--GLOBAL TEXT-- HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE (HIPER) APAR INSTRUCTIONS Included in this Upgrade may be one or more APARs that describe problems that are of a High Impact or extremely pervasive nature. The following fields provide an outline of those APARs in section 4: "PROBLEM:" Brief description of the APAR "USERS AFFECTED:" If you have this Product/device/situation, you are exposed to the problem. The APAR or PTF fix should be applied in those cases. "RECOMMENDATION:" Take action that is described, most often that will be the application of an APAR or PTF fix. VOLID'S VOLID 1000 - Reflects corrective service (not on a PUT tape) VOLID 9XXX - Reflects a PUT tape that the PTF can be located on. VOLID FXXX - Reflects a PUT tape. The 'F' represents the first digit of the decade and XXX represents a PUT number. ******* ATTENTION: MVS SMP/E USERS (CBPDO NO CHARGE OFFERING): ***** Customers ordering the Custom Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) also receive PSP information in softcopy. In addition, CBPDO "VOLIDs" will appear in the PSP subset sections 3, 4 and 5. A VOLID of "1YWW", where Y is the year and WW is the week within that year, indicates that the PTF was included on that CBPDO and successive CBPDOs. Customers wishing more information should contact their IBM Marketing Branch Office. --INFORMATIVE TEXT-- ************************ * UPGRADE TRANSFRMS * ************************ This upgrade contains installation information and/or high impact/ pervasive APAR information for Version 1, Release 1, Modification 0 for INFOPRINT 390 TRANSFORMS. ************************************************************************ * P R O D U C T I N D E X * ************************************************************************ PID NUMBER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SUBSET ID 5697F51 MVS INFOPRINT TRANSFORMS HXFR100 5697F51 MVS INFOPRINT TRANSFORMS HXFR100/0008 5697F51 MVS INFOPRINT TRANSFORMS HXFR100/0044 5697F51 MVS AFP TO PXX COMMON HXFR120 5697F51 MVS AFP TO PCL JXFR121 5697F51 MVS AFP TO POSTSCRIPT JXFR122 5697F51 MVS AFP TO PDF JXFR123 5697F51 MVS AFP PRINT KANJI JXFR101 5697F51 MVS COAX PRINTER SUP HPRT100 --SUBSET LIST-- CHG/INDEX HXFR100 HXFR100/0008 HXFR120 JXFR101 JXFR121 JXFR122 JXFR123 HPRT100 HXFR100/0044