*********************** * SUBSET HPRF220 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR PSF/MVS VERSION 2, RELEASE 2, MODIFICATION 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 98/01/29 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. 95/03/27 DOCUMENTATION CHANGES 3. 98/05/04 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 99/10/27 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 00/03/02 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 20 99/10/27 OW40915 UW64176 9910 HIPER D/T4317 AT IPDS CODE LEVEL 19 99/03/19 OW37911 UW57414 9903 HIPER FSI SYNC ORDER RECEIVED 18 99/01/25 OW34506 UW51805 9809 HIPER ABEND024 RC02B0 RC2B0 17 98/11/20 OW36139 UW53859 9811 HIPER TCP/IP CONNECTED PRINTERS 16 98/11/10 OW35984 UW53498 9811 HIPER WRONG DATASET MAY BE 15 98/05/14 OW30255 UW44184 9712 HIPER MSGAPS211I 'PRINT DATA SET 14 98/05/14 OW31358 UW48542 9805 HIPER ABEND0C4 PIC11 AT X'78A' 13 98/01/15 OW30962 UW45008 9801 HIPER TCP/IP (INTERLINK) 12. 97/09/25 OW29140 UW42075 9709 HIPER ABEND0C4 IN EZACICMT OR 11. 96/11/21 OW22828 UW32832 9610 HIPER SUPPORT FOR TCP/IP 3.2.0 - 10 96/08/13 OW20090 UW29255 9606 HIPER MSGAPS023I ISSUED IF CNTL 9 96/08/13 OW21299 UW30715 9607 HIPER MVS DOWNLOAD FILES CAN BE 8 96/08/07 OW19962 UW29810 9606 HIPER EXCESSIVE I/O TO FONT 7 96/08/02 OW19765 UW27811 9604 HIPER MSGHASP700 FSS FAILED TO 6. 95/11/03 OW12081 UW18068 9505 HIPER IECVAFP1 USING INCORRECT 5 95/04/12 OW10239 UW15117 9502 HIPER MSGHASP003 RC55 RECEIVED 4 95/03/22 OW10530 UW15504 9502 HIPER SAME JOB TAKES LONGER TO 3 94/10/24 OW07612 UW11415 9410 INCOMPLETE DATASET RELEASED 2 94/09/02 OW06977 UW10401 9408 PSF/MVS V2.2.0 CCM ROLLUP 1. 94/07/21 OW06321 UW08938 9407 HIPER LOST PAGES ON SNA ATTACHED ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 6. 98/01/29 Section of Program Directory Referenced: Section 6.1.7 DELETE PSF/MVS (Program Directory dated July 1994) Section 6.1.7, to delete a prior copy of PSF/MVS is missing needed UCLIN which results in MSGGIM37902I APPLY PROCESSING FAILED FOR SYSMOD HPRF220 PREVIOUSLY DELETED when proceeding to the APPLY CHECK IN STEP 6.1.8. After running the delete job shown in figure 38 the following UCLIN needs to be run. SET BDY(target). UCLIN. DEL SYSMOD(dmyfmid). dmyfmid is sysmod in prev delete DEL SYSMOD(psffmid). psffmid is fmid of psf ENDUCL. SET BDY(dlib). UCLIN. DEL SYSMOD(dmyfmid). DEL SYSMOD(psffmid). ENDUCL. 5. 96/07/25 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: Section 5.2.3 Machine Reqs. In Section 5.2.3 MACHINE REQUIREMENTS for D/T3827. Please add the following to the statement: TO SUPPORT BASIC N UP, INSTALL MICROCODE LEVEL 12.Q. ADD: FEATURE CODE 4200 (VERTEX) IS ALSO REQUIRED TO USE N UP. 4. 95/06/13 The text following Figure 43 in section 6.1.9 of the PSF/MVS V2.2.0 Program Directory should be changed to: If AFP API is being installed, you will receive IEW0461 unresolved external reference messages for the following load modules: APQBDOC APQBFLD APQBGRP APQBPAG APQBPAR APQBROW APQBTBL APQCARE APQDFLD APQDFNT APQDROW APQEARE APQEDOC APQEFLD APQEGRP APQEND APQEPAG APQEPAR APQEROW APQETBL APQINIT APQINVM APQIOBJ APQIOVL APQIPSG APQPARE APQPBOX APQPCHS APQPRUL APQPTAG APQPTXT APQQATT APQQPOS APQSCLR APQSFNT APQSICS APQSLIB APQSOUT APQSPOS APQSRTH APQSUNI APQSWSP APQTERM APQXARE APQXFREE APQXGET APQXLOAD APQXSRVI APQXSRVN You will also receive IEW0461 for APQQSTR after UN75782 is applied. A return code of "4" should be received from the APPLY job. Investigate any other problems before continuing with the installation of ACIF or AFP API. For APQINIT, the unresolved external references that are okay are: EDCXGET, EDCXFREE, EDCXLOAD, EDCXSRVI, and EDCXSRVN. For all other load modules listed, the only IEW0461 message should be for external reference EDCXSRVN. The message GIM61903W is acceptable for APQTKMOD when installing HQN2112 in a zone where it has not been previously installed. The message GIM23903W is acceptable on APPLY for the same load modules listed above that go into the SAPQMOD2 target library. 3. 95/01/11 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 5.2.4 See APAR OW07350 "Blank Compression Support" (attached). 2. 94/08/25 Section 6.1.6 The transfer of ownership job (APSWMFID) should not be run under the following circumstances. 1. Customer is HDP3330 or above and never had PSF installed. 2. Customer is any level DFP, and had prior PSF installed in BCP CSI and is installing new PSF in BCP CSI. ********************************************************* Note: If the job is run under these circumstances, a RC4 will be received. ********************************************************* All other situations should run the APSWMFID job. However, if you have DFP HDP2240 or higher installed, you will receive RC4 due to IGE0000E not being present. The RC4 is acceptable. After the APPLY and ACCEPT have been run, an SMPE query should indicate that PSF HPRF102 is the owner of the module/macros. 1. 94/08/17 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 5.2.3 Machine Requirements IBM 3812 Page Printer Model 2 requires 3270 IDS microcode Version 2 Release 5.0 (or above) IS INCORRECT. This should state that Version 2 Release 4.0 (or above) is required. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 2. 95/03/27 PSF MVS V2.2.0 PROGRAM DIRECTORY G544-3668-02 SECTION 5.2.3 MACHINE REQUIREMENTS ADD TO ALL AREAS THAT MENTION IBM 3174 Establishment Controller CONFIGURATION SUPPORT C, RELEASE 5.1 with PTRB1E4 and PTRB1D9 or V6.0 with PTRB1D9. 1. 95/01/11 PSF/MVS 2.2.0 System Programming Guide (S544-3672-01) See apar OW07350 "Blank Compression Support" (attached). ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 11. 98/04/30 PSF/MVS V2.2.0 USERS WHO WANT TO SHARE ESCON ATTACHED PRINTERS BEWTWEEN MULTIPLE HOSTS. PSF now provides support to SHARE an ESCON attached printer between multiple hosts. SEE PSF/MVS APAR OW29992 for PTF and PRINTER MICROCODE requirements. Please read the following information as well: Enable the multi-host support only if ALL host systems connected to the printer are using PSF/MVS V2.2.0 with APAR OW29992 / PTF UW46411 installed on OS/390 V1R3.0 or higher, otherwise, do NOT enable the support. Such an OS/390 system can be a guest of VM/ESA with the printer dedicated to the guest, but VM/ESA and PSF/VM do NOT themselves support the multi-host protocol. If multi- host support is enabled with these required levels of PSF/MVS and OS/390, the printer will enforce serial usage by one PSF/MVS at a time. Warning: If this support is enabled and one of the hosts or VM guest operating systems does not have the correct software installed, you will NOT be able to print from that host or guest. For more information on the multi-host support, see the appropriate Introduction and Planning Guide for your printer. 10. 98/04/30 ALL PSF/MVS 220 USERS WHO INSTALL TCP/IP V3.4. MSGAPS935I PRT4 STEP01 PRT4 PRT4 (TCP) CONNECTION WITH TCP/IP ATTACHED PRINTER(PRT4) IPADDR( IS BEING RETRIED BECAUSE OF A PREVIOUSLY DETECTED RETRIABLE CONDITION (SOCKET FAILED), TCP/IP ERRNO(156) MAY BE RECEIVED. *********************************************************** ERRNO 156 indicates an OpenEdition process initialization initialization failure. This is usually an indication that a proper OMVS RACF SEGMENT is not defined for the USER-ID associated with the application. The OMVS RACF SEGMENT may NOT be defined or may contain errors such as an IMPROPER HOME() directory specification. Please review IP PLANNING & MIGRATION manual, SC31-8512, pages 33 thru 38, TOPICS, 'OPEN EDITION SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS' and 'REQUIREMENTS FOR AN OMVS SEGMENT'. The PSF RACF USERID MUST be defined in the OMVS RACF SEGMENT and contain a proper HOME directory. 9. 97/10/13 PSF/MVS V2.2.0 is incorporated into OS/390 R3. However, FULL FUNCTION of PSF is NOT ENABLED. As delivered via OS/390, ONLY SOFTCOPY PRINT is allowed. If you want to use FULL FUNCTION PSF, then PSF MUST be ENABLED via IFAPRD00 parmlib member. Also, any FSS that was started prior to ENABLEMENT must be CANCELLED and RESTARTED. If you receive MSGAPS211I when attempting to print a NON SOFTCOPY DOCUMENT, you DO NOT have to reinstall PSF. All you must do is ENABLE PSF via the IFAPRDxx parmlib member, then use the SET PROD=xx command to activate the IFAPRDxx member. Cancel the PSF ASID, then restart the printer and the document should print. 8. 96/11/08 PSF MVS VER 2.2.0 supports only PSF/2 VERSION 2 562255101 7. 96/08/26 The MVS 'D U' (DISPLAY UNIT) command will show a device type 3820 for device types 3791L and 3174. The UCBTYPE for the d/t3820 is the same as for the 3791L and 3174 because PSF uses the d/t3791L device support code for d/t3820 devices. The device type will show as 3820 for UCBs created with either MVSCP or HCD. Even if a d/t3791L or d/t3174 is specifically defined after a d/t3820, the 'D U' command will show a device type of 3820. It is important to note that the devices are defined correctly and will work accordingly. This is a known restriction and is documented in SUG apar OY49195. Because the 3820 is an older printer with limited currency, PSF currently has no plans to rewrite the 3820 device support code. 6. 95/08/18 If you would like to receive a listing of all of the NEW FUNCTION apars and ptfs and WHAT THEY CAN DO FOR YOU, please fax a note to 1-800-865-9053 requesting the NEW FUNCTION APAR LIST for PSF V2.x.x PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH YOUR MAILING ADDRESS. 5. 95/07/31 PLEASE NOTICE THAT THE DEFAULT PSF STARTUP PROCS LISTED IN THE APPENDIX 'B' OF THE PROGRAM DIRECTORY ARE SAMPLES. THE VALUES SUPPLIED MAY NOT WORK FOR YOUR INSTALLATION. SPECIFICALLY, THE VALUES SPECIFIED FOR DEFAULT FORMDEF, PAGEDEF AND CHARS MAY NEED CHANGING IF YOUR INSTALLATION USES PAPER SIZES OTHER THAN 8.5" X 11".(US STANDARD) 4. 94/10/20 APS532I OR APS280I WHEN USING IBM SUPPLIED APSWPROB STARTUP PROC MSGAPS532I 'FONT NOT FOUND' or APS280I 'RESOLUTION OF THE FONT DOES NOT AGREE WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE DEVICE' is issued when customer uses IBM supplied APSWPROB startup proc for SNA attached 300 pel printers and does not follow the directions that precede the CHARs parameter. 3. 94/07/06 There are a few potential checkpoint problems when migrating from PSF version 1 to PSF version 2, or from version 2 back to version 1. 1) It should be noted that PSF 1.3.0 interrupted datasets will not print on PSF V2. If it is attempted, a symptom that can be expected is an ABEND024 RC08A8. 2) When more than one level of PSF is running at the same time on a single system or across multiple systems in a MAS complex, and the different versions can select jobs from a single queue, it is important that printer selection parameters be set so that any given print file is not eligible for selection by more than one level of PSF. The reason for these restrictions is because each level of PSF has a unique internal format of the checkpoint data. PSF has addressed this problem by recognizing that a checkpoint data set was originally run on version 1 (PSF 1.2.1 or 1.3.0). PSF will cause this data set to be reprinted from the beginning. All pages printed before the interrupt will be reprinted. 2. 94/07/06 See WSC FLASH 9146 if using BTS/CTS post-processing devices with the 3900 printer. 1. 94/07/06 The following informational APARs should be reviewed prior to installation and periodically due to changes: II01835 (attached) Blank page before the trailer page when M=Y is specified in the JES parms. II01933 (attached) AFP fonts - common user errors and misc information. II02026 (attached) Single blank page between jobs. II02083 (attached) PSF printers. II02890 (attached) JES2/FSS Startup - Information regarding steplib JCL statements when used in the JES2 and/or FSS (e.g. PSF) startup procedures. II03268 (attached) Diagnosis aids for PSF/MVS. II04452 (attached) ABEND0C4 received when running print services facility in the MVS environment. II05010 (attached) Information for fonts contained in separate licensed programs in PSF and PMF. II05102 (attached) Running MVS/PSF V2 with D/T4224 or D/T4234 at unsupported model types or serial numbers, gets APS927I. II05992 (attached) Clarification on how to use the SMF mapping macro (IFASMFR) to access various sections of the TYPE6 PSF record. II06598 (attached) - WAIT025 WAIT035 WAIT055 WAIT064 after install of PSF V2.1.1. II06878 (attached) - Hung draining or starting in a multi-FSA environment ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 20 99/10/27 PROBLEM: (OW40915) D/T4317 AT IPDS CODE LEVEL 1.08R HANGS AT JOB END WHEN TCP/IP ATTACHED AFTER APPLICATION OF UW37687 OR UW46776. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have TCP/IP or SNA attached printers and users that have TCP/IP attached printers and have applied PTF UW37687. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW64176 ON VOLID 9910 (HPRF220) 19 99/03/19 PROBLEM: (OW37911) FSI SYNC ORDER RECEIVED FROM JES WHILE PSF IS PROCESSING LARGE AMOUNT OF INPUT DATA (IMAGE) CAUSES A HANG USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have TCP/IP attached printers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW57414 ON VOLID 9903 (HPRF220) 18 99/01/25 PROBLEM: (OW34506) ABEND024 RC02B0 RC2B0 ISSUED FROM APSCCOMP AT X'AFC' AFTER APPLICATION OF OW26734 (UW44418) WITH LU-1 USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have applied OW26734 (PTF No. UW44418). RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW51805 ON VOLID 9809 (HPRF220) 17 98/11/20 PROBLEM: (OW36139) TCP/IP CONNECTED PRINTERS THAT FAIL TO CONNECT, RECEIVE MSGAPS939I BUT NO MSGAPS934I AND PRINTER FAILS TO DRAIN. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have TCP/IP attached printers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW53859 ON VOLID 9811 (HPRF220) 16 98/11/10 PROBLEM: (OW35984) WRONG DATASET MAY BE PURGED IF OPERATOR CANCELS JOB CURRENTLY ON PRINTER, AND THEN ANOTHER ERROR OCCURS. USERS AFFECTED: All users of PSF/MVS 2.2.0 who have installed PTF UW44418, UW47001, or UW51679. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW53498 ON VOLID 9811 (HPRF220) 15 98/05/14 PROBLEM: (OW30255) MSGAPS211I 'PRINT DATA SET IS NOT RECOGNIZED AS A SOFTCOPY..' CHANGE PSF TO HOLD DATA SET IN THIS CASE INSTEAD OF PURGING. USERS AFFECTED: All users of OS/390 softcopy print. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW44184 ON VOLID 9712 (HPRF220) 14 98/05/14 PROBLEM: (OW31358) ABEND0C4 PIC11 AT X'78A' IN APSCPRCT AFTER UW44418 ON D/T3800 ATTACHED VIA OEM CHANNEL EXTENDER. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users who have applied PTF UW44418. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW48542 ON VOLID 9805 (HPRF220) 13 98/01/15 PROBLEM: (OW30962) TCP/IP (INTERLINK) ATTACHED PSF PRINTER HANGS AFTER INTERVENTION CONDITION USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have TCP/IP attached printers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW45008 ON VOLID 9801 (HPRF220) 12. 97/09/25 PROBLEM: (OW29140) ABEND0C4 IN EZACICMT OR MVPYVMCF USING TCP/IP V3.1 WITH PSF TCP/IP ATTACHED PRINTERS AFTER OW25178. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users that have TCP/IP attached printers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW42075 ON VOLID 9709 (HPRF220) 11. 96/11/21 PROBLEM: (OW22828) SUPPORT FOR TCP/IP 3.2.0 - NEW FUNCTION USERS AFFECTED: ALL PSF/MVS 2.2.0 USERS THAT WISH TO USE TCP/IP 3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW32832 ON VOLID 9610 10 96/08/13 PROBLEM: (OW20090) MSGAPS023I ISSUED IF CNTL ENDCNTL IS LEFT OUT OF MVS DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE. G544-5294 INDICATES THAT CNTL, USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users using the MVS Download Feature. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW29255 ON VOLID 9606 9 96/08/13 PROBLEM: (OW21299) MVS DOWNLOAD FILES CAN BE OVERWRITTEN. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users using the MVS Download Feature. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW30715 ON VOLID 9607 8 96/08/07 PROBLEM: (OW19962) EXCESSIVE I/O TO FONT LIBRARY WHEN USING USERLIBS. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 users who have applied PTF UW23082 and all PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users who have applied PTF UW23083 or UW23722 and code the USERLIB keyword on the OUTPUT JCL statement or specify inline Fonts. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW29810 ON VOLID 9606 7 96/08/02 PROBLEM: (OW19765) MSGHASP700 FSS FAILED TO CONNECT OR MSGIAT7048 ADDRESS SPACE FAILED FOR PSF ASID AFTER APPLICATION OF U USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users who have applied PTF UW24899 and are not using TCP/IP attached printers. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW27811 ON VOLID 9604 6. 95/11/03 PROBLEM: (OW12081) IECVAFP1 USING INCORRECT UCB MAPPING CAUSES STORAGE OVERLAY. MVS/ESA 5.1 WITH ESCON ATTACHED DEVICES. MANDATORY APAR USERS AFFECTED: PSF/MVS 2.1.0, 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 users using MVS 5.1.0 with ESCON channel-attached printers. (MVS 5.1 or higher) RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW18068 ON VOLID 9505 5 95/04/12 PROBLEM: (OW10239) MSGHASP003 RC55 RECEIVED WHEN ATTEMPTING TO CHANGE FORMS ON PSF ATTACHED PRINTER. USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW15117 ON VOLID 9502 4 95/03/22 PROBLEM: (OW10530) SAME JOB TAKES LONGER TO PRINT WITH PSF V2.2.0 THAN WITH V2.1.0 USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW15504 ON VOLID 9502 3 94/10/24 PROBLEM: (OW07612) INCOMPLETE DATASET RELEASED BACK TO JES AS COMPLETE AFTER ERROR. 94/08/22 PTF PECHANGE USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.1.0, 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW11415 ON VOLID 9410 2 94/09/02 PROBLEM: (OW06977) PSF/MVS V2.2.0 CCM ROLLUP APAR MSGAPS104I WHEN RUNNING NESTED PAGE GROUPS USERS AFFECTED: All PSF/MVS 2.2.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW10401 ON VOLID 9408 1. 94/07/21 PROBLEM: (OW06321) LOST PAGES ON SNA ATTACHED PRINTER AFTER APPLICATION OF OY67509 PTFS UW00750 OR UW04749. USERS AFFECTED: PSF/MVS Release 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 customers with APAR OY67509 applied or customers with Release 2.2.0 running to a D/T3812, D/T3816, D/T4028, D/T3930 or any of their follow-ons that report asynchronous data stream exceptions (action code '19'X). RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW08938 ON VOLID 9407 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 21. 00/03/02 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: JES2 5752SC1BH R607 R608 HJE6606 HJE6608 PROBLEM: Lost data if printing LINE MODE type data or possible PSF messages MSGAPS033I, MSGAPS159I, MSGAPS104I and MSGAPS348I indicating records OUT OF SEQUENCE. USERS AFFECTED: All running PSF with JES2. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW67889 or UW67890 ON VOLID F003 SEE HIPER JES2 APAR OW42126. 20. 00/03/02 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS TCP/IP 3.4 or higher PROBLEM: PSF TCP/IP ATTACHED PRINTERS DISCONNECT WITH MESSAGE APS935I TCP/IP ERRNO 10200 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ35713 FOR DETAILS 19. 98/08/20 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS TCP/IP V3.4 PROBLEM: PSF TCP/IP ATTCHED PRINTERS HANG DURING PRINT USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.4 - READ TCP/IP APAR PQ16166 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ18793 ON VOLID F806 18. 98/08/17 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS/ESA VTAM V4 PROBLEM: PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION WITH VTAM ATTACHED PRINTER AFTER MIGRATING TO V4 of VTAM. USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA VTAM V4. - READ VTAM APAR OW32077 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW46866 ON VOLID F804 17. 98/07/24 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: ABENDA78 RC10 CAN BE SEEN UPGRADING TO TCP/IP 3.2.0 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 - READ TCP/IP APAR PN88249 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN94504 ON VOLID F608 16. 98/05/04 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PSF/2 562255101 R100 PROBLEM: (IR29135) ABEND024 RC02BE in PSF V2.2.0 USERS AFFECTED: ALL PSF/2 USERS RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UR44127 15. 97/08/14 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ06092 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ07907 ON VOLID 9708 (HTCP320) Both UQ03944 and UQ03848 must be installed as well!! 14. 97/06/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING. SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ03285. USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03848 ON VOLID F704 (HTCP320) 13. 97/06/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ01611 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03944 ON VOLID F705 (HTCP320) Both UQ03944 and UQ03848 must be installed!! 12. 96/11/18 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.1. & V3.2 PROBLEM: PN90042 -MSGAPS932I received on TCP/IP attached PSF printers. TCP/IP DATABUFFERPOOLSIZE MUST be 16k or 32k for printers to function USERS AFFECTED: ALL PSF users of TCP/IP attached printers RECOMMENDATION: Read PN90042 11. 96/11/18 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS/ESA VTAM V4.3.0 PROBLEM: LU 6.2 devices attached via SWITCHED CONNECTIONS. See VTAM APAR OW14668 USERS AFFECTED: PSF V2.2.0 with LU6.2 printers via Switched Connection RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW20338 ON VOLID 9508 10. 94/08/19 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: SMP/E 1.7 PROBLEM: (IR23322) GIM20311E and GIM50001E indicating syntax error in column 5 of control statement. This points to the RFDSNPFX(IBM) operand. USERS AFFECTED: Customers receiving HPRF220 without IR23322 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UR40251 ON VOLID 9310 9. 94/07/18 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PSF/2 560129801 R110 PROBLEM: (IR26482) ABEND024 RC0752 in PSF V2.2.0 USERS AFFECTED: ALL PSF/2 USERS with D/T3935 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL Fix for apar IR26482 when available 8. 94/07/06 ITEM DELETED 94/07/19 7. 94/07/06 Interdependent product: JES2 JES2 users should review the following APARS and apply the APPROPRIATE PTFS: OY57695 - Lines not displayed with $DU,PRTnnn OY57987 - PSF gets ABEND0C4 after PSF restart OY56563 - $TO command cannot be used to modify CHARS= OY56894 - Multi data set job does not get requeued for printing if PSF has I/O error OY57919 - Doc apar - $TOJ with DEST change will cause data set to restart printing at beginning and not at point of interruption. OY61553 - After paper jam outgroup prints again OY65893 - Printer hung when $ZPRTxxx followed by a cancel FSS OW04205 - FSS WAIT or HANG OW05885 - ABEND0C4 in HASPFSSM OW24643 - MISSING or WRONG PAGEDEF/FORMDEF OW26439 - OUTPUT not SELECTED OW28477 - COPIES dont print, Incorrect repositioning 6. 94/07/06 Interdependent product: JES3 JES3 users should review the following apars and apply the appropriate PTFs: OY56566 - IAT7968 OW04123 - FSS HANG or WAIT OW05477 - FSS HANG or WAIT OW06507 - Checkpoint Restart 5. 94/07/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: RPM PROBLEM: See APARs IC02349 (RPM V2) and IC02346 (RPM V3) for added functions in PSF/MVS 2.1.0 for which corresponding RPM changes are required. USERS AFFECTED: RPM users RECOMMENDATION: See APAR for appropriate PTF 4. 94/07/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: MVS/ESA 4.3 PROBLEM: See APAR OY59040 (attached) PSF in Direct Attach(DPSS) mode may receive MSGAPS520I System Function RDJFCB was unsuccessful. Also: ABEND013 RCC0. USERS AFFECTED: PSF user's in Direct Attach(DPSS) RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UY86559 ON VOLID 9210 3. 94/07/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: SMPE 7.0 PROBLEM: IR23048 - WAIT025 at IPL USERS AFFECTED: Installers of PSF using SMPE 7.0 RECOMMENDATION: See APAR IR23048 for more detail. 2. 94/07/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: Functional Subsystem Interface (FSI) PROBLEM: (OY61208) PSF Direct Attached printing causes ABEND0C4 in VSM when called from IAZFSIT. USERS AFFECTED: Users of HBB4430 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UY91339 ON VOLID 9303 1. 94/07/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: VTAM 4.1 (HVT4101) PROBLEM: (OY66273) MSGAPS928I RC0F16 or RC0F14 and SNS10086000 USERS AFFECTED: Those printing to a channel attached LU6.2 D/T3820 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UY97293 ON VOLID 9308 ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II01835 II01933 II02026 II02083 II02890 II03268 II04452 II05010 II05102 II05992 II06598 II06878 OW07350 OW09625