAGE 2 SYSGEN + ______________________ - Not Applicable - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installation Procedures 23 1 0 POST INSTALL CONSIDERATIONS + ___________________________ - Not Applicable - CONSIDERATIONS AFTER INSTALL OF OTHER PRODUCTS + ______________________________________________ - Not Applicable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post Install Considerations 24 1 0 SERVICE LEVEL + _____________ - An installation test for DLF has been conducted at an OS/VS2 MVS service level that includes the 8209 PUT tape. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Service Level 25 1 0 APPENDIX A. SMP INSTALL LOGIC + _____________________________ - The SMP install logic listed in this section is for information only. ++FUNCTION(HSL1302) FESN(6296503) /* TIME=08.21.00 DATE=11/21/83 */ FILES( 3 ) /* THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM - 5748-XXE COPYRIGHT IBM CORP 1978, 1983 LICENSED MATERIAL - PROGRAM PROPERTY OF IBM REFER TO COPYRIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FORM NUMBER G120-2083 */ . ++VER(Z038) DELETE(HSL1200,HSL1202) . ++JCLIN . //LINKDLF EXEC PGM=HEWL,REGION=768K, // PARM='XREF,LIST,LET,NCAL,AC=1,SIZE=(396K,96K)' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1)) //DLFDIST DD DISP=OLD,DSN=DLF.R30.DLFDIST //SYSLMOD DD DISP=OLD,DSN=DLF.R30.DLFLOAD //SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPEXC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPACT) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPARC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPAUT) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCLO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCMD) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPD) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPI) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPL) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPCPY) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAD) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAF) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAL) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAM) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAS) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDAU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDEF) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDSI) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDSO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPDYN) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPEXI) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPEXP) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPGCL) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPGNX) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPILU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPIMP) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPINT) - Appendix A. SMP Install Logic 26 1 0 INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLBI) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLBO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLID) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIF) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIL) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIM) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIS) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLIU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPLSV) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPMSG) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPOLU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPAS) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPIN) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPRO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUD) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUF) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUL) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUM) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUR) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPPUU) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPQNM) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPRDC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPRED) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPRET) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSCN) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSIC) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSMF) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSOP) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSPG) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSYX) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPSYY) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPTPO) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPTRM) ORDER DSMSPEXC ORDER DSMSPSPG(P) ENTRY DSMSPEXC NAME DSMSPEXC(R) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPHSH) ENTRY DSMSPHSH NAME DSMSPHSH(R) INCLUDE DLFDIST(DSMSPUXI) ENTRY DSMSPUXI NAME DSMSPUXI(R) ++MOD (DSMSPACT) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPARC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPAUT) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCLO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCMD) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCPD) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCPI) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCPL) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCPO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPCPU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). - Appendix A. SMP Install Logic 27 1 0 ++MOD (DSMSPCPY) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAD) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAF) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAL) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAM) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAS) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDAU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDEF) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDSI) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDSO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPDYN) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPEXC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPEXI) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPEXP) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPGCL) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPGNX) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPHSH) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPILU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPIMP) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPINT) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLBI) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLBO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLID) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIF) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIL) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIM) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIS) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLIU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPLSV) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPMSG) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPOLU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPAS) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPIN) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPRO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUD) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUF) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUL) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUM) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUR) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPPUU) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPQNM) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPRDC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPRED) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPRET) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSCN) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSIC) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSMF) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSOP) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSPG) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSYX) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPSYY) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPTPO) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). - Appendix A. SMP Install Logic 28 1 0 ++MOD (DSMSPTRM) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MOD (DSMSPUXI) DISTLIB(DLFDIST) RELFILE(1 ). ++MAC (DSMGDER) DISTLIB(ADLFMACS) SYSLIB(DLFMACS) ASSEM(DSMSPUXI) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMGUMR) DISTLIB(ADLFMACS) SYSLIB(DLFMACS) ASSEM(DSMSPUXI) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMGUPR) DISTLIB(ADLFMACS) SYSLIB(DLFMACS) ASSEM(DSMSPUXI) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL30) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL31) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL32) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3A) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3B) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3C) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3D) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3E) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3F) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3G) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3H) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++MAC (DSMIVL3I) DISTLIB(ADLFSAMP) SYSLIB(DLFSAMP) RELFILE(2 ). ++SRC (DSMSPMSG) DISTLIB(ADLFASM ) SYSLIB(DLFASM) RELFILE(3 ). ++SRC (DSMSPUXI) DISTLIB(ADLFASM ) SYSLIB(DLFASM) RELFILE(3 ). - - - - - - - - - - - - Appendix A. SMP Install Logic 29 1 0 READER'S COMMENT FORM + _____________________ - Document Library Facility - HSL1302 0 This form may be used to communicate your views about this publication. They will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, is necessary. 0 IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. You may, of course, continue to use the information you supply. 0 NOTE: COPIES OF IBM PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT STOCKED AT THE LOCATION TO WHICH THIS FORM IS ADDRESSED. PLEASE DIRECT ANY REQUESTS FOR COPIES OF PUBLICA- TIONS, OR FOR ASSISTANCE IN USING YOUR IBM SYSTEM, TO YOUR IBM REPRESEN- TATIVE OR TO THE IBM BRANCH OFFICE SERVING YOUR LOCALITY. 0 Possible topics for comments are: 0 * Clarity 0 * Accuracy 0 * Completeness 0 * Organization - - - - - - - - - - Reader's Comment Form 30 1 0 Thank you for your cooperation. When completed, you may mail this form to the following address: 0 International Business Machines Corporation Department 70R, Building 301 Tucson, AZ 85744 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reader's Comment Form 31 1$$$ END OF DOCUMENT $$$