.FO OFF .RH ON Item Number II11127 - INT .SP 2 .RH OFF APAR Identifier ...... II11127 Last Changed ........ 98/05/08 COMMON PROBLEM INFO APAR FOR AFP UPLOAD. 569504003 R227 HPRF227 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... INTRAN Severity ................... 4 Date Closed ......... Component .......... INFOV2LIB Duplicate of ........ Reported Release ......... 001 Fixed Release ............ Component Name V2 LIB INFO ITE Special Notice Current Target Date .. Flags SCP ................... Platform ............ Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Information Apar for AFP UPLOAD 569504003 R227 HPRF227 Information on additional problems can be found in the PSP BUCKET UPGRADE:PSFMVS220 SUBSET:HPRF227. ****************************************************** Section A - MSGCEE3640W MSGIBM0578I ABENDU4093 RC34 Section B - Abendu4082 rc02 msgcee0374c cee3250c Section C - Abendu4093 rc90 error in CEEPLPKA ****************************************************** Section - A Informational warning messages CEE3640w and IBM0578I followed by abend4093 rc34 active load module CEEBINIT are iissued because OpenEdition Services feature is not installed. This is required for customers using LE/370 with TCP/IP. ****************************************************** Section B Msgcee0374c Condition cee3250c abend4082 rc02 can be received for program IBMRLIB1 if the STC default region size is to small. Increase the default region size. ******************************************************* Section C Abend4093 rc90 attempting to activate the TCP/IP interface for AFP UPLOAD. Error in module CEEPLPKA. MSGCEE5101C CEE5101C The RC90 RSN90 means conditional management for OE could not be initialized. The UPLOAD id needed to added to the security package running under OE OpenEdition Services. The is a security issue for OpenEdition Services and the security package used on the system. (TS) ******************************************************* LOCAL FIX: