*********************** * SUBSET INFOPRINT * *********************** This subset contains installation information for IP PrintWay, Print Interface and Netspool for OS/390 Version 2, Release 10, Modification 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 03/01/09 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. 99/09/10 DOCUMENTATION CHANGES 3. 00/10/30 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 03/03/14 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 02/07/26 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 32 03/03/14 OA02223 UA01564 0303 HIPER ABEND0C4 PIC04 AOPLPD 31 02/11/11 OW57128 UW95414 0211 HIPER ABEND0C4 PIC04 AOPLPD 30 02/05/06 OW54515 UW88422 0205 HIPER ABEND0C4 IN 29 00/10/10 OW46518 UW74302 0010 HIPER AOPSTART HANGS AFTER 28 00/09/13 OW46141 UW73616 0009 HIPER MARK INFOPRINT SERVER DLLS 27 00/07/13 OW44788 UW71811 0007 HIPER HIGH CPU UTILIZATION AND 26 00/05/12 OW44111 UW69816 0005 HIPER MSGANFM601I SUCCESSFULL 25 00/04/24 OW40423 UW66715 0001 HIPER IP PRINTWAY QUEUE FILE NOT 24 00/02/02 OW42434 UW66757 0001 HIPER ABEND0C4 AND ABEND0C1 IN 23 99/09/21 OW40904 UW63227 9909 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 22 99/09/21 OW40904 UW63228 9909 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 21 99/09/21 OW40904 UW63229 9909 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 20 99/08/13 OW40502 UW62104 9908 HIPER MSGAOPIM024 AOPIM02 BACK 19 99/07/29 OW40102 UW61652 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 18 99/07/28 OW40102 UW61653 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 17 99/07/28 OW40102 UW61654 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 16 99/07/13 OW40050 UW61124 9907 HIPER ABEND 0C4 WHEN STOPPING A 15 99/07/06 OW39980 UW61001 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 14 99/07/06 OW39980 UW61002 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 13 99/07/06 OW39980 UW61003 9907 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 12 99/06/21 OW39444 UW60131 9906 HIPER ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT 11 99/06/21 OW39444 UW60132 9906 HIPER ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT 10 99/06/21 OW39444 UW60133 9906 HIPER ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT 9 99/06/21 OW39617 UW60379 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 8 99/06/21 OW39617 UW60380 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 7 99/06/21 OW39617 UW60381 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 6 99/06/17 OW39512 UW60208 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 5 99/06/14 OW39512 UW60209 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 4 99/06/14 OW39512 UW60210 9906 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 3 99/06/14 OW39524 UW60221 9906 HIPER ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES 2 99/06/14 OW39524 UW60222 9906 HIPER ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES 1 99/06/14 OW39524 UW60223 9906 HIPER ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains changes to the product's Program Directory. 1. 03/01/09 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: Appendix C - Section 4 Installing maintenance ( ow44305 / uw87697 for example ) may results in size problems for the distribution library AOP.AAOPHFS. The number of tracks should be increased to 805 with directory blocks of 4 per the z/os v1r2.0 program directory ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ This section outlines major errors in the product's published documentation. 1. 99/09/10 To support SNMP printer management, IBM Network Printer Manager for the web may be downloaded as freeware from the IBM Printing Systems Company web site at http://www.ibm.com/printers. NOTE: IBM NETWORK PRINTER MANAGER FOR THE WEB IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT AROUND 15 PRINTERS AT A TIME. DEFINING A GREATER NUMBER OF PRINTERS MAY RESULT IN SEVERE PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION TO NPM. If OS/390 Print System printers go to a 'not responding' status after NPM has been in session with an OS/390 system for several hours, add the following statement to your TCP/IP Profile: UDPCONFIG NOUDPQUELIMIT NPM does not dynamically discover OS/390 PSF printers that are marked 'snmp reporting' and $started in JES after the OS/390 Print System is added to NPM. The status of the printers in NPM can be displayed by viewing the printer properties associated with the OS/390 Print System (has multiple printer icons). It may be necessary to cycle the NPM server before re-adding the OS/390 Print System to MPM to obtain the status of the additional printers. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains general information, i.e. SYSGEN hints/tips. 9. 01/01/30 PROBLEM: (II12250) INFO APAR FOR OS/390 PRINTWAY COMPID 569504004 R280, FMID HMOS280 USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: REFER TO APAR II12250 (ATTACHED). 8. 01/01/30 PROBLEM: (II12699) INFO APAR FOR OS/390 NETSPOOL COMPID 569504002 R280 FMID HNET280 USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: REFER TO APAR II12699 (ATTACHED). 7. 00/10/20 Use the pidu command's export facility to back up your inventory on a regular basis, as described in the Infoprint Server Customization and Infoprint Server Operations and Administration publications. The pidu command's export facility generates a human-readable backup of the contents of the inventory. You must not use ordinary copy commands to back up the inventory files. The inventory daemon updates internal data structures in the inventory files very frequently. Updates may require several write operations. If an inventory file is copied while some data has been written but associated data has not yet been written, the contents of the copied file will be inconsistent and unusable. 6. 00/09/13 Problem: Customer starts the AOPSTART JCL procedure. The following message is written to the held output data set: EDC5153I Catalog obtain error. Cause: The user id associated with the started procedure does not have a Unix System Services (USS) segment or has an incorrect home directory. The home directory might be defaulting to /u, which the customer uses to mount home directories like /u/user1 and /u/user2. Correction: The system programmer must create a USS segment for the user id associated with the started procedure and must specify a home directory for the user id. The system programmer must create the home directory, set its permissions, and change its ownership to the user id. 5. 99/09/24 To support SNMP printer management, IBM Network Printer Manager for the web may be downloaded as freeware from the IBM Printing Systems Company web site at http://www.ibm.com/printers. Note that IBM Network Printer Manager for the web limits support to 25 printers per OS/390 system. Defining a too many printers may result in severe performance degradation to NPM. If OS/390 Print System printers go to a 'not responding' status after NPM has been in session with an OS/390 system for several hours, add the following statement to your TCPIP Profile. UDPCONFIG NOUDPQUELIMIT NPM does not dynamically discover OS/390 PSF printers that are marked 'snmp reporting' and $started in JES after the OS/390 Print System is added to NPM. The status of the printers in NPM can be displayed by viewing the printer properties associated with the OS/390 Print System (has multiple printer icon). It may be necesssary to cycle the NPM server before re-adding the OS/390 Print System to NPM to obtain the status of the additional printers. 4. 99/09/10 If you want to transform print data from PostScript, PDF, PCL and/or SAP to AFP format, you must order and install the separate InfoPrint Server Transforms product, 5697-F51. 3. 99/08/30 ITEM UPDATED 00/09/12 PROBLEM: (II12176) INFO APAR FOR OS/390 PRINT SERVER OR PRINT INTERFACE COMPID 5647A01OP R280, FMID HOPI280, PSP U:OS390R8 S:INFOPRINT USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: REFER TO APAR II12176 (ATTACHED). 2. 99/08/30 ITEM UPDATED 00/09/12 PROBLEM: (II12122) INFO APAR FOR OS/390 PRINT SERVER OR PRINT INTERFACE COMPID 5647A01OP R280, FMID HOPI280, PSP U:OS390R8 S:INFOPRINT USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: REFER TO APAR II12122 (ATTACHED). 1. 99/08/30 ITEM DELETED 01/01/30 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 32 03/03/14 PROBLEM: (OA02223) ABEND0C4 PIC04 AOPLPD MSGCEE0198S MSGCEE3204S PROTECTION EXCEPTION USERS AFFECTED: All Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UA01564 ON VOLID 0303 (HOPI280) 31 02/11/11 PROBLEM: (OW57128) ABEND0C4 PIC04 AOPLPD MSGCEE0198S MSGCEE3204S PROTECTION EXCEPTION USERS AFFECTED: All Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW95414 ON VOLID 0211 (HOPI280) 30 02/05/06 PROBLEM: (OW54515) ABEND0C4 IN THREADBASE::THREAD_CLEANUP AND AFP2PCL.DLL: EDC5234S DLL CANNOT BE LOADED BECAUSE IT DOES NOT CONTAIN CEESTART CSECT USERS AFFECTED: All Infoprint Server customers who run a Print Interface daemon, such as aoplpd. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW88422 ON VOLID 0205 (HOPI280) 29 00/10/10 PROBLEM: (OW46518) AOPSTART HANGS AFTER SUCCESSFUL STARTUP USERS AFFECTED: All Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW74302 ON VOLID 0010 (HOPI280) 28 00/09/13 PROBLEM: (OW46141) MARK INFOPRINT SERVER DLLS AS PROGRAM CONTROLLED USERS AFFECTED: Customers who use SMB or other applications whose programs are program-controlled and invoke Infoprint Server libraries such as aopapi.dll. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW73616 ON VOLID 0009 (HOPI280) 27 00/07/13 PROBLEM: (OW44788) HIGH CPU UTILIZATION AND LOOP AFTER $PPRTXX COMMAND USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 1.0.0 and 2.8.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW71811 ON VOLID 0007 (HMOS280) 26 00/05/12 PROBLEM: (OW44111) MSGANFM601I SUCCESSFULL TRANSMISSION, BUT DATASET NEVER PRINTS USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 1.0.0 and 2.8.0 users printing to UNIX servers or using the Interlink TCP/IP stack. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW69816 ON VOLID 0005 (HMOS280) 25 00/04/24 PROBLEM: (OW40423) IP PRINTWAY QUEUE FILE NOT CLEANED UP DURING ABNORMAL TERMINATION. USERS AFFECTED: All using IP PrintWay. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW66715 ON VOLID 0001 (HMOS280) 24 00/02/02 PROBLEM: (OW42434) ABEND0C4 AND ABEND0C1 IN NETSPOOL AFTER SESSION TERMINATION USERS AFFECTED: Users of OS390 V2R8 Infoprint Server NetSpool component. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW66757 ON VOLID 0001 (HNET280) 23 99/09/21 PROBLEM: (OW40904) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 5 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW63227 ON VOLID 9909 (HOPI280) 22 99/09/21 PROBLEM: (OW40904) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 5 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW63228 ON VOLID 9909 (JOPI28J) 21 99/09/21 PROBLEM: (OW40904) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 5 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW63229 ON VOLID 9909 (JOPI28S) 20 99/08/13 PROBLEM: (OW40502) MSGAOPIM024 AOPIM02 BACK LEVEL ENGLISH MESSAGE FILE WAS SHIPPED. USERS AFFECTED: All users of OS/390 Infoprint Server ISPF panels. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW62104 ON VOLID 9908 (HOPI280) 19 99/07/29 PROBLEM: (OW40102) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 4 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61652 ON VOLID 9907 (HOPI280) 18 99/07/28 PROBLEM: (OW40102) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 4 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61653 ON VOLID 9907 (JOPI28J) 17 99/07/28 PROBLEM: (OW40102) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 4 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GA. USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61654 ON VOLID 9907 (JOPI28S) 16 99/07/13 PROBLEM: (OW40050) ABEND 0C4 WHEN STOPPING A PRINTWAY FSA WITH THE $P COMMAND. USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 2.8.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61124 ON VOLID 9907 (HMOS280) 15 99/07/06 PROBLEM: (OW39980) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 3 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61001 ON VOLID 9907 (HOPI280) 14 99/07/06 PROBLEM: (OW39980) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 3 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61002 ON VOLID 9907 (JOPI28J) 13 99/07/06 PROBLEM: (OW39980) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 3 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Infoprint Server customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW61003 ON VOLID 9907 (JOPI28S) 12 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39444) ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT FIXES. USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 2.8.0 users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60131 ON VOLID 9906 (HMOS280) 11 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39444) ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT FIXES. USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 2.8.0 users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60132 ON VOLID 9906 (JMOS28J) 10 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39444) ROLE UP DEVELOPMENT FIXES. USERS AFFECTED: All IP Printway 2.8.0 users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60133 ON VOLID 9906 (JMOS28S) 9 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39617) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 2 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60379 ON VOLID 9906 (HOPI280) 8 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39617) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 2 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60380 ON VOLID 9906 (JOPI28J) 7 99/06/21 PROBLEM: (OW39617) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR 2 - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP ACCOUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60381 ON VOLID 9906 (JOPI28S) 6 99/06/17 PROBLEM: (OW39512) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP AC COUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60208 ON VOLID 9906 (HOPI280) 5 99/06/14 PROBLEM: (OW39512) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP AC COUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60209 ON VOLID 9906 (JOPI28J) 4 99/06/14 PROBLEM: (OW39512) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR - FROM INITIAL SHIP TO ESP AC COUNTS USERS AFFECTED: All Print Interface customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60210 ON VOLID 9906 (JOPI28S) 3 99/06/14 PROBLEM: (OW39524) ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES USERS AFFECTED: Users of the NetSpool component of Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60221 ON VOLID 9906 (HNET280) 2 99/06/14 PROBLEM: (OW39524) ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES USERS AFFECTED: Users of the NetSpool component of Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60222 ON VOLID 9906 (JNET28J) 1 99/06/14 PROBLEM: (OW39524) ROLLUP DEVELOPMENT FIXES USERS AFFECTED: Users of the NetSpool component of Infoprint Server for OS/390 V2R8. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW60223 ON VOLID 9906 (JNET28S) ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ This section contains information that is dependent upon another product other than this subset ID. It also contains information dealing with migration and product coexistance. 6. 02/07/26 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: Jes2 APAR OW54482 PROBLEM: INEQUITABLE ASSIGNMENT OF WORK AMONG JES2 PRINTERS USERS AFFECTED: All users of HJE7703, HJE7705, and HJE7707. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW92473 ON VOLID 0207 (HJE7703) INSTALL UW92474 ON VOLID 0207 (HJE7705) INSTALL UW92475 ON VOLID 0207 (HJE7707) 5. 02/06/05 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS Scheduler 5754bb131 PROBLEM: Missing address lines on resubmitted print USERS AFFECTED: All using Infoprint Server RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW88483 ON VOLID F205 (HBB7703) INSTALL UW88484 ON VOLID F205 (HBB7705) INSTALL UW88485 ON VOLID F205 (HBB7706) 4. 01/04/19 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES3 5752SC1BA PROBLEM: LACK OF JES3 COMMAND RESPONSES USERS AFFECTED: ALL USING INFOPRINT RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW78395 ON VOLID F103 (HJS6605) UW78396 ON VOLID F103 (HJS6606) UW78402 ON VOLID F103 (HJS6608) UW78403 ON VOLID F103 (HJS6609) UW78404 ON VOLID F103 (HJS7703) 3. 00/09/12 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM: AOP003E aoplpd : EDC5129I No such file or directory USERS AFFECTED: All running Print Server RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ45397 ON VOLID F007 (HLE6608) INSTALL UQ45398 ON VOLID F007 (HLE6609) INSTALL UQ45399 ON VOLID F007 (HLE7703) 2. 00/03/17 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: Tcp/ip 3.2 or above. PROBLEM: msganfm1107i errno1015 USERS AFFECTED: Printway RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ21621 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP320) INSTALL UQ21622 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP340) INSTALL UQ21623 ON VOLID 9809 (HTCP350) 1. 00/03/17 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.4 and above. PROBLEM: Printway hangs USERS AFFECTED: Printway RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ18793 ON VOLID 9806 (HTCP340) INSTALL UQ18794 ON VOLID 9807 (HTCP350) ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ INFO APAR II13366 ATTACHED 07/26/2002 --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II12250 II12122 II12176 II12699 II13366