*********************** * SUBSET HMOS100/9704 * *********************** This subset contains installation information for IP PRINTWAY Version 2, Release 2, Modification 2. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 97/11/05 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. 98/07/15 DOCUMENTATION CHANGES 3. 99/12/02 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 00/07/13 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 02/10/23 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 4 00/07/13 OW44788 UW71810 0007 HIPER HIGH CPU UTILIZATION AND 3 00/05/12 OW44111 UW69815 0005 HIPER MSGANFM601I SUCCESSFULL 2 00/04/24 OW40423 UW66714 0001 HIPER IP PRINTWAY QUEUE FILE NOT 1. 97/01/30 OW23536 UW35477 9701 ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 3. 97/11/05 MSGIEW2609W and MSGIEW2454W may be received on the APPLY and/or ACCEPT of PRINTWAY. These can be safely ignored. They occur because PRINTWAY uses CALLLIBS. When CALLLIBS is used, SMPE runs link-edit twice. The first time is to load the SMPLTS (it uses the NCAL option and does not try to resolve external references or attributes). The second time link-edit is run all symbols and attribute conflicts should be resolved , return code 0 (zero) should be received. 2. 97/01/28 Program Directory Section 6.3, Activating IP PrintWay: The information in the IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, must be used to complete the customization for IP PrintWay. The Program Directory contains only a summary of the steps that are involved. 1. 97/01/28 Program Directory Section 6.2.7, Update MVS System Environment: PARMLIB considerations for Language Environment: IP PrintWay requires the CEE.V1RxM0.SCEERUN data set of Language Environment during execution. You may either: 1) Place SCEERUN in the LINKLST prior to any other language runtime data set OR 2) Place SCEERUN in the STEPLIB of the IP PrintWay startup proc. If the STEPLIB approach is going to be used, then the SCEERUN data set must also be APF-authorized. Note: Placing SCEERUN in the LINKLST might have ramifications to other IBM products, vendor programs, and user-written applications. Please refer to the Language Environment Runtime Migration Guide, SC26-8232, for details. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 3. 97/11/11 There is some confusion on the number of transmission queue data sets that are needed in a multiple fss (multi-fss) environment. Chapter 3 of the PrintWay Guide under "ANFQUEUE DD..." has a NOTE that states, "Specify a different transmission queue data set for each PrintWay FSS." This should be removed (ignored). As in the following section it explains that you can also share one transmis- sion queue data set between multiple FSS's. How each shop works depends on their needs. 2. 97/01/28 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: Under the heading "Using the PrintWay Initialization EXEC": To use the PrintWay initialization EXEC, ANFINIT, you can either copy it and all the other members of the SANFEXEC data set to a local library that is concatenated to SYSEXEC in the TSO logon procedure, or you can add the ANF.SANFEXEC library to the concatenation on the SYSEXEC DD statement. 1. 97/01/28 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: The following information should be added under the heading "Enabling PrintWay ISPF Panels": Providing Access to Other Required Libraries -------------------------------------------- Users of PrintWay ISPF panels require access to the PrintWay modules in the ANF.SANFLOAD library. If ANF.SANFLOAD was not included in the system link list, then it must be specified in the TSO logon procedure as part of either the ISPLLIB or STEPLIB concatenation. Example: //ISPLLIB DD DSN=ANF.SANFLOAD,DISP=SHR All users of PrintWay ISPF panels also require access to the Language Environment (LE) run-time library SCEERUN and the TCP/IP SEZALINK library. To provide panel users with the required library access, use one of the following methods: - Define these libraries in the system link list - Define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures To define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures, add the following DD statements to each user's TSO logon procedure: //ISPLLIB DD DSN=tcpip_hlq.SEZALINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR Alternatively, you can define the libraries in the STEPLIB DD statement. tcpip_hlq is the TCP/IP high-level qualifier used by your installation. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 5. 99/12/02 ERRORNO 156 indicates an OpenEdition process initialization initialization failure. This is usually an indication that a proper OMVS RACF SEGMENT is not defined for the USER-ID associated with the application. The OMVS RACF SEGMENT may NOT be defined or may contain errors such as an IMPROPER HOME() directory specification. Please review IP PLANNING & MIGRATION manual, SC31-8512, pages 33 thru 38, TOPICS, 'OPEN EDITION SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS' and 'REQUIREMENTS FOR AN OMVS SEGMENT'. The Printway RACF USERID MUST be defined in the OMVS RACF SEGMENT and contain a proper HOME directory. 4. 98/11/25 --------------+---------------+----------------+ Feature UPGRADE SUBSET(s) --------------+---------------+----------------+ PSF base PSFMVS320 HPRF320 --------------+---------------+----------------+ Netspool NETSPOOL HPRF226/9704 HPRF226/0044 JPRF228 JPRF229 --------------+---------------+---------------- MVS Download PSFMVS320 JPRF322 --------------+---------------+----------------+ AFPUPLOAD AFPUPLOAD HPRF227/9824 --------------+---------------+----------------+ ACIF ACIF HQN2110/9846 HQN2110/0044 --------------+---------------+----------------+ IP PrintWay PRINTWAY HMOS100/9704 JMOS101 JMOS102 HMOS100/0044 --------------+---------------+----------------+ *** NOTE *** If you have any of the following FMID'S applied to your system _____________________________________________________ Printway HMOS280, JMOS28J, JMOS28S ----------------------------------------------------- Netspool HNET280, HNET28J, HNET28S ----------------------------------------------------- Print Server HOPI280, HOPI28J, HOPI28S ----------------------------------------------------- see the OS/390 Version 2 Release x Program Directory and UPGRADE: OS390Rx SUBSET:INFOPRINT for information regarding the INFOPRINT product and the above FMID's. 3. 97/06/09 IP PrintWay used the standard translation tables to build the LPR command. Please keep a standard copy of the translation table without any changes available for PrintWay use. 2. 97/05/13 If your datasets are SMS managed you will get the following message: " MSGIGD104I dsname retained " between quite a few of the panels while data sets are being dynamically allocated or deallocated. You can supress them by adding PROF NOWTPM and PROF WTPM statements to ANFINIT. 1. 97/01/28 IP PRINTWAY does NOT work with IBM C/370 Library Version. Docid 5695-040 Revised 19960919 lists IBM C/370 Library Version for IP Printway's C Runtime Library support. This is not the case. IP Printway can not use IBM C/370 Library Version for C Runtime Library support. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 4 00/07/13 PROBLEM: (OW44788) HIGH CPU UTILIZATION AND LOOP AFTER $PPRTXX COMMAND USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 1.0.0 and 2.8.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW71810 ON VOLID 0007 (HMOS100) 3 00/05/12 PROBLEM: (OW44111) MSGANFM601I SUCCESSFULL TRANSMISSION, BUT DATASET NEVER PRINTS USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 1.0.0 and 2.8.0 users printing to UNIX servers or using the Interlink TCP/IP stack. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW69815 ON VOLID 0005 (HMOS100) 2 00/04/24 PROBLEM: (OW40423) IP PRINTWAY QUEUE FILE NOT CLEANED UP DURING ABNORMAL TERMINATION. USERS AFFECTED: All using IP PrintWay. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW66714 ON VOLID 0001 (HMOS100) 1. 97/01/30 PROBLEM: (OW23536) ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO FIELD LEVEL PANELS. USERS AFFECTED: All users of IP PrintWay V1.0.0 ISPF panels panels who wish to use field-level help, numeric classes, or forms that begin with a number. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW35477 ON VOLID 9701 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 9. 02/10/23 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES2 5752SC1BH R707 HJE7707 PROBLEM: Abend024 rc0130 after getrec issued by PSF for jes2 spool. USERS AFFECTED: All running PSF or Printway with JES2. SEE HIPER JES2 APAR OW56657. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW94738 ON VOLID 1000 8. 02/10/23 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES2 5752SC1BH R707 HJE7707 PROBLEM: Missing pages if FSS application requests specific record. USERS AFFECTED: All running PSF or Printway with JES2. SEE HIPER JES2 APAR OW56732. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW94733 ON VOLID 1000 7. 00/03/17 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: Tcp/ip 3.2 and above. PROBLEM: msganfm1107i errno1015 USERS AFFECTED: Printway RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ21621 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP320) INSTALL UQ21622 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP340) INSTALL UQ21623 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP350) 6. 00/03/17 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP PROBLEM: Printway hangs USERS AFFECTED: Printway RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ18793 ON VOLID 9806 (HTCP340) INSTALL UQ18794 ON VOLID 9807 (HTCP350) 5. 97/08/14 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ06092 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ07907 ON VOLID 9708 (HTCP320) Both UQ03944 and UQ03848 must be installed as well!! 4. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP hang during printing. See apar PQ03285. USERS AFFECTED: All users of tcp/ip 3.2.0 and PrintWay. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03848 ON VOLID 9704 (HTCP320) 3. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP 3.2.0 hang while print- ing. See apar PQ01611 USERS AFFECTED: All PrintWay users of TCP/IP 3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03944 ON VOLID 9705 (HTCP320) 2. 97/05/08 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3R2 PROBLEM: (PN88249) MSGAPS988I with text that "0 bytes" were sent or incorrout can occur upon return from EZASMI macro due to corrupted registers. USERS AFFECTED: Users of API macro assembled w/ TCP/IP V3R2 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN94504 ON VOLID 9608 OR UN99683 ON 9701. 1. 97/01/28 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: NETSPOOL PROBLEM: OW21953 - NEW FUNCTION- REQUIRED TO SUPPORT IP PRINTWAY USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW33846 ON VOLID 1000 THIS PTF WILL BRING NETSPOOL TO PROPER LEVEL FOR USE WITH IP PRINTWAY. ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II10841 PQ06092