SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9626 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 6/96 ¦ 3800-003 LINE MODE RPQ 8B3990 ON 3900-0W1 WITH VERSION 8 MICROCODE RPQ 8B3937, which provides 3800-3 compatibility mode support on 3900-0W1 and 3900-0W3 with Version 6.1x microcode, does not currently run on the V8.1x microcode shipping with newly ordered machines from Endicott/COP. Line mode support will be added to the V8.115 level of microcode, which should be available before the end of July. Customers with machines at V6.1x microcode currently using the hardware line mode RPQ should not upgrade to V8.1x until V8.115 is available. $EOM