SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9631 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 8/96 ¦ 3130: TCP/IP-LPR PERFORMANCE DELAY'S (Updated 8/2/96) Many customer's have experienced 60-90 second delays from the time they sub- mit a print job using LPR, to the time the job actually reaches the 3130 queue. This delay has also been seen using various other TCP/IP functions such as lpq. In some cases it may even cause a 'FAILURE TO PING' problem. The cause in many cases is an invalid Name Server IP Address configured in the 3130 'Attachments> TCP/IP System' menu. Note a Name Server is not re- quired but should be a valid ip address or properly cleared, if not in use. If not properly cleared, you may not be able to see the name server ip ad- dress via the operator panel, but it will still reside in the internal TCP/IP configuration. Development is currently working to resolve this problem. If experiencing these delays, please use the following procedure to clear the NAME SERVER IP ADDRESS field. On the 3130 Operator Panel: 1. Go into Attachments, TCP/IP System, Name Server IP Address 2. Change the Name Server IP Address to something simple, like 1. 3. Save the configuration, and disable the Token Ring or Ethernet Attachment being used. 4. Re-enable the Token Ring or Ethernet Attachment. 5. Go back into Attachments, TCP/IP System, Name Server IP Address 6. CLEAR (or Cancel) the Name Server IP Address (Make sure it's EMPTY) 7. Save the configuration, disable the Token Ring or Ethernet Attachment. 8. Re-enable the Token Ring or Ethernet Attachment 9. Try your prints again. $EOM