UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 001 OF 034 ************************ * UPGRADE PSFMVS220 * ************************ THIS UPGRADE CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION AND/OR HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE APAR INFORMATION FOR VERSION 2, RELEASE 2, MODIFICATION 0 FOR PSF/MVS. ************************************************************************ * P R O D U C T I N D E X * ************************************************************************ PID NUMBER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SUBSET ID 5695040 MVS PSF/MVS V2.2.0 HPRF220 5695040 MVS PSF/MVS V2.2.0 HPRF220/9618 5648062 MVS ACIF HQN2110/9422 5648062 MVS ACIF REFRESH HQN2110/9618 5648062 MVS API HQN2112/9422 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 002 OF 034 5648062 MVS API REFRESH HQN2112/9617 5648062 MVS AFPAPI/MVS HQN2112/9846 5695040 MVS PPMP/MVS 2.2.0 HPRF224 5695040 MVS MVS DOWNLOAD JPRF225 5695040 MVS NETSPOOL HPRF226 5695040 MVS NETSPOOL HPRF226/9704 5695040 MVS SAMPLES REFRESH JPRF223/9618 5695040 MVS PSF AIX UPLOAD HPRF227 5647A01 MVS PRNTSRV NETSPOOL JPRF228 5647A01 MVS NETSPOOL SPANISH JPRF229 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 003 OF 034 HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE (HIPER) APAR INSTRUCTIONS Included in this Upgrade may be one or more APARs that describe problems that are of a High Impact or extremely pervasive nature. The following fields provide an outline of those APARs in section 4: "PROBLEM:" Brief description of the APAR "USERS AFFECTED:" If you have this Product/device/situation, you are exposed to the problem. The APAR or PTF fix should be applied in those cases. "RECOMMENDATION:" Take action that is described, most often that will be the application of an APAR or PTF fix. VOLID'S VOLID 1000 - Reflects corrective service (not on a PUT tape) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 004 OF 034 VOLID 9XXX - Reflects a PUT tape that the PTF can be located on. VOLID FXXX - Reflects a PUT tape. The 'F' represents a '9' and the XXX represents a PUT number. ******* ATTENTION: MVS SMP/E USERS (CBPDO NO CHARGE OFFERING): ***** Customers ordering the Custom Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) also receive PSP information in softcopy. In addition, CBPDO "VOLIDs" will appear in the PSP subset sections 3, 4 and 5. A VOLID of "1YWW", where Y is the year and WW is the week within that year, indicates that the PTF was included on that CBPDO and successive CBPDOs. Customers wishing more information should contact their IBM Marketing Branch Office. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 005 OF 034 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 006 OF 034 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 007 OF 034 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 008 OF 034 *********************** * SUBSET HPRF227 * *********************** This subset contains installation information for PSF AIX Upload Version 2, Release 2, Modification 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. YY/MM/DD INSTALLATION INFORMATION NO ENTRIES 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 97/10/08 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 97/06/06 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 99/08/10 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 009 OF 034 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 2. 97/06/06 OW27432 UW39048 9706 SUPPORT FOR TCP/IP 3.2.0 1. 97/02/03 OW21017 UW30822 9607 NEW FUNCTION ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 010 OF 034 THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 5. 97/09/23 Customers who use PL/1 Version 2 Release 3, either with SNA or TCP/IP, need not have OpenEdition Services installed and running. The OpenEdition Services requirement for customers who use LE/370 with TCP/IP is described in another item in this section. 4. 97/09/22 Informational warning messages CEE3640W and IBM0578I followed by abend4093 rc34 active load module at time UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 011 OF 034 CEEBINIT are issued because OpenEdition Services feature is not installed. This is required for customer using LE/370 with TCP/IP. 3. 97/03/21 PTF UW30822 includes a hold action (++ HOLD) that describes a new requirement for an additional DDDEF. To apply the PTF you must bypass the hold. Bypassing the hold will cause SMP/E to issue warning message GIM42001W and to yield return code 04. Return code 04 due to message GIM42001W is correct. Please ensure that SMP/E did not issue warning messages other than GIM42001W. A series of the following messages may also be received. They can be ignored. IEW2454W 9203 SYMBOL IBMLLIST UNRESOLVED. NO AUTOCALL (NCAL) SPECIFIED. The SMP/E logic for AFP Upload uses CALLLIBS. When SMP/E first attempts to link a load module it may find that there are unresolved external references, which you cited. However, SMP/E then links the load module again attempting UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 012 OF 034 to use CALLLIBS to resolve the external references. And the final link messages for each executable in your held output indicated that the linker resolved all external references 2. 97/03/06 1. AFP Upload - PL/I V2R3 Versus Language Environment for MVS. An AFP Upload installation includes a client program that is shipped with PSF for AIX and runs on AIX and a server program that is purchased as a feature of PSF/MVS and runs on MVS. Most of the MVS server program is written in the PL/I programming language (the rest is written in S/370 assembler language). Therefore, when the MVS server program runs it requires the PL/I run-time libraries. The AFP Upload announcement and AFP Upload Configuration Guides describe that the PL/I Version 2 Release 3 run-time libraries are a required prerequisite. AFP Upload customers can also use the IBM Language Environment for MVS, which includes PL/I run-time libraries, rather than the PL/I V2R3 product. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 013 OF 034 2. For AFP Upload using TCP/IP, Language Environment Version 1 Release 5 or later is required. And the fix for LE APAR PN81331 must be installed. Finally, OpenEdition MVS Services in MVS/ESA SP V5 must be running. Here is a summary of requirements for using LE with AFP Upload: --------------------------------------------------------- | | Minimum | LE | OpenEdition | | | LE | APAR PN81331 | Services | | | level | fix required? | required? | |---------------|---------|----------------|-------------| | AFP Upload | | | | | using SNA | V1R4 | no | no | |---------------|---------|----------------|-------------| | AFP Upload | | | | | using TCP/IP | V1R5 | yes | yes | UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 014 OF 034 --------------------------------------------------------- 3. The prerequisites for the SNA and TCP/IP programs differ because the AFP Upload TCP/IP program uses PL/I multi-tasking capabilities whereas the AFP Upload SNA program does not. (APPC/MVS provides the multi-tasking capabilities required by the AFP Upload SNA program.) Language Environment for MVS has an error in its PL/I multi-tasking support. The error is addressed by APAR PN81331. You must install the fix for this APAR to run AFP Upload using TCP/IP. You do not need this APAR fix to run AFP Upload using SNA. 4. The PL/I multi-tasking support in Language Environment requires the OpenEdition MVS Services of MVS/ESA SP V5. So, the AFP Upload TCP/IP program requires that OpenEdition MVS Services be running. The AFP Upload SNA program does not. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 015 OF 034 5. For AFP Upload using SNA, please note that the AUPDDDEF sample JCL on the product tape and sample TP profile on the product tape and in our configuration guide assume that the PL/I V2R3 libraries are used. A few changes are required to use the Language Environment. Here are the changes we made: 1. AUPDDDEF sample JCL : Use ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 016 OF 034 SHR. instead of ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLIBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMBASE) SHR. 2. APPC/MVS TP profile sample JCL : Use //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 017 OF 034 instead of //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLILINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMLINK,DISP=SHR 6. For AFP Upload using TCP/IP, please note that the AUPDDDEF sample JCL on the product tape and sample run JCL and PROC in our configuration guide assume that the PL/I V2R3 libraries are used. A few changes are required to use the Language Environment. Here are the changes we made: 1. AUPDDDEF sample JCL : Use UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 018 OF 034 ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (PLITASK) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SIBMTASK) SHR. instead of ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLIBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (PLITASK) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 019 OF 034 DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLITASK) SHR. 2. Sample run JCL : Use //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R5M3.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR instead of //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLILINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMLINK,DISP=SHR 1. 97/02/03 1. The AFP Upload announcment and AFP Upload Configuration UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 020 OF 034 Guide Using SNA describe that the PL/I Version 2 Release 3 run time libraries are a required prerequisite. 2. Language Environment Version 1 Release 3 lacks several capabilities that are provided by PL/I V2R3 and used by AFP Upload. AFP Upload cannot be used with the Le/370 V1R3. 3. AFP Upload using SNA can be used with Language Environment for MVS Version 1 Release 4 or higher. Some changes need to be made to our SMP/E sample JCL and the JCL in our APPC/MVS TP profile. ** Please note that the AUPDDDEF sample JCL on the product tape and sample TP profile on the product tape and in our configuration guide assume that PL/I libraries are used. Here are the changes required to use the Language Environment. 1. AUPDDDEF sample JCL : Use ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 021 OF 034 DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) SHR. Instead of ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLIBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMBASE) SHR. 2. APPC/MVS TP profile sample JCL: Use //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS //STEPLIB DD AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR Instead of //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 022 OF 034 //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLILINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMLINK,DISP=SHR ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 2. 97/06/06 PROBLEM: (OW27432) AFP UPLOAD USING TCP/IP V3R2 FAILS WITH MESSAGE ' TAKESOCKET ERROR = 113 ' USER AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users that wish to use tcp/ip 3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW39048 ON VOLID 9706 ALSO INSTALL LE/370 APAR PN92107. 1. 97/02/03 PROBLEM: (OW21017) Provides the TCP/IP modules for AFP Upload. AUPTCPS USERS AFFECTED: All users who want to use TCP/IP protocols to communicate data. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 023 OF 034 PTF UW30822 includes a hold action (++ HOLD) that describes a new requirement for an additional DDDEF. To apply the PTF you must bypass the hold. Bypassing the hold will cause SMP/E to issue warning message GIM42001W and to yield return code 04. Return code 04 due to message GIM42001W is correct. Please ensure that SMP/E did not issue warning messages other than GIM42001W. A series of the following messages may also received. They can be ignored. IEW2454W 9203 SYMBOL IBMLLIST UNRESOLVED. AUTOCALL (NCAL) SPECIFIED. The SMP/E logic for AFP Upload uses CALLLIB SMP/E first attempts to link a load module find that there are unresolved external references, which you cited. However, SMP/E links the load module again attempting to u UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 024 OF 034 CALLLIBS to resolve the external references the final link messages for each executable your held output indicated that the linker resolved all external references RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW30822 ON VOLID 9607 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 12. 99/08/10 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCTS: PSF for AIX Infoprint Manager for AIX PROBLEM: (IY02836) The AFP Uploadclienton AIX yields message "Printer needs key operator" when a TCP/IP connection is unexpectedly ended. It should provide a more useful message. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 025 OF 034 USERS AFFECTED: All AFP Upload TCP/IP users RECOMMENDATION: Install the appropriate ptf (When available). 11. 99/08/10 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE/370 PROBLEM: (PQ25448) LE produces no message or abend if the REGION size is too small; an AFP Upload subtask is ended without any visible indication. For TCP/IP users, closes the socket connection, causing the AFP Upload client on AIX to report a communication failure. USERS AFFECTED: All LE/370 users RECOMMENDATION: An LE/370 fix will be provided in a future release. Meanwhile, all AFP Upload customers who use LE/370 should specify runtimeoption 'storage(,,,20K)/' in the PARM parameter in their JCL EXEC statement. For example, EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS, UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 026 OF 034 PARM='STORAGE(,,,20K)/' or EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS, PARM='STORAGE(,,,20K)/CASE=MIXED' If the REGION size is too small, LE will end the program indicating User Code 4087 reason code 08. ( abendu4087 rc08 ) 10. 99/08/10 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE/370 PROBLEM: (PQ25448) LE produces no message or abend USERS AFFECTED: All LE/370 users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX 9. 98/03/18 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: OS PL/1 LIBRARY 566891101 PROBLEM: (PN68937) When starting AFP UPLOAD (AFPUPLD) an abend4093 rc78 (rc00000078) multitasking not permitted is received. USERS AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD running with pl/i runtime libraries. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 027 OF 034 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL un74369 ON VOLID 9503 8. 97/10/31 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.1.0 PROBLEM: (PN88517) ABEND0C4 in EZBNRNET after start of NCPROUTE in many NCP clients USERS AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL un94873 ON VOLID 9609 (HTCP310) 7. 97/10/31 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.1.0 PROBLEM: (PN92402) Takesocket errno 9 when unexpected OOB data is received and pops the select. Givesocket socket number is lost for any future use. USERS AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL uq01239 ON VOLID 9703 (HTCP310) Make sure un94873 and un94315 are instaled as well. 6. 97/10/31 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.1.0 PROBLEM: (PN87428) Vtam interface is not being cleaned up UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 028 OF 034 when client disconnects from defaultappl USERS AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN94315 ON VOLID 9608 (HTCP310) 5. 97/07/01 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE/370 PROBLEM: (PN92107) ABENDU4091 RC05 or ABEND0C4 in CEEOPMU USERS AFFECTED: Users of le/370 1.5 and up RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ00442 ON VOLID 9701 (HMWL510) INSTALL UQ00443 ON VOLID 9701 (HMWL610) INSTALL UQ00444 ON VOLID 9701 (HMWL710) 4. 97/06/06 INTERDEPENDANT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: (PN88249) EZASMI macros assembled under TCP/IP 3.1.0 and used with TCP/IP 3.2.0 fail. USER AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users RECOMMENDATIONS: INSTALL UN94504 ON VOLID 9608 (HTCP320) 3. 97/06/06 INTERDEPENDANT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 029 OF 034 PROBLEM: (PN90475) Tcp/ip macro EZASMI does not set r15 to 0 on return USER AFFECTED: All AFP UPLOAD users RECOMMENDATIONS: INSTALL UN99683 ON VOLID 9701 (HTCP320) 2. 97/03/06 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: OS PL/I LIBRARY 566891101 PROBLEM: (PN20167) APAR PN20167 is required to support AFP Upload multitasking Support. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN25179 ON VOLID 9206 (HHL2302) 1. 97/02/03 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: LE 370 PROBLEM: (PN81331) APAR PN81331 is required to support AFP Upload using TCP/IP with Languange Environment 370. * Please note that the LE/370 facilities used by the TCP/IP version of AFP Upload require that Open Edition Services be installed on the MVS/ESA system. The LE/370 facilities used by the SNA UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 030 OF 034 version of AFP Upload do not require Open Edition Services. ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 APAR II11127 PG 031 OF 034 APAR NUMBER = II11127 LAST UPDATE = 98/03/20 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = NO CURRENT APAR STATUS = INTRAN CLOSING CODE = ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 5NFO000 000 REPORTED COMPONENT = INFOV2LIB R001 V2 LIB INFO ITE FIXED COMPONENT = FAILING MODULE = PROBLEM ABSTRACT: COMMON PROBLEM INFO APAR FOR AFP UPLOAD. 569504003 R227 HPRF227 REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: Information Apar for AFP UPLOAD 569504003 R227 HPRF227 Information on additional problems can be found in the PSP BUCKET UPGRADE:PSFMVS220 SUBSET:HPRF227. ****************************************************** Section A - MSGCEE3640W MSGIBM0578I ABENDU4093 RC34 Section B - Abendu4082 rc02 msgcee0374c cee3250c UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 APAR II11127 PG 032 OF 034 Section C - Abendu4093 rc90 error in CEEPLPKA Section D - PSF / AIX queue staying in INITING Section E - Errno 10102 using oem tcp/ip ****************************************************** Section - A Informational warning messages CEE3640w and IBM0578I followed by abend4093 rc34 active load module CEEBINIT are iissued because OpenEdition Services feature is not installed. This is required for customers using LE/370 with TCP/IP. ****************************************************** Section B Msgcee0374c Condition cee3250c abend4082 rc02 can be received for program IBMRLIB1 if the STC default region size is to small. Increase the default region size. ******************************************************* Section C Abend4093 rc90 attempting to activate the TCP/IP UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 APAR II11127 PG 033 OF 034 interface for AFP UPLOAD. Error in module CEEPLPKA. MSGCEE5101C CEE5101C The RC90 RSN90 means conditional management for OE could not be initialized. The UPLOAD id needed to added to the security package running under OE OpenEdition Services. The is a security issue for OpenEdition Services and the security package used on the system. (TS) Another item to check is to make sure OE is completely up before Upload is started. ******************************************************* Section - D PSF / AIX queue staying in INITING. See psfaix apar IX85082 for details. ******************************************************* Section - E AFP Upload fails with errno 10102 trying to connect to PSF/AIX. The problem was with Sterling's Interlink TCP/IP IUCV socket were no turned on. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HPRF227 APAR II11127 PG 034 OF 034 errno10102 ********************************************************