UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 001 OF 041 ************************ * UPGRADE PSFMVS220 * ************************ THIS UPGRADE CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION AND/OR HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE APAR INFORMATION FOR VERSION 2, RELEASE 2, MODIFICATION 0 FOR PSF/MVS. ************************************************************************ * P R O D U C T I N D E X * ************************************************************************ PID NUMBER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SUBSET ID 5695040 MVS PSF/MVS V2.2.0 HPRF220 5695040 MVS PSF/MVS V2.2.0 HPRF220/9618 5648062 MVS ACIF HQN2110/9422 5648062 MVS ACIF REFRESH HQN2110/9618 5648062 MVS API HQN2112/9422 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 002 OF 041 5648062 MVS API REFRESH HQN2112/9617 5648062 MVS AFPAPI/MVS HQN2112/9846 5695040 MVS PPMP/MVS 2.2.0 HPRF224 5695040 MVS MVS DOWNLOAD JPRF225 5695040 MVS NETSPOOL HPRF226 5695040 MVS NETSPOOL HPRF226/9704 5695040 MVS SAMPLES REFRESH JPRF223/9618 5695040 MVS PSF AIX UPLOAD HPRF227 5647A01 MVS PRNTSRV NETSPOOL JPRF228 5647A01 MVS NETSPOOL SPANISH JPRF229 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 003 OF 041 HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE (HIPER) APAR INSTRUCTIONS Included in this Upgrade may be one or more APARs that describe problems that are of a High Impact or extremely pervasive nature. The following fields provide an outline of those APARs in section 4: "PROBLEM:" Brief description of the APAR "USERS AFFECTED:" If you have this Product/device/situation, you are exposed to the problem. The APAR or PTF fix should be applied in those cases. "RECOMMENDATION:" Take action that is described, most often that will be the application of an APAR or PTF fix. VOLID'S VOLID 1000 - Reflects corrective service (not on a PUT tape) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 004 OF 041 VOLID 9XXX - Reflects a PUT tape that the PTF can be located on. VOLID FXXX - Reflects a PUT tape. The 'F' represents a '9' and the XXX represents a PUT number. ******* ATTENTION: MVS SMP/E USERS (CBPDO NO CHARGE OFFERING): ***** Customers ordering the Custom Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) also receive PSP information in softcopy. In addition, CBPDO "VOLIDs" will appear in the PSP subset sections 3, 4 and 5. A VOLID of "1YWW", where Y is the year and WW is the week within that year, indicates that the PTF was included on that CBPDO and successive CBPDOs. Customers wishing more information should contact their IBM Marketing Branch Office. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 005 OF 041 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 006 OF 041 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 007 OF 041 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 008 OF 041 *********************** * SUBSET HQN2112/9422 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR API VERSION 2, RELEASE 2, MODIFICATION 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 95/06/13 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 98/09/14 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 99/08/10 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. YY/MM/DD CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES NO ENTRIES UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 009 OF 041 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 2 99/08/10 PQ26568 UQ29768 9905 HIPER STORAGE LEAK IN ENDPAGE 1 95/07/18 PN71721 UN78246 9506 HIPER ABEND0C4 IN APKQTMOD WHEN ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 5. 95/06/13 The text following Figure 43 in section 6.1.9 of the PSF/MVS V2.2.0 Program Directory should be changed to: If AFP API is being installed, you will receive IEW0461 unresolved external reference messages for the following load modules: UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 010 OF 041 APQBDOC APQBFLD APQBGRP APQBPAG APQBPAR APQBROW APQBTBL APQCARE APQDFLD APQDFNT APQDROW APQEARE APQEDOC APQEFLD APQEGRP APQEND APQEPAG APQEPAR APQEROW APQETBL APQINIT APQINVM APQIOBJ APQIOVL APQIPSG APQPARE APQPBOX APQPCHS APQPRUL APQPTAG APQPTXT APQQATT APQQPOS APQSCLR APQSFNT APQSICS APQSLIB APQSOUT APQSPOS APQSRTH APQSUNI APQSWSP APQTERM APQXARE APQXFREE APQXGET APQXLOAD APQXSRVI APQXSRVN You will also receive IEW0461 for APQQSTR after UN75782 is applied. A return code of "4" should be received from the APPLY job. Investigate any other problems before continuing with the installation of ACIF or AFP API. For APQINIT, the unresolved external references that are okay are: EDCXGET, EDCXFREE, EDCXLOAD, EDCXSRVI, and EDCXSRVN. For all other load modules listed, the only IEW0461 message should be for external reference EDCXSRVN. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 011 OF 041 The message GIM61903W is acceptable for APQTKMOD when installing HQN2112 in a zone where it has not been previously installed. The message GIM23903W is acceptable on APPLY for the same load modules listed above that go into the SAPQMOD2 target library. 4. 94/10/11 MSGIEW2456E is received when running the old version of APQCOCOB. This is because there are INCLUDEs for EDCXGET, EDCXFREE, EDCXLOAD, EDCXSRVI and EDCXSRVN in the old version. Since apar PN48099/UN57780 the 'C' runtime library requirement was lifted and the INCLUDE statements for these modules were removed in the new APQCOCOB. They were replaced with INCLUDEs for APQXGET, APQXFREE, APQXLOAD, APQXSRVI and APQXSRVN. 3. 94/09/28 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 7.3.2 Before running the AFPAPI COBOL IVP (APQCOCOB) make sure your compile options are: UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 012 OF 041 ADV QUOTE NOAWO BUFSIZE(4096) NOCMPR2 NOCOMPILE(S) DATA(31) NODBCS NODECK NODUMP NODYNAM NOEXIT NOFASTSRT NOFDUMP FLAG(1) NOFLAGMIG NOFLAGSAA NOFLAGSTD LANGUAGE(EN) LIB LINECOUNT(60) LIST NOMAP NONAME NONUMBER NUMPROC(NOPFD) OBJECT NOOFFSET NOOPTIMIZE OUTDD(SYSOUT) RENT RESIDENT SEQUENCE SIZE(MAX) SOURCE SPACE(1) NOSSRANGE NOTERM NOTEST TRUNC(STD) NOVBREF NOWORD NOXREF ZWB 2. 94/09/15 SECTION OF PROG. DIRECTORY REFERENCED: 7.3 AFP API Installation Verification Procedure The API IVP will not print correctly to a D/T3812 or a NON-TURBO D/T3816 (which can be identified by microcode level that is less than V4.0). The output from the IVP will receive Off Logical Page errors and may contain Vector lines that point to where the OVERLAY should be placed on the page. The D/T3812 can be used to print API output, as long as the output does not contain an OVERLAY. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 013 OF 041 The D/T3816 must be upgraded to the TURBO level to print OVERLAYS included in the API output. This can be accomplished by having your PENNANT marketing rep order FREE RPQ S02134. This RPQ will upgrade the processor and microcode for the D/T3816 to V4.0. 1. 94/08/11 Section of the Program Directory Referenced - 7.3.1 You must have the X0N2100C Times New Roman 240 or 300 pel Core Interchange Font installed. The Core Interchange Fonts do not come automatically with PSF 2.2.0 and must be ordered additionally at no additional cost. The FMIDs and feature numbers follow: PEL FMID PRODUCT # FEATURES 240 JPRF175 5695-040 6002 6008 6005 6011 (3480 cartridge 6001 6007 6004 6010 (6250 BPI) 300 JPRF160 5695-040 6014 6017 (3480 cartridge 6013 6016 (6250 BPI) ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 014 OF 041 * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 5. 98/09/14 Language Environment LE/370 is support by AFPAPI. Still compiled with cobol and/or PL/I, but linked and ran with the LE/370 common libraries. Some changes need to be made to the JCL for this to work. Here are samples: ******** newcopli.jcl ************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 015 OF 041 /RBOLAN JOB (TSS40000),'APQCOPLI ',NOTIFY=RBOLAN, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=(,30), // REGION=5M //* MODIFY THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR PL/I LIBRARIES //* //********************************************************** //* THIS JOB STEP COMPILES PL/1 PROGRAMS * //********************************************************** //* //STEP3 EXEC PGM=IEL0AA, // PARM='OBJECT,SOURCE,XREF,INCLUDE,A(F),AG,FLAG(I)', // REGION=512K //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLICOMP // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.V1R6M0.SCEERUN //* //DDSYS DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQSAM1,DISP=SHR //* //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&&LOADSET(APQPSAMP), // UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(MOD,PASS), UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 016 OF 041 // SPACE=(TRK,(30,3,20)), // DCB=(BLKSIZE=80,LRECL=80,RECFM=FB) //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024,(200,20)), // DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //* //SYSIN DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQSAM1(APQPSAMP),DISP=SHR //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //********************************************************** //* THIS STEP LINKEDITS THE PROGRAMS //**************************************************** //* //STEP4 EXEC PGM=IEWL, // COND=(9,LT,STEP3), // PARM='XCAL,LIST', // REGION=512K UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 017 OF 041 //* MODIFY THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR PL/1 AND C LIBRARIES //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.V1R6M0.SCEELKED //* //* MODIFY THE DATA SET NAME AND VOLSER FOR YOUR INSTALLATION //SYSLMOD DD DSN=RBOLAN.TEST.APILOAD(APQPSAMP), // UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(OLD,KEEP), // SPACE=(CYL,(5,1,1)), // DCB=(BLKSIZE=13000,LRECL=256,RECFM=U) //* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(1024,(200,20)), // DCB=BLKSIZE=1024 //* //TXTLIB DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQMOD2,DISP=SHR //* //OBJLIB DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,PASS) //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 018 OF 041 //* //SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE OBJLIB(APQPSAMP) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBDOC) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBPAG) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBFLD) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBGRP) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBROW) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBTBL) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQBPAR) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQCARE) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQDFLD) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQDFNT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQDROW) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEARE) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEDOC) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEFLD) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEGRP) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEND) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 019 OF 041 INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEPAG) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEPAR) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQEROW) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQETBL) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQGBUF) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQINIT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQINVM) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQIOBJ) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQIOVL) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQIPSG) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPARE) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPBOX) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPTAG) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPTXT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQQATT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPRUL) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQPCHS) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQQPOS) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQQSTR) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 020 OF 041 INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSCLR) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSFNT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSICS) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSLIB) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSOUT) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSPOS) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSRTH) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSUNI) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQSWSP) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQTERM) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXARE) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXGET) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXFREE) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXLOAD) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXSRVI) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXSRVN) INCLUDE TXTLIB(APQXUNLD) MODE AMODE(31),RMODE(ANY) NAME APQPSAMP(R) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 021 OF 041 /* // ************************************************************ ***************** newivpli.jcl ************************ //RBOLAN JOB (TSS40000),'APQIVPLI ',NOTIFY=RBOLAN, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=(,30), // REGION=5M //* //********************************************************** //* THIS STEP DELETES THE EXISTING DATASETS * //********************************************************** //* //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* //* //FILE1 DD DSN=RBOLAN.APQPSAMP.LISTAFP, // DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 022 OF 041 //* //FILE2 DD DSN=RBOLAN.APQPSAMP.SYSPRINT, // DISP=(MOD,DELETE,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE) //* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //* //********************************************************** //* THIS STEP RUNS A PL/1 PROGRAM THAT USES THE AFP API * //********************************************************** //* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=APQPSAMP,REGION=4098K //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CEE.V1R6M0.SCEERUN // DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQMOD1,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=RBOLAN.TEST.APILOAD,DISP=SHR //* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1)) UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 023 OF 041 //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,1)) //* //FONTDD DD DSN=RBOLAN.MY.FONTLIBB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.FONTLIBB,DISP=SHR //* //PSEGDD DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQULIB,DISP=SHR //* //APQSAMP DD DSN=RBOLAN.APQPSAMP.LISTAFP, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(CYL,(2,1),RLSE), // DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=8205,BLKSIZE=8209) //* //DATAIN DD DSN=RBOLAN.AFPAPI.SAPQSAM1(APQDATA),DISP=SHR //* //SYSPRINT DD DSN=RBOLAN.APQPSAMP.SYSPRINT, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), // UNIT=SYSDA, UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 024 OF 041 // SPACE=(TRK,(5,5),RLSE), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=13300) //* //SYSERR DD SYSOUT=* //SYSABOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY /* // *********************************************************** *********************************************************** 4. 95/08/04 When installing apar pn73433 / un79772 message stating the APQEND and APQTERM have unresolved external references to APQXUNLD. The messages are fine and pose no problems. 3. 95/06/30 To verify that you have installed the AFP/API correctly, you must have Times New Roman Latin1 or equivalent UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 025 OF 041 installed via FLIP in order for the installation verification program (APQIVCOB for COBOL and APQIVPLI for PL/1) to generate an APQSAMP LISTAFP output file. The following fonts are required for the installation verification program: 1. The 10-point Roman Medium Times New Roman (240 PEL or 300 PEL) 2. The 12-point Roman Medium Times New Roman (240 PEL or 300 PEL) 3. The 12-point Roman Bold Times New Roman (240 PEL or 300 PEL) 4. The 12-point Italics Medium Times New Roman (240 PEL or 300 PEL) If your PSF/MVS, PSF/VM, or PSF/VSE product was shipped prior to May 1, 1995, and included the Latin1 complement of the optional IBM Core Interchange Fonts, you have the required fonts. After May 1, 1995, the Core Interchange Fonts are no longer available with the PSF products, and must be obtained UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 026 OF 041 through the new AFP Font Collection product (5648-113). IBM Software Announcements 294-691 and 294-692, dated November 1, 1994, provide details of these changes. 2. 95/06/22 II07600 - AFPAPI COMMON PROBLEM INFO APAR (ATTACHED). 1. 94/10/05 The FMID for 300-pel Times New Roman Latin 1 which contain X0N2100C is JPRF1G0. Also, the feature information needed for the Latin 1 fonts are: needed for the Latin 1 fonts are: PEL FMID PRODUCT # FEATURES 240 JPRF175 5695-040 6002 6005 (3480 cartridge 6001 6004 (6250 BPI) 300 JPRF160 5695-040 6014 (3480 cartridge 6013 (6250 BPI) ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 027 OF 041 * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 2 99/08/10 PROBLEM: (PQ26568) STORAGE LEAK IN ENDPAGE PROCESSING USERS AFFECTED: All AFP/API users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ29768 ON VOLID 9905 (HQN2112) 1 95/07/18 PROBLEM: (PN71721) ABEND0C4 IN APKQTMOD WHEN RUNNING FROM SYSTEM LINKLIST USERS AFFECTED: Eventually, every customer would be affected by not having this linkage editor fix. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN78246 ON VOLID 9506 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 028 OF 041 PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 1. YY/MM/DD INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 029 OF 041 APAR NUMBER = II07600 LAST UPDATE = 97/12/02 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = YES CURRENT APAR STATUS = CLOSED CLOSING CODE = CAN ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 5NFO000 000 REPORTED COMPONENT = INFOPALIB R001 PA LIB INFO ITE FIXED COMPONENT = FAILING MODULE = PROBLEM ABSTRACT: AFPAPI COMMON PROBLEM INFO APAR REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: 564806202 HQN2112 R112 R113 ************************************************************** Section A - Modifying CHKSUCC to handle different severity codes Section B - Running APQBINDC ** See SECTION D ** Section C - RC0071 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 030 OF 041 Section D - msgIEW2456E running APQCOCOB Section E - Buffered interface (apar pn67836) Section F - Measure String (apar pn69627) Section G - Remove the restriction for not moving "up" the page (apar pn70396) Section H - ASCII fonts are not supported in API. Section I - Performance Considerations Section J - AFPINVM Invoke Medium Map Section K - RC0087 as the result of apar pn72810 and pn75041 Section L - RC0218 duplicate font names Section M - Text breaks on font change in Paragraph state. Section N - AFPAPI output is always in 1440 per inch. Section O - APQSAMPL2 in VSE, RC0217 rerun FLIP Section P - Placing an area AFPPARE within another area. Section Q - x'40' & x'41' in API data (perhaps using BARCODES) Section R - Information on the CICS apar pn82150/un89412 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 031 OF 041 Section S - RC0071 ON AFPPARE. The same API code ran fine before upgrading to OS/390 R3 Section T - MSGIEW2646W RC04 HPRF220N Section U - Sample JCL for LE/370 ******************************************************** Section A The AFP API IVP programs (APQSAMP and APQPSAMP) and sample programs (APQSAMP2 and APQPSMP2) perform error checking after most of the AFP API calls. The error checking routine, CHKSUCC, is provided in APQPERF (COBOL paragraphs) and APQPPRF (PL/1 subroutines). At installation time, CHKSUCC displays an error message and terminates when the severity code is greater than 4. This is because we don't want the IVP program to continue when a severity code 8 is encountered. A severity code greater than 4 indicates that something went wrong when the API was installed. If you use the routines provided in either APQPERF or APQPPRF, and you want your application to handle severity codes of 8 or less, than you must modify CHKSUCC to allow UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 032 OF 041 severity codes less than or equal to 8. Note: AFP API sends return codes and severity codes back to the program after every procedure call. The applica- tion program should monitor these codes after every call and respond accordingly. Checking them aids in debugging your program. ***************************************************** Section B Job APQBINDC, which exists in data set PSF.AFPAPI.SAPQSAM1, must be run after applying maintenance to AFPAPI. This job must be run every time a PTF is applied. Failure to run APQBINDC will result in an ABEND0C4 when trying to run an API program after maintenance has been applied. ** Note this requirement is no longer needed after apar pn48099 / un57780. See Section D of this apar. Also see apar pq14039/uq16129 98/04/06 **************************************************** Section C A RC0071 'INVALID AREA HANDLE SPECIFIED IN A PUT AREA UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 033 OF 041 PROCEDURE CALL. THE AREA DOES NOT EXIST.' can occur if the areas are not compiled in the order they are used. ******************************************************** Section D msgIEW2456E is received when running the old version of APQCOCOB. This is because there are INCLUDEs for EDCXGET EDCXFREE EDCXLOAD EDCXSRVI and EDCXSRVN in the old version. Since apar PN48099/UN57780 the 'C' runtime libary requirement was lifted and the INCLUDE statements for these modules were removed in the new APQCOCOB. The were replaced with INCLUDEs for APQXGET APQXFREE APQXLOAD APQXSRVI and APQXSRVN. *** Additional *** msgiew2456e for APQXUNLD from a recent apar, pn73443. Fixed in apar pn78749. *************************************************************** Section E Buffered Interface (apar pn67836). Adds the ability to direct output from the API to be returned to the program in a buffer rather than written to an output data set. NOTE: Some customer have received an abend0c1 UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 034 OF 041 dd name IEC135 DD statement missing using this interface. Fixed by running from the correct copybooks (IBM SUPPLIED) Upper vs lower case sensitive on some constants. *************************************************************** Section F Measure String (apar pn69627). Allows users to query the width and linespacing depth of a string of characters in a specified font. *************************************************************** Section G Remove the restriction for not moving "up" the page on AFPSPOS (apar pn70396). *************************************************************** Section H ASCII fonts are not supported in API *************************************************************** Section I Performance Considerations 1) Get to current service level. Several problems have been UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 035 OF 041 corrected involving AREAS and TABLES. 2) FONT, ROW and FIELD definitions should be done at the document level rather than the page level. 3) AREAS should be deleted when no longer needed and should be used only where necessary. Apar PN70396 removed the restriction of placing data on the page in top-to-bottom order. This means AREAS do not need to be, nor should be used for this purpose. 4) Do not issue multiple AFPDOC/AFPEDOC or AFPINIT/AFPEND requests unless there is a good reason. You can have multiple groups of pages in a single document. 5) Do not use TABLES unless absolutely needed. Many table-like functions can be done with draw rules and put character strings. *************************************************************** Section J AFPINVM Invoke Medium Maps (copy group). If only one copy group is specified on the page and it is the same (name) as the last copy group used on the previous UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 036 OF 041 page, the copy group is not changed. Error: IMM not picking up the correct copygroup. *************************************************************** Section K A return code rc0087 could be issued if the information in apar pn72810 is not read carefully. This apar requires that rows and fields be defined only at the document level. You can no longer define rows and fields at the page level. This will improve performance. **************************************************************** Section L A rc0218 problem can occur if duplicate font names occur in the library (as indicated on the FLIP report). The rc0218 comes from a duplicate character set. The solution is to make sure all fonts have unique typeface / attributes. **************************************************************** Section M Problem: Text breaks on a font change in Paragraph state. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 037 OF 041 Fixed: The documentation will be updated to fix this problem. Page 139 of the Program Guide and Reference s544-3872-01 that refers to AFPPTXT the section under concatenate will be changed. The 3rd sentence in the paragraph will change from: 'If no previous AFPPTXT (PUT TEXT) call was issued within the paragraph, the parameter is ignored.' To: 'Initialize the AFP-CONCATENATE field to TRU of the first invocation of AFPPTXT (PUT TEXT) of each field or paragraph.' **************************************************************** Section N The higher resolution of 1440 is the output resolution because of font metrics and 1440 is the highest resolution supported by AFP/API. The output file generated by AFP/API is in 1440 per inch. ************************************************************** Section O Running APQSAMPL2 for VSE and receiving a rc0217. See apar pn38085. Rename members APSR55*.PHASE -> UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 038 OF 041 =.TPHASE. Then buils FLIP (APQFLIP job). ************************************************************** Section P Placing an area (AFPPARE) inside another area per the Programming Guide and Reference (s5443872-01) does not work as documented. Please see Doc apar pn79818. **************************************************************** Section Q Concerning x'40' and x'41' in codepages (perhaps using BARCODES) AFPPCHS for x'41' gets x'40' in error =========================================================== The secret for getting hex 40's to be character data was to have two copies of the codepage, one for API and another for PSF to "hide" the hex 40's in the data from API. In the codepage for API formatting, the CPC was set like this: CPC DEF=SP010000 VAL=1 PRT=0 INC=0 VSC=4040 But once the LIST file had been generated, PSF sends another UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 039 OF 041 version along with the LIST3820. That version had this: CPC DEF=SP010000 VAL=1 PRT=0 INC=0 VSC=4141 This meant that PSF would use 41 for spaces instead of 40's. The redefinition of the hex 40 and 41 codepoints in the codepage doesn't matter to API. We just need a codepage with x'4040' in the VSC field of the CPC for API to process it, and we need another copy of the codepage with something else in the VSC field to get to treat the 40's as ordinary text. ************************************************************** Section R The New Function apar pn82150/un89412 provides API support for use with CICS. AFP API for CICS/ESA requires cics/esa version 3 release 2.1 or later. ************************************************************** Section S 12/97 RC0071 from AFPPARE after upgrading to OS/390 R3. The AFPAPI code ran fine before upgrading the system. The problem was caused by the customer code saving area handles, defined in copybook APQVARS as 9(8) binary, UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 040 OF 041 into a field defined as 9(8). For handle values greater than x'5F5E0FF' (99999999 decimal) the value was truncated to 8 digits, resulting in a mis-compare when AFPPARE searched for a matching area. Recommended Fix is to define variables that store handle values as 9(8) binary. It is suggested that COBOL option TRUNC(OPT) or TRUNC(BIN) be used to ensure no loss of digits in this case. A better solution is to change the definition of all fields defined as HANDLEs in both customer code and copybook APQVARS to be PICX (4), since handles are to be treated as tokens, not arithmetic values. **************************************************************** Section T OS/390 ServerPac job HPRF220N (IVP) failed with msgiew2624w rc04. RC00 is expected per the documentation. See OS390 apar OW30705. **************************************************************** Section - U Sample JCL for use with LE/370. UPGRADE: PSFMVS220 SUBSET: HQN2112/9422 APAR II07600 PG 041 OF 041 See info apar II11580. *************************************************************** TEMPORARY FIX: PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: CIRCUMVENTION: RP97/12/02 Repinned to add section T. APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: