SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9627 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 6/96 ¦ 3130|3160|3935: SETTING UP EDGE SENSITIVE PAPER Setting up Edge Sensitive Paper on the 3130/3935/3160 AFCCU Printers This file contains instructions for setting up and running edge sensitive or 3-hole paper on the 3130, 3160 and 3935 printers. It includes the PTFs cur- rent as of 5/30/96 that need to be applied to your OS/400 operating system by release and version level as well as the steps that you must take at the AS/400 and the printer to run this paper correctly. You should follow these directions if you wish to run edge sensitive paper in your printer and mix simplex and duplex jobs which select paper from the same paper bin. If you complete the steps below then your output will have the holes on the "cor- rect" side of the paper regardless of whether the job is simplex or duplex, portrait or landscape. The latest PTF chains for each of the releases of OS/400 Operating System that contain the Edge sensitive fix are as follows: V2R3*: SF30562,SF27943,SF30982,SF30560,SF27946,SF30983,SF24821 ======= *Note: There is no longer support for V2R3. These ptfs are provided for information purposes only. V3R0.5: SF27520,SF24810,SF30970,SF29401,SF24811,SF27785,SF27521 ======= V3R1: SF29959,SF30882,SF30883,SF30884,SF29607,SF30885,SF29961 ======= V3R6: SF30477,SF30478,SF30479,SF30480,SF30481,SF30482,SF31461,SF61462,SF30485 ======= The PTF with the actual fix in it is underlined. The cover letter for the underlined PTF contains the CL mentioned below. The steps are as follows: 1) Apply the PTFs indicated above. It is important that you apply all the PTFs so that you will have the prerequisites and corequisites for the fix. 2) Extract the CL from the PTF cover letter and compile. This CL will be in the cover letter for the PTF that is underlined above. Once it is compiled it will give you a new command called either WRKAFP (V3.05 and below) or WRKAFP2 (V3.1). 3) Enter the command (WRKAFP or WRKAFP2 depending on the version) and for the printer in question set the value Edge Sensitive to *YES. The name of the printer should match the name of the printer in it's device description. 4) At the printer load a form in the tray that has EDGE SENSITIVE set to ON at the printer. This is done in the FORMS definition on the printer. See the section on defining, adding and modifying forms in your printer's User's Guide for complete instructions on turning edge sensitive on. Load the form in the drawer with the holes to left. 5) Stop and restart the writer and send the jobs. The holes should be on the "correct" side even for landscaped COR output. Note: If you are specifying 90 degrees specifically in the printer file this will still be incorrect. The correct rotation to us e for landscape on edge sensitive paper is 270. The fix changes COR and COR only to a 270 rotation. It assumes that if you askk for 90 that 90 is what you want. $EOM