SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9642 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 10/96 ¦ IBM INFOPRINT 60: AFP INSTALLATION ISSUES Announcement Letter 196-209 announced availability of the 600-dpi IBM InfoPrint 60 for AFP accounts September 27, 1996. As indicated in the an- nouncement letter, this printer supports outline fonts only. It does not support raster fonts. However many customer applications, and even the PSF system pages for headers, trailers, and messages specify fonts that are available in raster format only. Before your customer can use this printer in an AFP environment, PSF definitions must be tailored to enable outline fonts. Customer applications that use raster-only fonts--including IBM com- patibility fonts, ProPrinter Emulation fonts, Sonoran font program products, and fonts customized by the account--must be changed to enable outline fonts, or tables must be tailored to map these fonts to suitable outlines. In cases where suitable outlines do not exist, custom outline fonts may need to be created by or for the account. IBM Printing Systems Company intends to address the raster font issue as soon as possible by enhancements to the AFCCU printer controller to accept raster fonts at 300 dpi or 240 dpi. This will enable printing of any existing 300 and 240 dpi AFP job on the 600 dpi printer without concern for font mapping or tailoring. In the meantime, it is recommended that these printers be in- stalled only in new AFP accounts or AFP accounts that have already converted to outline fonts, which will not have application migration issues. PSC will provide information for tailoring PSF procedures to enable printing of system pages on the InfoPrint 60 printer. $EOM