APAR Identifier ...... II09659 Last Changed ........ 01/01/18 OS/390 SOFTCOPY PRINT HINTS AND TIPS 5752SYBLD Symptom ...... DD DOC Status ........... CLOSED CAN Severity ................... 4 Date Closed ......... 96/08/22 Component .......... INFOV2LIB Duplicate of ........ Reported Release ......... 001 Fixed Release ............ Component Name V2 LIB INFO ITE Special Notice Current Target Date .. Flags SCP ................... Platform ............ Status Detail: ASSIGNMENT - APAR has been assigned to a programmer. PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: This APAR provides information in the form of additional hints and tips about OS/390 Softcopy Print. Contents: (96/08/22) Specifying Duplex Printing (96/08/22) Error Message DSMMOM391I (96/08/22) Printing Softcopy Books Using Batch Print (97/05/06) Specifying Name of TCP/IP Start-up Proc =============================================================== Specifying Duplex Printing -------------------------- The APSWPROP startup proc provided with PSF for printing softcopy books uses a default FORMDEF of A10110. The A10110 FORMDEF is for simplex printing. To print duplex output, you should change the default FORMDEF to A10111. Example: //PRT1 CNTL //PRT1 PRINTDEV PAGEDEF=A06462, /* DEFAULT PAGEDEF */ // FORMDEF=A10111, /* DUPLEX FORMDEF */<=== After making the above change, the printer must be DRAINED and the PSF started task must be cancelled, then restarted to pick up the new default FORMDEF. Additional description of the FORMDEF parameter can be found in PSF/MVS: Application Programming Guide, S544-3673. =============================================================== Error Message DSMMOM391I ------------------------ If you receive message DSMMOM391I stating that font X0T00395 is missing, you have not properly customized OS/390 Softcopy Print according to the instructions in Section 7 of the Program Directory. DSMMOM391I FORMATTING ENDED BY MESSAGE 'DSMPDI484S DEFAULT FONT 'X0T00395' NOT AVAILABLE FOR LOGICAL DEVICE '3820A'. This message indicates that you have not correctly customized the BookManager READ/MVS defaults in EOXVOPTS to specify an AFPA device. Font 'X0T00395' is ONLY used when formatting for a 3820 device, and is not used when formatting for an AFPA device. =============================================================== Printing Softcopy Books Using Batch Print ----------------------------------------- The Program Directory instructions for customizing OS/390 Softcopy Print assume that both ISPF and BookManager READ/MVS have already been customized for use by the TSO user. The ISPF panels and skeletons that are used when you invoke the batch print option from BookManager READ/MVS are supplied as part of the ISPF element of OS/390. To use the BATCH print mode, the ISPF.SISPSLIB data set must be allocated to the ISPSLIB concatenation in your TSO logon proc. =========================================================== Specifying Name of TCP/IP Start-up Proc --------------------------------------- PSF needs to know the name of the TCP/IP start-up proc, in order to establish communications to a TCP/IP-attached printer. The default name that PSF expects for the TCP/IP address space is TCPIP. To specify a TCP/IP address space name other than the default, TCPIP, code the PARM field on the EXEC statement in the appropriate PSF writer procedure. In the APSWPROP start-up proc for Softcopy Print, you should add a PARM field as follows: //STEP01 EXEC PGM=APSPPIEP,REGION=4096K,PARM=(,,,,TCPIP) ||||| where you substitute your TCP/IP address space name for the characters TCPIP as shown above. Note that this is a positional parameter and the leading four commas are required. LOCAL FIX: PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TEMPORARY FIX: COMMENTS: Closing Info APAR. MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: RTN CODES: CIRCUMVENTION: MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: