*********************** * SUBSET PRINTSRV * *********************** This subset contains installation information for OS/390 Print Server (OS390 Print Interface) for OS/390 Version 2, Release 5, Modification 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 98/10/06 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 00/09/13 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 99/02/16 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 02/02/19 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 5 99/02/16 OW37469 UW56428 9902 HIPER OS/390 PRINT SERVER LOOPS 4 98/04/13 OW32529 UW47659 9804 HIPER NUMEROUS DISTINCT OS/390 3 98/03/02 OW31691 UW46289 9802 HIPER OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE 2 98/02/13 OW31597 UW45850 9802 HIPER SOME ++HFS ELEMENTS CAN BE 1 98/02/02 OW30864 UW45561 9801 HIPER OS390 PRINT INTERFACE ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains changes to the product's Program Directory. 1. 98/10/06 Customers affected: USA customers using CBPDO that was built after 7/13/98, and Japanese customers using CBPDO that was built after 9/16/98. For CBPDO orders created after 7/13/98 in the US only and after 9/16/98 in Japan only, for HOPI100 has been updated to SMC9817. This is a higher service level than what was documented in the OS/390 R5 Program Directory. Also note that when you run the AOPISMKD job to create HFS directories, the following subdirectories will be created, but will be empty after the installation of OS/390 Print Interface (HOPI100). /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/JA_JP /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/JA_JP/IBM /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/JA_JP /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/JA_JP/CAT1 /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/JA_JP/CAT1/IBM /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/WIN/JA_JP /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/WIN/JA_JP/IBM /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/ES_ES /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/ES_ES/IBM /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/ES_ES /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/ES_ES/CAT1 /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/MAN/ES_ES/CAT1/IBM /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/WIN/ES_ES /USR/LPP/PRINTSRV/WIN/ES_ES/IBM These subdirectories are not used in OS/390 R5, so it is acceptable for them to be empty. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ This section outlines major errors in the product's published documentation. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains general information, i.e. SYSGEN hints/tips. 1. 00/09/13 Problem: Customer starts the AOPSTART JCL procedure. The following message is written to the held output data set: EDC5153I Catalog obtain error. Cause: The user id associated with the started procedure does not have a Unix System Services (USS) segment or has an incorrect home directory. The home directory might be defaulting to /u, which the customer uses to mount home directories like /u/user1 and /u/user2. Correction: The system programmer must create a USS segment for the user id associated with the started procedure and must specify a home directory for the user id. The system programmer must create the home directory, set its permissions, and change its ownership to the user id. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 5 99/02/16 PROBLEM: (OW37469) OS/390 PRINT SERVER LOOPS AT START UP. USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface customers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW56428 ON VOLID 9902 (HOPI100) 4 98/04/13 PROBLEM: (OW32529) NUMEROUS DISTINCT OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE PROBLEMS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW47659 ON VOLID 9804 (HOPI100) 3 98/03/02 PROBLEM: (OW31691) OS/390 PRINT INTERFACE SECOND ROLLUP APAR - PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS USERS AFFECTED: All OS/390 Print Interface users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW46289 ON VOLID 9802 (HOPI100) 2 98/02/13 PROBLEM: (OW31597) SOME ++HFS ELEMENTS CAN BE APPLIED BUT NOT ACCEPTED BY SMP/E DUE TO A SYSMOD ERROR IN PTF UW45561. USERS AFFECTED: All users of the OS/390 Print Interface. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW45850 ON VOLID 9802 (HOPI100) 1 98/02/02 PROBLEM: (OW30864) OS390 PRINT INTERFACE ROLLUP APAR - PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS AND LEVEL SET FROM INITIAL SHIP TO GENERAL AVAILABILITY USERS AFFECTED: All users of OS/390 Print Interface RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW45561 ON VOLID 9801 (HOPI100) ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ This section contains information that is dependent upon another product other than this subset ID. It also contains information dealing with migration and product coexistance. 3. 02/02/19 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES3 5752SC1BA PROBLEM: JES3 SYSOUT SPOOLED TO THE WRONG PARTITION USERS AFFECTED: ALL USING INFOPRINT SEE JES3 APAR OW51603 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW86335 ON VOLID 1000 (HJS6609) UW86336 ON VOLID 1000 (HJS7703) UW86337 ON VOLID 1000 (HJS7705) 2. 00/09/12 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE language environment PROBLEM: aop003e aoplpd : edc5129i No such file or directory USERS AFFECTED: All running Print Server RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ45397 ON VOLID F007 (HLE6608) INSTALL UQ45398 ON VOLID F007 (HLE6609) INSTALL UQ45399 ON VOLID F007 (HLE7703) 1. 98/04/29 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES2 5752SC1BH PROBLEM: NO JOBS ARE BEING PURGED. JOBS HUNG ON PURGE PROCESSOR AWAITING BERTLOCK. SEE JES2 APAR OW32544. USERS AFFECTED: ALL RUNNING OS/390 PRINT SERVER RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW48023 ON VOLID 9804 II11165 (ATTACHED) II11659 (ATTACHED) ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II11659 II11165