Subject: PTFs, microcode, and new functions for AFP hardware/software ======================================================================== Recent Updates: 07/17/97: Update PSF/AIX, AS/400, PSF/MVS V2.2 and PSF/VSE PTFs 06/02/97: Update PSF/MVS and OGL/370 for new color support 05/20/97: Update ALL areas 03/31/97: Update AS/400 and PSF/AIX PTFs, as well as microcode updates 01/30/97: Update ALL areas and reference information in other places ======================================================================== This file contains hardware (microcode) and software maintenance levels (or references to where this information can be found) to support new AFP function - including the following: * Basic N_UP * Power Positioning (also known as "Enhanced" N_UP) * AFCCU printers (such as InfoPrint 60, InfoColor 70 and InfoPrint 4000) * Barcode support in PAGEDEF * PSF Direct (for both PSF/2 and PSF/AIX) * 300 pel and outline fonts (both resident and downloadable) * TCP/IP printer support * MVS Download * Netspool * Extended color support (for devices such as InfoPrint 4005) For more detailed information on a variety of Printing Systems Company products, point your Internet web browser at both of the following: =================================================== Considerations for N_UP: N_UP support requires both hardware (microcode) and software (PSF and PPFA) changes. There are two flavors of N_UP: a) Basic N_UP, which will work on both CCU and AFCCU printers and b) Power positioning, which will only work on AFCCU printers. For S/370 host systems (MVS, VM, and VSE) N_UP is requested in the FORMDEF, and support to allow this is in PPFA/370. NOTE: The PPFA/370 updates allow for the INVOKE keyword in FORMDEF and COPYGROUP. This is needed if N_UP 2 or more is desired and the application needs to change copygroups on a sheet. Here is additional information on this subject: If N_UP 2 or greater is specified and you seem to be getting 1 UP, the problem is probably due to switching copy groups between partitions. A copy group switch in IPDS terms is an Invoke Medium Map (IMM), and the default action when IMM is received is to stop processing of the current SHEET - and resume printing on the NEXT sheet. To remain on the current sheet, but move to a new partition, the N_UP specification in the FORMDEF should include the INVOKE NEXT keywords. You might also find an eject to a new sheet if the copygroups use MEDIUM overlays instead of PAGE or PARTITION overlays. Medium overlays are specified using the OVERLAY command in a FORMDEF. To get a page or partition overlay, you need to specify the OVERLAY keyword in the N_UP definition. Further details on N_UP support can be found in the latest version of the PPFA manual: S544-3700-02, and in the latest PSF/MVS pubs. You can get initial details from G544-3984-00 (PSF/MVS V2.2.0 and PPFA/370 V1.1.0 Update Guide). For AS/400 systems, basic N_UP is requested in the printer file. (It can also be requested in a FORMDEF that is sent over from a S/370.) The keywords to use in the printer file are: - MULTIUP (1, 2, 3, or 4) - REDUCE (*NONE) NOTE: If you should specify the REDUCE keyword as *TEXT, you'll get the OS/400 version of multiup where the operating system collects the pages together and shrinks the font with PSF being none the wiser. This function has been on the OS/400 for some time but it has several restrictions. Power positioning is enabled in FORMDEFs created via PPFA. PPFA was ported to OS/400 in V3.2 and V3.7. Note: The printer file is NOT being enhanced to support Power Positioning. PSF software must be at certain levels to support N_UP. Here they are: Op. Sys. Basic N_UP Power Positioning -------- -------------------- ------------------------------------- MVS PSF/MVS V2.2 (7/94) PSF/MVS V2.2 w/APAR OW03243 (8/94) VM PSF/VM V2.1 (4/96) PSF/VM V2.1 w/APAR PN81373 (4/96) VSE PSF/VSE V2.2 (7/94) PSF/VSE V2.2 w/APAR DY43519 (3/95) OS/400 PSF on V3.1 (12/94) PSF/400 on V3.2/V3.7 (6/96 and 11/96) AIX PSF/6000 V2.1 (6/95) PSF/6000 V2.1 (6/95) OS/2 not supported not supported =================================================== Software levels/PTFs to support enhanced functions: * PPFA (5688-190-01): PTF APAR MVS VM VSE DESCRIPTION PN27884 UN29597 UN29589 UN29590 Basic N_UP support PN55431 UN61994 UN61995 UN61997 Bin in SUBGROUP & PPFA/370 refresh PN54401 UN66491 UN66492 - Power Positioning PN62333 UN72162 - - fix SMP logic for UN61994 PN67925 - - UN73408 add PURGE ICCF card to PPFA Type I PN70511 UN75961 - - update sample install JCL PN71525 UN77191 UN77192 - outline font support PN77186 UN84267 UN84268 - add SOSI font support PN79369 UN88658 UN88659 - PAGEDEF barcode support PN86851 UN98038 UN98039 UN98041 potential PRINTLINE problem fix AIX PTFs are cumulative and are covered in the section below for PSF/AIX V2.1. Other PPFA/370 items of interest: *) APAR II07789 is DOC - news on N_UP *) APAR PN67082 is DOC - some clarifications on N_UP *) APAR PN52594 is DOC - clarification of FORMDEF OFFSET default *) APAR PN75076 is DOC - clarification on using TRC in Pagedef *) APAR PN88529 is DOC - new messages for Barcodes in Pagedef *) APAR PQ03377 will provide support for InfoPrint 4005 =================================================== * PSF/MVS (5695-040-01): PSF/MVS V2.1.x does not support N_UP. However, it does provide base device support for AFCCU printers. Base AFCCU support, including N_UP is included with PSF/MVS V2.2.x Additional maintenance information on PSF/MVS (both V2.1 and V2.2) is available within IBM on the PRINTERS disk (PSFMVSUP TERS3820) or on the Internet: A comprehensive list of PSF/MVS PTFs follows. PSF/MVS V2.1.0 maintenance (prereqs shown back to 9205): APAR PTF Description ---- --- ------------------------------------------------- OY40482 UY62453 ABEND024 RC02EA when IFCC found at init time OY51621 UY75923 prereq for Huffman compression (UW21708) OY51621 UY76185 PE ABEND024 RC08B0 with conditional proc.: see OW01587 OY52313 UY77733 PE prereq for Huffman compression (UW21708) OY54303 UY79763 prereq for UW24345 OY54600 UY80117 User exit 6 linkage OY55830 UY82526 PE prereq for Huffman compression (UW21708) OY56233 UY83282 Bounded box fix OY54590 UY83430 PE ANSI CC for channel 1 not working: see OY65405 OY56083 UY91468 SMM support: prereq for 3935 support OY59748 UY92137 prereq for UW24345 OY61809 UY94287 prereq for Huffman compression (UW21708) OY64397 UY94807 prereq for Huffman compression (UW21708) OY65321 UY96140 added SMP ++HOLD to warn of IPL after install OY64559 UY96264 ABEND0A6: prereq for PSF DIRECT PTF OY65917 UY98623 PE PRPQ 8A5070 support (line mode): see OW14103 OY66024 UY99013 3930/3916 support: prereq for 3935 support OY65559 UY99553 4-digit device number support: prereq for 3935 OW00105 UW00319 externalize block letter routine: prereq for 3935 OY67509 UW00750 PE prereq for 3935 support - see OW06321 OW00124 UW00827 modified message text: prereq for 3935 support OY67069 UW00898 wrong datamap after $I: prereq for 3935 support OY67181 UW01310 PE inline resource support: pre for 3935 support OY66646 UW01552 PE enhanced mark forms - see OW01587 OY65405 UW01932 PE TRACE problem fix OY62607 UW02031 PE prereq for PDSE CSA relief (UW20940) OW02108 UW03433 3930 resident font support: prereq for 3935 support OW01618 UW03775 change to message text: prereq for 3935 support OW02194 UW03958 254 overlays/page on non-3800: pre for ESCON PTF OY66946 UW04043 PIMSG limit check correction OW01587 UW04169 prereq for base 3900D/W support OW02133 UW04421 prereq for base 3900D/W support OY67182 UW04749 PE Base 3935 support: pre for 3900D/W - see OW06321 OY67184 UW04956 Base 3900D/W support OW03566 UW04995 fix PSF loop with SNA printers OW04194 UW06709 ABENDs on group 4 printers: prereq for PSF Direct OW01629 UW06904 PE images wrong on 4028 - see OW07371 & OW06310 OY67323 UW07847 PE incorrect IM-IOCA on 300 pel printers: see OW07371 OY67183 UW08617 ESCON channel attach & 16K I/O buffer support OW06239 UW09206 PIMSG not being handled properly OW06799 UW10697 conditional processing with copies>1 error OW08127 UW12559 255 input bin support OW08338 UW12784 PSF/2 & PSF/6000 PSF direct support OW09054 UW13009 JES copy level recovery OW09221 UW13688 FSA hangs on SNA prt w/ JESNEWS: see OW10787 OW09512 UW14134 clarifies MSG APS102I OW10498 UW14253 some supplied PAGE and FORM defs were in error OW07536 UW14559 Possible ABEND when PSF External Trace is active OW09987 UW14571 ADEBD0A6 RC0F07 or 0F12 w/SNS1012 PSF DIRECT OW11255 UW16419 MSG APS113I for files from VM with VAFP virtual prt OW07302 UW16789 SMF6NLR in error after $I OW11808 UW17305 MSGAPS732I SNS024401 w/3130 and DBCS resident fonts OW12168 UW17798 PE ABEND024 RC0DXX: APSGGETM after UW15549:see OW04104 OW12081 UW18067 ABEND0DB for ESCON 3900 on MVS 5.1 OW04104 UW18207 PE D/T64xx native support OW13531 UW19133 PE ABEND024 line data w/MCF & G/BC-OCA: see OW14056 OW14103 UW19598 problem with square paper on 3900 with line mode OW13145 UW19865 inconsistent jog with IMM and COPIES on //OUTPUT OW14522 UW20158 PE page segment mispositioned: see OW14056 OW14708 UW20249 dup pages for large job with low chkpt & errors OW13965 UW20251 PE incorrect output when printing ACIF data OW14505 UW20319 certain PAGEDEFs cause off-logical-page errors OW01421 UW20940 reduce CSA usage when using PDSEs OW13534 UW21708 PE Huffman compression: see OW16409 OW14975 UW21094 incorrect output - duplex conditional processing OW14056 UW21465 double-byte font handling fixes OW16409 UW23002 linkage editor fixes for Huffman compression PTF OW12092 UW24256 fix error recovery problems OW17456 UW24272 MSGAPS502I can have garbage in it OW16190 UW24345 font capture and D/T3130 R2 support OW16932 UW24615 PE ABEND024 RC08AD w/JES3 following repositioning OW16864 UW25142 4028 IOCA performance fix OW17541 UW25412 PE MSGAPS818I for fonts OW20006 UW28097 fix linkedit problem with UW27812 OW20126 UW28278 new function: DFSMS/MVS 1.2 binder support OW19259 UW28572 ABEND0C4 in HASPFSSM OW19712 UW29417 wrong overlay may be used after recovery OW19962 UW29809 excessive I/O to font library with USERLIBs OW21012 UW29941 ADEND0C9 converting IM1 to IOCA OW20867 UW30198 ADEND0C4 with too many MCF2 repeating groups OW21024 UW30384 ABEND024 RC08AD in APRMSGEX OW20892 UW30719 MSGAPS824I sometime issued incorrectly OW21475 UW30940 new diagnostic tools for fonts OW21837 UW31371 ABEND0C4 at x'D1C' in APRBUFAZ OW22257 UW32360 enhance customer abend processing OW24329 UW34931 message page sometimes suppressed in error recovery OW25103 UW36179 ABEND024 RC00D6 when DUMP=(,APSxxx) in JCL OW22965 UW37086 InfoPrint 4000 HCD support OW26041 UW37450 PT3 support for new text objects for AFCCU printers PSF/MVS V2.2 maintenance: APAR PTF Description ---- --- ------------------------------------------------- OW03243 UW09686 PE Power Positioning support: see OW08819 OW06631 UW09797 PE message page suppression via APSUX07: see OW10550 OW04452 UW09923 ESCON channel attach & 16K I/O buffer support OW07348 UW11285 PE 64K output bin support: see OW10550 OW08438 UW11720 perf-to-perf for PRPQ 8A5070: pre for PSF direct OW07995 UW11886 errors using printer-resident fonts OW08612 UW11887 APS556I wrong for 4224/4234: pre for PSF direct OW08819 UW12180 PE conditional processing/reposition fix: see OW10550 OW08338 UW12785 PSF/2 & PSF/6000 PSF direct support OW09054 UW13010 JES copy level recovery OW09290 UW13461 PE PSF ABEND0C1 after ABEND024 on AFP1: see OW10550 OW09221 UW13689 FSA hangs on SNA prt w/ JESNEWS: see OW10787 OW09445 UW13973 PE bad output after repositioning: see OW10550 OW09512 UW14135 PE clarifies MSG APS102I: see OW14552 OW07536 UW14560 Possible ABEND when PSF External Trace is active OW09987 UW14572 ADEBD0A6 RC0F07 or 0F12 w/SNS1012 PSF DIRECT OW11235 UW15052 APSLCRL missing asterisk in col 1 at line 00519100 OW10550 UW15328 PE ABEND RC0601 after applying UW09686: see OW10071 OW08944 UW15755 support for 4 digit year in user exits (year 2000!) OW10071 UW16063 INCORROUT with before SUBPAGE and repositioning OW10928 UW16360 PE improvements/fixes for user exit 7: see OW14552 OW11255 UW16420 MSG APS113I for files from VM with VAFP virtual prt OW08340 UW16449 PE single byte outline font support: see OW14307 OW09728 UW16502 ABEND024 RC0601 SNS0232..01 w/8 overlays/sup. OW11808 UW17306 MSGAPS732I SNS024401 w/3130 and DBCS resident fonts OW12168 UW17799 PE ABEND024 RC0DXX: APSGGETM after UW15549:see OW04104 OW12081 UW18068 ABEND0DB for ESCON 3900 on MVS 5.1 OW04104 UW18208 PE D/T64xx native support OW10066 UW18226 message dataset redirection (new function) OW10067 UW18264 PE new function: COM support: see OW14303 & OW14307 OW13702 UW18588 PE FEATURE: MVS Download - sup'd UW18313: see OW16209 OW13936 UW19044 FEATURE: ABEND024 RC00D6 in APSJCL after UW18588 OW13531 UW19134 PE ABEND024 line data w/MCF & G/BC-OCA: see OW14056 OW14303 UW19696 ABEND024 RC0D11 after applyling UW18264 OW13171 UW19699 new function: PSF direct-attach OEM support OW13145 UW19866 inconsistent jog with IMM and COPIES on //OUTPUT OW14505 UW20320 certain PAGEDEFs cause off-logical-page errors OW15599 UW21345 PE TCP/IP support (requires MVS APAR OW12236) OW14056 UW21466 double-byte font handling fixes OW16007 UW22030 install logic fix if PSF applied but not accepted OW14128 UW23722 PE double byte outline, font capture, 3130 R2 support OW12092 UW24258 fix error recovery problems OW13627 UW24446 PSF COM fix for time/date OW17625 UW24450 PE Huffman compression support OW15018 UW24497 PE printer sharing support: needs MVS APAR OW16442 OW17446 UW24677 out of storage error on 3820 OW17669 UW25033 support inline resources without JCL references OW16864 UW25143 4028 IOCA performance fix OW17445 UW25289 PE Barcode support in PAGEDEF OW17928 UW25672 ABEND024 RC0601 - overlay not loaded after synch OW18088 UW26166 PE possible missing page after UW24604 (see OW21024) OW17525 UW26752 PE MVS Download exit APSUX15 - new info OW17564 UW26952 PE new function: user-defined characters OW18369 UW26975 PE new function: RAS enhancements (see OW22087) OW18774 UW27158 New function: OS/390 support OW19344 UW27810 New function: OS/390 softcopy print OW19765 UW27811 PE fix one-way branch to TCP/IP (see OW19834) OW19139 UW27813 ABEND0C4 at x'68' in APSPPORD OW17839 UW27864 PE new function: MVS Download OW20126 UW28279 new function: DFSMS/MVS 1.2 binder support OW18773 UW28505 new function: set media origin to 3800-3 OW19259 UW28573 ABEND0C4 in HASPFSSM OW19142 UW28734 new function: improve SNA performance for D/T3900 OW20090 UW29255 PSF/MVS not processing PRINTDEV correctly OW16540 UW29501 ABEND024 at X'546' w/outline fonts and APSUX07 OW19962 UW29810 excessive I/O to font library with USERLIBs OW19064 UW29854 new function: D/T4247 support OW19103 UW29861 PE new function: cut-sheet emulation (see OW23347) OW17576 UW30133 outline font errors if height not specified OW20569 UW30172 PE ABEND0C9 in APSDMSGF (see OW21024) OW19236 UW30183 MSGAPS990I with MVS Download issued incorrectly OW20867 UW30199 PE ABEND0C4: too many MCF2 repeating groups OW21299 UW30715 MVS Download files can be overwritten OW20892 UW30720 MSGAPS824I sometime issued incorrectly OW19655 UW30381 ABEND0C4 starting NETSPOOL OW21024 UW30385 ABEND024 RC08AD in APRMSGEX OW21475 UW30941 new diagnostic tools for fonts OW21837 UW31372 PE ABEND0C4 at x'D1C' in APRBUFAZ OW20079 UW32297 new function: MVS Download JES SEND notification OW22257 UW32361 enhance customer abend processing OW21006 UW32397 PE new function: 32,511 page segments/overlays OW22087 UW32455 PE fix PSF loop on bad data OW21983 UW32474 ABEND806 MSGAPS957I FOR APSUX15 (MVS DOWNLOAD) OW21953 UW32749 PE new function: NETSPOOL enhancements (see OW23642) OW22828 UW32832 new function: TCP/IP V3.2 support OW23347 UW33292 MSGAPS290I issued in error OW23487 UW33613 Netspool in OS/390 OW23426 UW33704 ABEND0C4 in APSMMSG if message dataset redirected OW23602 UW33767 ABEND0C9 at x'16E' in APSGFREE OW23777 UW34233 PSF/MVS DUMP on message ID did not work OW23852 UW34420 MVS DOWNLOAD fixes OW23493 UW34759 fix possible incorrect SMF6 fields OW19864 UW34809 new function: for images and overlays OW23937 UW34926 SMF6 record from MVS Download mapped wrong OW24329 UW34932 message page sometimes suppressed in error recovery OW24319 UW34965 potential ABEND if exits overwrite ECE OW24771 UW35410 PE set media size for Group 4 printers (see OW27442) OW22539 UW36041 PE 3800 line mode conversion enhancements OW23708 UW36124 ABEND024 RC0601 if network printer powered off OW24868 UW36161 support for PRTERROR keyword on OUTPUT (1) OW25116 UW36200 PSF loop if paper size is zero OW24057 UW36307 PE IOB support OW25178 UW36672 Potential FSS hang with TCP/IP attached printers OW25734 UW37018 Improve TCP/IP printer error handling OW22965 UW37087 InfoPrint 4000 HCD support OW25560 UW37196 MVS Download fix for inline PAGEDEF OW25449 UW37687 TCP/IP & SNA fix to detect inactive printers (2) OW26002 UW37731 3800 line mode perf-to-perf support OW26136 UW37771 Netspool fix OW25735 UW38077 APS563I not issued properly OW19657 UW38607 AFP enhanced color support OW21530 UW38633 Setup verification (IP 4005) & GOCA color OW27442 UW39198 PSF/2 DPF files hang after UW35410 installed OW26510 UW39237 fix rollup (yr 2000, font loading, etc.) OW27174 UW39419 SETUP=BURST support for TCP/IP & SNA printers OW27610 UW39637 ABEND024 RC0264 fix - for TCP/IP attached printers OW25183 UW39719 Netspool enhanced trace & fix rollup OW25538 UW39737 Color mapping table utility OW28050 UW39852 SOSI3 support OW28020 UW40109 MVS DOWNLOAD DOC changes OW22894 UW40118 Color mapping table support (OPEN) (3) OW16014 CLOSED DOC APAR - message dataset redirection OW16211 CLOSED DOC APAR - regarding ECA fields and APSUX07 OW16324 CLOSED DOC APAR - D/T3930 APSRMARK updates OW17198 CLOSED DOC APAR - PSF messages & codes updates OW24916 CLOSED DOC APAR - PSF/MVS Sys. Prog. Guide updates 1) requires MVS/ESA 4.3 with APAR OW24596 2) requires MVS/ESA 4.3 with APAR OW25903 3) requires MVS/ESA 5.2 with APAR OW27295 Color support in DCF requires APAR PQ04183 Documentation for new PSF/MVS APARs can be found inside IBM in the PSFV2PTF PACKAGE on the PRINTERS disk. This information will also be placed on the Printing Systems Company web site: =================================================== * PSF/VM (5684-141-01): PSF/VM supports all new AFCCU-based printers, and has added support for outline fonts, N_UP, and PAGEDEF barcodes. Here is a table of recent maintenance. Pre-req PTFs are NOT indicated. PTF BASE GR4 PDM 3820 PDM GR3 PDM APAR (210) (2BB) (2B8) (2B9) NOTES ---- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------------------- PN58974 - UN66383 - - 3900 AFCCU support PN58863 - - - - 3935 support - DOC only PN63992 - - - UN69582 3900 fixes (fix PN58974) PN62804 UN70483* UN70484 UN70485 UN70486 PSF Direct support PN65549 - UN72695 UN72696 UN72697 PSF Direct support errors PN66914 - - - UN73866 Perm I/O error AFCCU-3900 PN68625 UN74462 - - - PSF Command fix PN69886 UN76271 - - - PSF/VM PUT 9405 rollup PN71764 - UN78008 - UN78009 exits for LMO support PN72091 - UN78804 UN78806 - OUTBIN & IOCA repl/trim PN73119 UN79416 - - - fix install for PN72091 PN73257 UN79585 - - - TRC/CC accepted from VSE PN74509 UN80577 - - - INSTFPP failure w PN72091 PN76628 UN83594 - - - fix PN72091 PN78792 UN85322 - UN85325 - outline font support PN79080 UN85816 - - - PDM fails: code x'084308' PN78572 UN87705 - - - double byte outline fonts PN82008 - - - UN88853 fix paper synch problem PN86626 - - UN95131 - Year 2000 support PN89456 - UN99060 - - Network Printer fix PQ00323 UQ00994 - - - page segment program chk PQ00338 - UQ01942 - UQ10943 fix sense x'0218' errors PN65922** - - - - 3820 virtual storage prob (**) Closed as a permanent restriction Additional maintenance information on PSF/VM V2.1 is available within IBM on the PRINTERS disk (PSFVMUP TERS3820) or on the Internet: =================================================== * PSF/VSE (5686-040-01): The following PTFs supply base device support and N_UP support for all of the AFCCU printers, as well as ESCON support and 16K I/O buffer support. They also provide PSF Direct, D/T3130, power positioning, 31 printers/partition, outline font, and extended color support. APAR PTF Description ---- --- ------------------------------------------------- DY42406 UD48446 APTRMARK utility fix DY42845 UD48942 ACIF datastream support DY43012 UD49146 3935 support DY43441 UD49336 AFCCU, ESCON and 16K I/O buffer support DY43428 UD49342 PSF Direct support DY43501 UD49393 multiple output bin support (3935/3130) DY43695 UD49587 ABEND0A6 RC0F12 on SNA printers DY43880 UD49755 new function for VSE/ESA V2 and fix rollups (***) DY43989 UD49895 outline font support(fix install error on UD49866) DY44194 UD50093 PAGEDEF Barcode support and impact printer support DY44124 UD50146 Year 2000 support DY44464 - InfoPrint 4000 240/300 resolution switch fix DY44508 - Extended color support documented here DY44510 UD50405 IOB (include object), IOCA replicate/trim support (***) to activate new function, must install VSE Power V6 APARs DY43690 and DY43732. NOTE: this also contains fixes for prior levels of VSE. Additional maintenance information on PSF/VSE V2.2.2 is available within IBM on the PRINTERS disk (PSFVSEUP TERS3820) or on the Internet: =================================================== * OS/400 PSF support and PSF/400 (V3R10 and above): Base 3900D/W support was available on OS/400 V2.3. Basic N_UP and TCP/IP printer attachment are in V3.1 and V3.6 (and above). Enhanced N_UP is in V2.2 and V3.7. AFP fixes for OS/400 - current as of 06/23/97: The following PTFs are general fixes for any AFP configured printer. A current CUM PKG and the following PTF's should be applied to any system that is using IPDS printers that are configured for AFP *YES. R305 R310 R320 R360 R370 MF11542(6170) MF13795(7044) MF13796(7014) MF15155(7141) MF15087(7161) SF16642(4263) SF19343(4340) SF38506(7126) SF26778(5346) SF41081(7161) SF32834(1000) SF37177(1000) SF30921(6191) SF39731(7140) SF38246(7161) SF37103(1000) SF26732(6016) SF31810(6191) SF31461(1000) SF38244(7161) SF24841(6030) SF38929(1000) SF36888(7014) SF39362(1000) SF38242(7161) SF20046(6170) SF41452(1000) SF38226(7126) SF40601(1000) SF40675(1000) SF39836(1000) SF38402(7126) SF39364(1000) SF40847(1000) SF37905(7044) SF41642(1000) SF39365(1000) SF41266(1000) SF39839(1000) SF38874(1000) SF39368(1000) SF38505(7161) SF39838(1000) SF40394(1000) SF39367(1000) SF39840(1000) SF40490(1000) SF41639(1000) SF31976(1000) SF29961(6198) SF30948(1000) SF31809(1000) SF26990(6016) *** 3935 Support *** SF16805(4263) Contained in Contained in Contained in Contained in SF36899(1000) above PTF's above PTF's above PTF's above PTF's SF32908(1000) SF30131(1000) SF33628(1000) *** 3130 Support *** Contained in above PTF's. Set hardware to 3935 emulation. NOTE: The 4 digit number following the PTF number is the CUM PKG containing the PTF. If the number is (1000), the PTF is not on a CUM PKG and can be ordered via ECS(SNDPTFORD). NOTE: R230 support ended on 5/31/96 - no APAR's after that date! R305 support ended on 5/31/97 - no APAR's after that date! Additional maintenance information on OS/400 AFP is available on the Internet: Follow the links down through Knowledge Base and select area PRINT. Expand this area and then search down for the PTF lists (besides AFP, there are lists for TCP/IP, LAN, and HPT). =================================================== * PSF/6000 (V1: 5765-140-00 or V2: 5765-505-00): Base AFCCU support (no N_UP) is supplied with PSF/6000 V1.2. Please ensure the latest service level is applied. TCP/IP attachment of 3900D/W is highly recommended. PSF/6000 V1.2 with the latest service supports N_UP via PSF Direct. The latest service level is U441655. Documentation updates are via U436010. Native N_UP support (both basic and power positioning) is via PSF/AIX V2.1. The latest PTFs for PSF/AIX are: Base: U450987 Man pages: U449289 ACIF: UQ06748 PCL2AFP: U447344 PS2AFP: U450109 SAP2AFP: U449694 PPFA: UN98040 =================================================== * PSF/2 (V1: 5601-298-01 and V2: 5622-551-01): Base AFCCU support (no N_UP) is supplied with PSF/2 V1.1 at the latest CSD (UR41102). Maintenance beyond the CSD is available through service or on the Internet at: N_UP function is available for printers attached to a supported host (as in the table above) via PSF/2 V2R0 with PSF Direct. N_UP support will NOT be available via PSF/2 DPF or PSF/2 LAN. PSF/2 V2.1's (which replaces V1.1) latest CSD is UR44121. There are additional updates beyond that CSD (including a CSD for outline fonts - UR46007). Further information is available within IBM on the PRINTERS disk (PSF22CSD PACKAGE) or on the Internet: =================================================== * OGL/370 (5688-191-01) Overlay Generation Language has been enhanced to support outline and 300 pel raster fonts, as well as Year 2000 support, and extended colors. Language PTFs: APAR O.S. English German Japanese PN86535 MVS UN93027 UN93028 UN93029 PN86535 VM UN93031 UN93032 UN93033 PN86623 VSE UN93115 PN86624 VSE UN93116 PN86625 VSE UN93117 Base PTFs: APAR MVS VM VSE DESCRIPTION PN76266 UN82472 UN82473 UN82474 page segment placed wrong (300 pel) PN76724 UN83591 UN83592 UN83593 fix ABENDs for out of storage PN74144 - - UN83806 text handling improvements PN80020 UN86870 UN86871 UN86872 double-byte outline fonts PN86535 UN93026 UN93030 UN93034 year 2000 updates PQ01928 UQ03101 UQ03102 UQ03103 fix DBCS character placement PQ03978 UQ04629 UQ04630 UQ04631 MODCA extended color support Additional maintenance information on OGL/370 is available within IBM on the PRINTERS disk (OGL370UP TERS3820) or on the Internet: =================================================== * Hardware microcode levels: The following list contains the current shipping version for microcode on most of the 'production print' AFP printers. Please try to keep your customers up to date with the current level. Basic N_UP is supported on all the CCU (Group 3 printers) as follows (NOTE: Hxxxxx refer to hardware tips in RETAIN): 3825 microcode 6.B or later (current is 6.B - see H123669) 3827 microcode 12.Q or later (current is 12.Q) 3828 microcode 4.E or later (current is 4.F) 3829 microcode 1.C or later (current is 1.D) 3835-1 microcode 23 or later (current is 27 - see H082218) 3835-2 microcode 9.C.6 or later (current is 14.P.16 - see H021162) 3900-1 microcode 6.E.7 or later (current is 14.P.17 - see H013643) Power positioning is ONLY supported on the AFCCU printers and requires the following microcode levels (these levels also support basic N_UP): 3130: V1.16 or later (current is 2.51 - see H13630) 3130: Release 2 microcode (current is 10.22.17 - see H003788) 3160: V3.02 or later (current is 3.09 - see H134841) 3160-002: any level (current is 3.5 - see H137081) 3900 (all AFCCU models): (current is V6.120 or V8.132) 3900-DR1/DR2: any level (current is V8.221) 3935: microcode 1.7 or later (current is 3.15 - see H131727) 4000 (all AFCCU models): (current is V8.411 w/patch 8.413 - see H087426) =================================================== Comments, additions, and corrections to the above are welcome and can be sent to: Gene Roose IBM Printing Systems VM: ROOSEG AT IBMUSM53 email: