SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9709 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 10/97 INFOPRINT 4000 V9.1 MICROCODE POD SW COREQ IBM Printing Systems released V9.108 microcode for the IBM InfoPrint 4000-IR1/IR2 and the 3900-DR1/DR2 on 9/19/97. If either of these printers will be used in Print On Demand (POD) mode taking advantage of the "saved pages" function, V9.1xx printer microcode has a software corequisite in the new InfoPrint Manager for AIX V2.1 software program product (product number 5648-A35). The reason the latest software is required is due to a functional enhancement implemented both in software and microcode. This function is called "Proof Mode II" and it provides operational performance improvements for commercial customers who need to interrupt long multiple copy print jobs with short "proof" print jobs. With this new function, the printer is able to process and store ("cache") the individual pages in a print job, and then keep these processed pages in the printer control unit across job boundaries. So when a long running job is interrupted, the processed pages of the job remain in the printer. The shorter "proof" job is then processed, and after it has completed, the printer can resume processing the interrupted job without re-downloading its pages (all of this under control of the print management software in the print server - the Multiple Printer Controller, or MPC). Prior to running an InfoPrint 4000-IR1/IR2 or 3900-DR1/DR2 with v9.1xx microcode from a POD server, the IBM account team must ensure the customer's MPC software has been upgraded to InfoPrint Manager for AIX V2.1 or above. Please note InfoPrint Manager V2.1 does not require that any attached InfoPrint 4000-IR1/IR2s or 3900-DR1/DR2s be at v9.1xx microcode. The new software can support both printers with earlier microcode levels. However, printers with lower microcode levels obviously cannot take advantage of the performance improvements of "Proof Mode II", since these improvements first appear in v9.1xx microcode.