BLD FLASH 9543 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 10/95 ¦ N_UP PERFORMANCE IMPACT OF OVERLAPPING PAGES With enhanced N_UP, available on the AFCCU printers, it is possible to place pages at any position on the sheet. However if pages are placed so that they overlap other pages on the sheet, printer throughput will be significantly degraded. This is because the printer must apply special handling to the overlapping pages, whether or not there is any data in the area of the pages that overlap. Please advise your customers using enhanced N_UP with the PLACE subcommand to avoid overlapping pages. Here are two examples of overlapping pages. EXAMPLE 1: N_UP 2 PLACE 1 FRONT OFFSET 0 0 /* page 1 */ PLACE 1 FRONT OFFSET 1 IN 0 /* page 2 */ ; If page 1 is more than 1 inch wide, it will overlap onto page 2, which had been placed in the same partition just 1 " to the right of page 1. EXAMPLE 2: FORMDEF USERS PRESENT PORTRAIT DIRECTION ACROSS N_UP 2 PLACE 1 FRONT OFFSET 0 0 /* page 1 */ PLACE 2 FRONT OFFSET 0 0 /* page 2 */ ; Since pages are placed in 2 different partitions, you must know the relation of the partitions to determine if the pages will overlap. In this example, if printing on 17" wide paper, Partition 2 is 8.5" to the right of partition 1. Therefore if Page 1 is more than 8.5" wide, it will overlap page 2 in Partition 2. Note that if basic N_UP had been used (with no PLACE subcommand), there would be no overlap regardless of page size. With basic N_UP the page is truncated at the partition boundaries. Only the PLACE subcommand allows you to overlap N_UP pages, $EOM