UPGRADE: PRINTWAY INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 001 OF 079 ************************ * UPGRADE PRINTWAY * ************************ This upgrade contains installation information and/or high impact/ PERVASIVE APAR INFORMATION FOR VERSION 1, RELEASE 0, MODIFICATION 0 FOR IP Printway. ************************************************************************ * P R O D U C T I N D E X * ************************************************************************ PID NUMBER SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SUBSET ID 5695040 MVS IP Printway HMOS100 5695040 MVS IP Printway HMOS100/9704 5695A01 MVS IP Printway Kanji JMOS101 5695A01 MVS IP PRINTWAY SPANISH JMOS102 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 002 OF 079 HIGH IMPACT/PERVASIVE (HIPER) APAR INSTRUCTIONS Included in this Upgrade may be one or more APARs that describe problems that are of a High Impact or extremely pervasive nature. The following fields provide an outline of those APARs in section 4: "PROBLEM:" Brief description of the APAR "USERS AFFECTED:" If you have this Product/device/situation, you are exposed to the problem. The APAR or PTF fix should be applied in those cases. "RECOMMENDATION:" Take action that is described, most often that will be the application of an APAR or PTF fix. VOLID'S VOLID 1000 - Reflects corrective service (not on a PUT tape) UPGRADE: PRINTWAY ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 003 OF 079 VOLID 9XXX - Reflects a PUT tape that the PTF can be located on. VOLID FXXX - Reflects a PUT tape. The 'F' represents a '9' and the XXX represents a PUT number. ******* ATTENTION: MVS SMP/E USERS (CBPDO NO CHARGE OFFERING): ***** Customers ordering the Custom Built Product Delivery Offering (CBPDO) also receive PSP information in softcopy. In addition, CBPDO "VOLIDs" will appear in the PSP subset sections 3, 4 and 5. A VOLID of "1YWW", where Y is the year and WW is the week within that year, indicates that the PTF was included on that CBPDO and successive CBPDOs. Customers wishing more information should contact their IBM Marketing Branch Office. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 004 OF 079 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 005 OF 079 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY ADDITIONAL TEXT PG 006 OF 079 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: CHG/INDEX INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 007 OF 079 *********************** * SUBSET CHG/INDEX * *********************** THE PURPOSE OF THIS SUBSET IS TO TRACK ALTERATIONS TO THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THIS UPGRADE. *********************************************************************** * C H A N G E I N D E X * *********************************************************************** DATE SUBSET ALTERED COMMENTS 17. 98/11/25 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 4 JMOS101 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 1 JMOS102 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 1 16. 98/07/15 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 2, UPDATED ITEM 2 15. 98/05/05 JMOS102 SUBSET CREATED 14. 97/11/21 JMOS101 SUBSET CREATED UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: CHG/INDEX INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 008 OF 079 13. 97/11/11 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 2, ADDED ITEM 3 12. 97/11/05 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 1, ADDED ITEM 3 11. 97/08/14 HMOS100 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEM 5 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEM 5 10. 97/06/09 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 3 HMOS100 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 3 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEMS 3-4 HMOS100 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEMS 3-4 9. 97/05/13 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 2 HMOS100 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 2 8. 97/05/08 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEM 2 HMOS100 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEM 2 7. 97/01/30 HMOS100/9704 SECTION 4, ADDED ITEM 1 HMOS100 SECTION 4, ADDED ITEM 2 6. 97/01/28 HMOS100/9704 SUBSET CREATED 5. 96/11/22 HMOS100 SECTION 5, ADDED ITEM 1 4. 96/11/18 HMOS100 SECTION 3, ADDED ITEM 1 3. 96/10/22 HMOS100 SECTION 4, ADDED ITEM 1 2. 96/10/21 HMOS100 SECTION 1, ADDED ITEMS 1-2 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: CHG/INDEX INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 009 OF 079 HMOS100 SECTION 2, ADDED ITEMS 1-2 1. 96/09/06 UPGRADE/SUBSETS CREATED - SMRG UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 010 OF 079 *********************** * SUBSET HMOS100 * *********************** This subset contains installation information for IP PRINTWAY Version 2, Release 2, Modification 2. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 96/10/21 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. 96/10/21 DOCUMENTATION CHANGES 3. 97/06/09 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 97/01/30 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 97/08/14 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 011 OF 079 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 2. 97/01/30 OW23536 UW35477 9701 ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO 1. 96/10/22 OW22764 UW32872 9610 HIPER APAR TO CORRECT PROBLEMS ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 2. 96/10/21 Program Directory Section 6.3, Activating IP PrintWay: The information in the IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, must be used to complete the customization for IP PrintWay. The Program Directory contains only a summary of the steps that are involved. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 012 OF 079 1. 96/10/21 Program Directory Section 6.2.7, Update MVS System Environment: PARMLIB considerations for Language Environment: IP PrintWay requires the CEE.V1RxM0.SCEERUN data set of Language Environment during execution. You may either: 1) Place SCEERUN in the LINKLST prior to any other language runtime data set OR 2) Place SCEERUN in the STEPLIB of the IP PrintWay startup proc. If the STEPLIB approach is going to be used, then the SCEERUN data set must also be APF-authorized. Note: Placing SCEERUN in the LINKLST might have ramifications to other IBM products, vendor programs, and user-written applications. Please refer to the Language Environment Runtime Migration Guide, SC26-8232, for details. ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 013 OF 079 * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 2. 96/10/21 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: Under the heading "Using the PrintWay Initialization EXEC": To use the PrintWay initialization EXEC, ANFINIT, you can either copy it to a local library that is concatenated to SYSEXEC in the TSO logon procedure, or you can add the ANF.SANFEXEC library to the concatenation on the SYSEXEC DD statement. 1. 96/10/21 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: The following information should be added under the heading "Enabling PrintWay ISPF Panels": Providing Access to Other Required Libraries UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 014 OF 079 -------------------------------------------- Users of PrintWay ISPF panels require access to the PrintWay modules in the ANF.SANFLOAD library. If ANF.SANFLOAD was not included in the system link list, then it must be specified in the TSO logon procedure as part of either the ISPLLIB or STEPLIB concatenation. Example: //ISPLLIB DD DSN=ANF.SANFLOAD,DISP=SHR All users of PrintWay ISPF panels also require access to the Language Environment (LE) run-time library SCEERUN and the TCP/IP SEZALINK library. To provide panel users with the required library access, use one of the following methods: - Define these libraries in the system link list - Define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures To define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures, add the following DD statements to each user's TSO logon procedure: UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 015 OF 079 //ISPLLIB DD DSN=tcpip_hlq.SEZALINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR Alternatively, you can define the libraries in the STEPLIB DD statement. tcpip_hlq is the TCP/IP high-level qualifier used by your installation. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 3. 97/06/09 IP PrintWay used the standard translation tables to build the LPR command. Please keep a standard copy of the translation table without any changes available for PrintWay use. 2. 97/05/13 If your datasets are SMS managed you will get the following UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 016 OF 079 message: " MSGIGD104I dsname retained " between quite a few of the panels while data sets are being dynamically allocated or deallocated. You can supress them by adding PROF NOWTPM and PROF WTPM statements to ANFINIT. 1. 96/11/18 IP PRINTWAY does NOT work with IBM C/370 Library Version. Docid 5695-040 Revised 19960919 lists IBM C/370 Library Version for IP Printway's C Runtime Library support. This is not the case. IP Printway can not use IBM C/370 Library Version for C Runtime Library support. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 2. 97/01/30 PROBLEM: (OW23536) ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO FIELD LEVEL PANELS. USERS AFFECTED: All users of IP PrintWay V1.0.0 ISPF panels panels who wish to use field-level help, UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 017 OF 079 numeric classes, or forms that begin with a number. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW35477 ON VOLID 9701 1. 96/10/22 PROBLEM: (OW22764) APAR TO CORRECT PROBLEMS FOUND BETWEEN ANNOUNCE & GA OF IP PRINTWAY. USERS AFFECTED: All IP PrintWay 1.0.0 users. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW32872 ON VOLID 9610 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 5. 97/08/14 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ06092 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 018 OF 079 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ07907 ON VOLID 1000 (HTCP320) Both UQ03944 and UQ03848 must be installed as well!! 4. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP hang during printing. See apar PQ03285. USERS AFFECTED: All users of tcp/ip 3.2.0 and PrintWay. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03848 ON VOLID 9704 (HTCP320) 3. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP 3.2.0 hang while print- ing. See apar PQ01611 USERS AFFECTED: All PrintWay users of TCP/IP 3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03944 ON VOLID 9705 (HTCP320) 2. 97/05/08 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3R2 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 019 OF 079 PROBLEM: (PN88249) MSGAPS988I with text that "0 bytes" were sent or incorrout can occur upon return from EZASMI macro due to corrupted registers. USERS AFFECTED: Users of API macro assembled w/ TCP/IP V3R2 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN94504 ON VOLID 9608 OR UN99683 ON 9701. 1. 96/11/22 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: NETSPOOL PROBLEM: OW21953 - NEW FUNCTION- REQUIRED TO SUPPORT IP PRINTWAY USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW33846 ON VOLID 1000 THIS PTF WILL BRING NETSPOOL TO PROPER LEVEL FOR USE WITH IP PRINTWAY. ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 020 OF 079 APAR NUMBER = II10841 LAST UPDATE = 97/10/02 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = NO CURRENT APAR STATUS = INTRAN CLOSING CODE = ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 5NFO000 000 REPORTED COMPONENT = INFOV2LIB R001 V2 LIB INFO ITE FIXED COMPONENT = FAILING MODULE = PROBLEM ABSTRACT: COMMON PROBLEMS FOUND WITH IP/PRINTWAY ( 569504004 R100 ) REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: This info apar is meant to document common problems that have been encountered by customers using PrintWay, and their fixes (where possible). *************************************************************** INDEX SECTION 1 - Performance problem UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 021 OF 079 SECTION 2 - Apparent Hang, wait or loop using TCP/IP 3.2.0 SECTION 3 - Not selecting data sets from JES spool SECTION 4 - JES2 performance SECTION 5 - INCORROUT printing to HP LaserJet printers SECTION 6 - LPR options file not being used SECTION 7 - Losing or lost Postscript data SECTION 8 - Number of transmission queue data sets SECTION 9 - Data set never prints on IBM Network Printer SECTION 10- ABEND02A RC0C with SYSPRINT going to sysout SECTION 11- MSGANFM1200I not using USERPORTS SECTION 12- MSGANFM1104I with errno 60 using TCP/IP 3.4. SECTION 13- MSGANFM1109I with errno 54 on HP printers. SECTION 14- ABEND09B RC0010 RC010 RC10 RSN0010 RSN010 RSN10. SECTION 15- ABEND047 using ACF2 security. SECTION 16- INCORROUT,PARTIAL OUTPUT, MISSING DATA etc... SECTION 17- MSGANFM131I with VALID routing file entry SECTION 18- MSGANFM121I ANFM121I not documeneted SECTION 19- MSGHASP750 $F02 RC00040006 GETCELL EXTENSION ERROR SECTION 20- How to get multiple copies on one printer (lpd). UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 022 OF 079 SECTION 21- Wrong font name used for -ochars parm. *************************************************************** 1 - Many customers have reported performance problems when printing output on one physical printer from more than 11 PrintWay logical printers. Often times msgANFM1103I with ERRNO48 (errno(48) errno 48 EADDRINUSE) is found in the ANFMMSG data set. This occurs when the 11 well-known ports 721 - 731 are exhausted and a hard coded two minute wait occurs (a tcp/ip restriction that is lifted in 3.2 only via apar PN88789). To get around this, use the USERPORTS LPR option. This allows ports 1024 and above to be used. PrintWay ptf UW37353 needs to be applied to avoid problems with USERPORTS. 2 - All users of TCP/IP 3.2.0 may see a problem that appears as a hang, wait, loop or incorrout with no output being printed. TCP/IP the ptf's for apars PQ01611, PQ06911, PQ03285, PQ06092 and PN88249 should ALL be applied!! 3 - Output is available on the JES spool but is not selected UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 023 OF 079 by the JES for PrintWay. If using DEST, FORMS and CLASS in the PrintWay Routing entry the job must have matching parms and the JES2 PRTnnnn JES3 DEVICE(I/O) statement must have all three defined. Also, if using some combination of the three, make sure the work selection criteria (WS=) in the above JES statements is correct. For example if using CLASS and FORMS only and NOT DEST, the work selection should be set like: WS=(F,Q/R) or some variation (as long as the R is not on the left side of the '/'). See the JES documentation for more info on work selection. Also, if using DEST=IP: in the JCL, the routing file will NOT be used. IF 'R' is specified before OR after the / in the JES work selection criteria, a match will NEVER be found and the output will not be selected and 'given' to PrintWay. 4 - JES2 customers: specifying TRKCELL=YES on PRTnnnn statement and TRKCELL=5 on SPOOLDEF is recommended for peak performance. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 024 OF 079 5 - When printing to an HP LaserJet printer we have found that the LPR option LINETERM 0D25 must be coded to avoid incorrect output. Without this the output is varied but most often describes as "stair-stepping". Where each line is indented further than the previous line. 6 - If using DEST=IP in the JCL for a print job, the PRTOPTNS= keyword must also be coded if an options file (LPR options) entry is to be used. 7 - If a user is putting ascii Postscript data on the JES spool, there is a chance that some of the data will be lost. This can occur is using BLNKTRNC=YES (jes2) or TRUNC=YES (jes3) is coded for the PrintWay output class. With these coded, jes will truncate blanks (x'40') to save spool space. An ascii '@' character is actually x'40' and is used frequently in Postscript. Set BLNKTRNC=NO in jes2 OUTCLASS definition or TRUNC=NO in jes3 SYSOUT or BUFFER definition. YES is the default for both!! 8 - There is some confusion on the number of transmission queue UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 025 OF 079 data sets that are needed in a multiple fss (multi-fss) environment. Chapter 3 of the PrintWay Guide under "ANFQUEUE DD..." has a NOTE that states, "Specify a different transmission queue data set for each PrintWay FSS." This should be removed (ignored). As in the following section it explains that you can also share one transmis- sion queue data set between multiple FSS's. How each shop works depends on their needs. 9 - If printing to an IBM Network Printer (NP12 NP17 NP24 D/T4312 D/T4317 D/T4324 4312 4317 4324) and the data set never prints. Check the LPD PRINTER name that is specified in the LPD Port icon (\PIPE\LPDx) in the Output port window of the CREATE A PRINTER window of OS/2 desktop. The LPD printer name MUST be TEXT for PrintWay. This is also known as the print queue. (This only applies if the LPD is running on the OS/2 box that the printer is attached to). For details please see the IBM Network Printers Ethernet and Token Ring Configuration Guide chapter 13 and 19. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 026 OF 079 10- ABEND02A RC0C (RC000C RC0000000C 0C 000C 0000000C ABEND02A-0C) in HASCHAM when a SYSPRINT DD in the PrintWay proc is pointing to sysout and the TCP/IP RESOLVER trace active. Please see TCP/IP apar PQ11340. This is a tcp/ip problem that can be circumvented by either deactivating the RESOLVER trace or removing the SYSPRINT DD from the PrintWay proc (started task jcl). 11- MSGANFM1200I when using a VALID print queue name and NOT using USERPORTS. This error will occur when using TCP/IP translate tables that have NOT been created using the CONVXLAT program. See the PrintWay Guide Chapter 5 under the heading "Using EBCDIC to ASCII Translation Tables". 12- If using IP PrintWay with TCP/IP 3.4 and msgANFM1104I is issued with errno 60 (errno60 ETIMEDOUT), specify the USERPORTS LPR option. This assumes that the LPD supports ports above 1023. 13- MSGANFM1109I with errno 54 (econnreset) can be issued after suffering a hardware error (output bin full) and UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 027 OF 079 using HP printers with the JetDirect card. We found that they were using a PRINT QUEUE NAME in the PrintWay routing file entry or in the PRTQUEUE jcl keyword that is other than TEXT or RAW. According to the HP "Software Installation Guide" for the JetDirect print server...you MUST use either TEXT or RAW... Once they changed the print queue name in PrintWay to TEXT they were able print with no problem. 14- ABEND09B RC0010 may occur if running JES2 and a STEPLIB is present in either the JES2 proc or PRINTWAY proc (or both) and two copies of the jes2 load mod HASPFSSM exist in those libs. Using the same STEPLIB in both procs will resolve this error. 15- Abend047 will occur when tyring to use the PrintWay ISPF panels if using Computer Associate's ACF2 security. The dump will show an SVC119 (svc x'77' TESTAUTH) in acf2 module ACF9C000. Below are the SAFDEFs needed to fix this for PrintWay. The info in lower case is installation specific: UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 028 OF 079 INSERT SAFDEF.ipw ID(ipprtwa2) PROGRAM(ANFIEPC) RB(ANFIEPC) NOAPFCHK RACROUTE(REQUEST=AUTH,CLASS=DATASET,STATUS=ACCESS) INSERT SAFDEF.ipw ID(ipprtwa2) PROGRAM(ANFIEQ) RB(ANFIEQ) NOAPFCHK RACROUTE(REQUEST=AUTH,CLASS=DATASET,STATUS=ACCESS) F ACF2,REFRESH(SAFDEF) is needed after. 16- Getting INCORROUT, partial or missing output and/or printer only prints the part of the output then requires operator intervention (printer becomes NOT READY), make sure that the routing file entry has a Print Queue name and is not specifying PORT or PORTNO. If specifying a port number this implies Direct Sockets and bypasses LPR/LPD processing which can cause the above symptoms. Direct Socket support was added with a new function apar 17- If MSGANFM131I is issued but a valid routing file DOES exist, it is possible that the ptf for DFSMS apar OW26115 is not applied. The message can be issued if a non-zero return code is passed back from VSAM for OPEN, GET or PUT macros issued to the routing data set. The apar fixes UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 029 OF 079 some problems in this area. Another cause of the msgANFM131I is a mismatch between load libraries that are being used by the PrintWay started task, the TSO logon proc and what is currently running in MVS LLA. Make sure the SANFLOAD data set is in LINKLST and remove any references to it from the PrintWay proc and the TSO logon proc and refresh LLA. Or, assure that both procs point to the same copy of the data set and refresh LLA. Another symptom of this mismatch is msgIEC999I iec999i 18- MSGANFM121I ANFM121I not documented. The IBM IP Printway Guide s544-5379-04 does not list the anfm121i message. The message test follows: ANFM121I FSS: fssname The TCP/IP INITAPI call failed, IP Printway is terminating Explanation: The INITAPI call failed. Either TCP/IP was not started or the name was specified incorrectly. You must start TCP/IP before starting IP PrintWay. In the message text fssname is the FSS name from FSS definition. System Action: The FSS terminates. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 030 OF 079 Operator Response: No response is necessary. System Programmer Response: Start TCP/IP first. See doc apar ow36670 19- MSGHASP750 JES2 FSI ERROR CODE= $F02 RC= 00040006 can occur if large RETAIN SUCCESS and/or RETAIN FAILURE times are used and numerous network transmission errors occur. Large RETAIN times mean that PrintWay cannot release the data sets to JES until the RETAIN times expire, which results in a build up of storage usage. Addition Symptoms: ABEND02C HASP750 RC00040006 ABENDF02 ABEND$F02 msgANFM105I with ABEND0C4 IN ANFQSCAN. 20- Per doc apar OW31728 some LPD's do not support multiple copies via the COPIES= jcl keyword. However, the following jcl may allow you to circumvent this restriction by generating multiple copies on the jes spool but routing it to the same printer: //PWAYJOB4 JOB ... //STEP1 EXEC PGM=USERA //OUTDS1 OUTPUT CLASS=E,FORMS=WIDE,DEST=DEPT001 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR II10841 PG 031 OF 079 //DD1 DD SYSOUT=(,),OUTPUT=(*.OUTDS1,*.OUTDS1) The number of jcl refer-backs (*.OUTDS1) is directly related to the number of sysout data sets that get created. 21- If using JES3 and the RECORD LPR option to pass JCL CHARS= parm as a -ochars= to an aix machine but the wrong font name is passed, add 'U' to the WS= parm of the JES3 DEVICE IO statement for this printer fsa. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 032 OF 079 APAR NUMBER = PQ06092 LAST UPDATE = 97/09/03 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = NO CURRENT APAR STATUS = CLOSED CLOSING CODE = PER ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 0567032 REPORTED COMPONENT = 5655HAL00 R320 TCP/IP V3 MVS FIXED COMPONENT = 5655HAL00 TCP/IP V3 MVS FAILING MODULE = EZABB035 PROBLEM ABSTRACT: HPNS ENABLED NON-BLOCKING APPLICATION HANGS WHEN SENDING DATA REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 038 ERROR DESCRIPTION: HPNS enabled applications that send data using a non-blocking socket may hang. The outgoing push value is not being updated correctly when HPNS sends the data over to the TCP/IP address space. This results in data being left on the outgoing segment queue. The remote side of the connection may not respond at the application level to the send since all the data is not UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 033 OF 079 delivered. If the local socket application follows the send with a select for read, it may hang. This problem has been seen to cause PSF to hang. ADDITIONAL SYMPTOMS: Non-blocking send type socket calls may actually perform like a blocking call and fail to return control to the application until all the data has been sent to TCP/IP. VERIFICATION STEPS: 1) Ensure that UQ03848 is applied as this corrects a more common flavor of this problem. 2) The application must be issuing write requests with a data length greater than the databuffer size specified in the profile. 3) A socket trace can be used to verify the application is using a non-blocking socket and is going through HPNS. 4) The socket trace must have an ACB queued from HPNS that "does" not have the PENDMINITIALWRITE flag on. TEMPORARY FIX: UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 034 OF 079 PROBLEM SUMMARY: **************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of TCP/IP for MVS; V3R2. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: HPNS enabled application data may not * * be delivered. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** Assuming the following value in the TCPIP Profile, DATABUFFERPOOLSIZE 100 10k A socket application issues a nonblocking send type socket call for 50k bytes of data. HPNS determines the minimum/maximum buffers required and attempts to provide them. On this call, 5 buffers are allocated and filled with data. Then, Send_Data builds an ACB to queue the request over to the engine with the PendMInitialWrite bit turned on. Control is passed back to UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 035 OF 079 Process_Part1 which then calls Process_Part2. Process_Part2 determines all the data has been sent and returns control to the application. The engine code processes the ACB and sets OutgoingPushNumber because the socket is nonblocking. Since all the data was passed to the engine in the 5 buffers, the effective write length is the same as the write length. The data is all queued to the outgoing segment queue for this connection and TcpDown starts sending it out. The application gets control back and issues a select for write to determine when there is buffer space available. The select will pop as soon as the engine has sent 10K of the data, thus freeing up 1 buffer. The application then issues a nonblocking send type socket call for 20K of data. We will follow the same processing flow as above until we reach GetTcpStor which only gets 1 buffer since UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 036 OF 079 the application still has 4 in use. The first 10K of data is moved into the acquired buffer and Send_Data is called since a buffer was acquired. Send_Data again builds an ACB to queue the request to the engine with PendMInitialWrite on, but the write length will be 20K and the effective write length will be 10K. Control is passed back to Process_Part1 which then calls Process_Part2. Process_Part2 turns off PendMIinitialWrite and determines all the data has not been sent, so data buffers are re-allocated and Send_Data is called again. Send_Data will build an ACB to queue the request to the engine, but the PendMInitialWrite bit is not on this time. Control returns back to Process_Part2 which determines all the data has now been sent and returns control to the application. The engine processes the ACB with the first 10K and PendMInitialWrite, setting OutGoingPushNumber = ClientSndNxt + EffectiveWriteLength -1. This means that the outgoing push value is only incremented by the 10K instead of the 20K. When the ACB UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 037 OF 079 with the second 10K is processed, the outgoing push value is not updated since PendMInitialWrite is not on. The problem is that the second nonblocking write() call acts like a blocking call, and the outgoing push value is only incremented to 60K but 70K of data is queued to the outgoing segment. Since TcpDown only sends out entire segments unless the data is pushed, the last 10K will not be shipped out until there is enough data to fill a segment. This residual data will remain in the outgoing segment until the outgoing push is updated past its sequence number or enough data is queued to fill a network segment. Additional Keywords: PSF PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TCPREQU has been amended to increment the OutgoingPushNumber for a nonblocking socket for subsequent writes other than the initial write. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100 APAR PQ06092 PG 038 OF 079 * Cross Reference between External and Internal Names EZABB035 (TCPREQU ) MODULES/MACROS: EZABB035 SRLS: NONE CIRCUMVENTION: APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: ENV=HTCP320 PS=Y PTF=UQ07907 CLOSED AVAIL=NO VOLID=F708 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 039 OF 079 *********************** * SUBSET HMOS100/9704 * *********************** This subset contains installation information for IP PRINTWAY Version 2, Release 2, Modification 2. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 97/11/05 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. 98/07/15 DOCUMENTATION CHANGES 3. 98/11/25 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 97/01/30 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 97/08/14 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 040 OF 079 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. 97/01/30 OW23536 UW35477 9701 ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 3. 97/11/05 MSGIEW2609W and MSGIEW2454W may be received on the APPLY and/or ACCEPT of PRINTWAY. These can be safely ignored. They occur because PRINTWAY uses CALLLIBS. When CALLLIBS is used, SMPE runs link-edit twice. The first time is to load the SMPLTS (it uses the NCAL option and does not try to resolve external references or attributes). The second time link-edit is run all symbols and attribute UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 041 OF 079 conflicts should be resolved , return code 0 (zero) should be received. 2. 97/01/28 Program Directory Section 6.3, Activating IP PrintWay: The information in the IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, must be used to complete the customization for IP PrintWay. The Program Directory contains only a summary of the steps that are involved. 1. 97/01/28 Program Directory Section 6.2.7, Update MVS System Environment: PARMLIB considerations for Language Environment: IP PrintWay requires the CEE.V1RxM0.SCEERUN data set of Language Environment during execution. You may either: 1) Place SCEERUN in the LINKLST prior to any other language runtime data set OR 2) Place SCEERUN in the STEPLIB of the IP PrintWay startup proc. If the STEPLIB approach is going to be used, then the SCEERUN data set must also be UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 042 OF 079 APF-authorized. Note: Placing SCEERUN in the LINKLST might have ramifications to other IBM products, vendor programs, and user-written applications. Please refer to the Language Environment Runtime Migration Guide, SC26-8232, for details. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 3. 97/11/11 There is some confusion on the number of transmission queue data sets that are needed in a multiple fss (multi-fss) environment. Chapter 3 of the PrintWay Guide under "ANFQUEUE DD..." has UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 043 OF 079 a NOTE that states, "Specify a different transmission queue data set for each PrintWay FSS." This should be removed (ignored). As in the following section it explains that you can also share one transmis- sion queue data set between multiple FSS's. How each shop works depends on their needs. 2. 97/01/28 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: Under the heading "Using the PrintWay Initialization EXEC": To use the PrintWay initialization EXEC, ANFINIT, you can either copy it and all the other members of the SANFEXEC data set to a local library that is concatenated to SYSEXEC in the TSO logon procedure, or you can add the ANF.SANFEXEC library to the concatenation on the SYSEXEC DD statement. 1. 97/01/28 IP PrintWay Guide, S544-5379, Chapter 3, Configuring IP PrintWay: The following information should be added under the heading "Enabling PrintWay ISPF Panels": UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 044 OF 079 Providing Access to Other Required Libraries -------------------------------------------- Users of PrintWay ISPF panels require access to the PrintWay modules in the ANF.SANFLOAD library. If ANF.SANFLOAD was not included in the system link list, then it must be specified in the TSO logon procedure as part of either the ISPLLIB or STEPLIB concatenation. Example: //ISPLLIB DD DSN=ANF.SANFLOAD,DISP=SHR All users of PrintWay ISPF panels also require access to the Language Environment (LE) run-time library SCEERUN and the TCP/IP SEZALINK library. To provide panel users with the required library access, use one of the following methods: - Define these libraries in the system link list - Define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures To define the libraries in the TSO logon procedures, add UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 045 OF 079 the following DD statements to each user's TSO logon procedure: //ISPLLIB DD DSN=tcpip_hlq.SEZALINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR Alternatively, you can define the libraries in the STEPLIB DD statement. tcpip_hlq is the TCP/IP high-level qualifier used by your installation. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 4. 98/11/25 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |Feature |UPGRADE |SUBSET(s) | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |PSF base |PSFMVS310 |HPRF310 JPRF311 | UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 046 OF 079 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |NetSpool |NETSPOOL |HPRF226/9704 | | | |JPRF228 JPRF229 | |--------------+---------------+----------------| |MVS Download |PSFMVS310 |JPRF312 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |AFPUPLOAD |AFPUPLOAD |HPRF227/9824 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |ACIF |ACIF |HQN2110/9846 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |IP PrintWay |PRINTWAY |HMOS100/9704 | | | |JMOS101 | | | |JMOS102 | +--------------+---------------+----------------+ 3. 97/06/09 IP PrintWay used the standard translation tables to build the LPR command. Please keep a standard copy of the translation table without any changes available for PrintWay use. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 047 OF 079 2. 97/05/13 If your datasets are SMS managed you will get the following message: " MSGIGD104I dsname retained " between quite a few of the panels while data sets are being dynamically allocated or deallocated. You can supress them by adding PROF NOWTPM and PROF WTPM statements to ANFINIT. 1. 97/01/28 IP PRINTWAY does NOT work with IBM C/370 Library Version. Docid 5695-040 Revised 19960919 lists IBM C/370 Library Version for IP Printway's C Runtime Library support. This is not the case. IP Printway can not use IBM C/370 Library Version for C Runtime Library support. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. 97/01/30 PROBLEM: (OW23536) ADD FIELD LEVEL HELP TEXT TO FIELD LEVEL PANELS. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 048 OF 079 USERS AFFECTED: All users of IP PrintWay V1.0.0 ISPF panels panels who wish to use field-level help, numeric classes, or forms that begin with a number. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW35477 ON VOLID 9701 ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 5. 97/08/14 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3.2.0 PROBLEM: PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 HANG DURING PRINTING SEE TCP/IP APAR PQ06092 USERS AFFECTED: ALL WITH PSF PRINTERS ATTACHED VIA TCP/IP V3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ07907 ON VOLID 1000 (HTCP320) UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 049 OF 079 Both UQ03944 and UQ03848 must be installed as well!! 4. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP hang during printing. See apar PQ03285. USERS AFFECTED: All users of tcp/ip 3.2.0 and PrintWay. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03848 ON VOLID 9704 (HTCP320) 3. 97/06/09 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP 3.2.0 PROBLEM: PrintWay printers attached via TCP/IP 3.2.0 hang while print- ing. See apar PQ01611 USERS AFFECTED: All PrintWay users of TCP/IP 3.2.0 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ03944 ON VOLID 9705 (HTCP320) 2. 97/05/08 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: TCP/IP V3R2 PROBLEM: (PN88249) MSGAPS988I with text that "0 bytes" were sent or incorrout can occur upon return from EZASMI macro due to corrupted registers. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 050 OF 079 USERS AFFECTED: Users of API macro assembled w/ TCP/IP V3R2 RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UN94504 ON VOLID 9608 OR UN99683 ON 9701. 1. 97/01/28 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: NETSPOOL PROBLEM: OW21953 - NEW FUNCTION- REQUIRED TO SUPPORT IP PRINTWAY USERS AFFECTED: ALL RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UW33846 ON VOLID 1000 THIS PTF WILL BRING NETSPOOL TO PROPER LEVEL FOR USE WITH IP PRINTWAY. ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 051 OF 079 APAR NUMBER = II10841 LAST UPDATE = 97/10/02 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = NO CURRENT APAR STATUS = INTRAN CLOSING CODE = ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 5NFO000 000 REPORTED COMPONENT = INFOV2LIB R001 V2 LIB INFO ITE FIXED COMPONENT = FAILING MODULE = PROBLEM ABSTRACT: COMMON PROBLEMS FOUND WITH IP/PRINTWAY ( 569504004 R100 ) REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 000 ERROR DESCRIPTION: This info apar is meant to document common problems that have been encountered by customers using PrintWay, and their fixes (where possible). *************************************************************** INDEX SECTION 1 - Performance problem UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 052 OF 079 SECTION 2 - Apparent Hang, wait or loop using TCP/IP 3.2.0 SECTION 3 - Not selecting data sets from JES spool SECTION 4 - JES2 performance SECTION 5 - INCORROUT printing to HP LaserJet printers SECTION 6 - LPR options file not being used SECTION 7 - Losing or lost Postscript data SECTION 8 - Number of transmission queue data sets SECTION 9 - Data set never prints on IBM Network Printer SECTION 10- ABEND02A RC0C with SYSPRINT going to sysout SECTION 11- MSGANFM1200I not using USERPORTS SECTION 12- MSGANFM1104I with errno 60 using TCP/IP 3.4. SECTION 13- MSGANFM1109I with errno 54 on HP printers. SECTION 14- ABEND09B RC0010 RC010 RC10 RSN0010 RSN010 RSN10. SECTION 15- ABEND047 using ACF2 security. SECTION 16- INCORROUT,PARTIAL OUTPUT, MISSING DATA etc... SECTION 17- MSGANFM131I with VALID routing file entry SECTION 18- MSGANFM121I ANFM121I not documeneted SECTION 19- MSGHASP750 $F02 RC00040006 GETCELL EXTENSION ERROR SECTION 20- How to get multiple copies on one printer (lpd). UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 053 OF 079 SECTION 21- Wrong font name used for -ochars parm. *************************************************************** 1 - Many customers have reported performance problems when printing output on one physical printer from more than 11 PrintWay logical printers. Often times msgANFM1103I with ERRNO48 (errno(48) errno 48 EADDRINUSE) is found in the ANFMMSG data set. This occurs when the 11 well-known ports 721 - 731 are exhausted and a hard coded two minute wait occurs (a tcp/ip restriction that is lifted in 3.2 only via apar PN88789). To get around this, use the USERPORTS LPR option. This allows ports 1024 and above to be used. PrintWay ptf UW37353 needs to be applied to avoid problems with USERPORTS. 2 - All users of TCP/IP 3.2.0 may see a problem that appears as a hang, wait, loop or incorrout with no output being printed. TCP/IP the ptf's for apars PQ01611, PQ06911, PQ03285, PQ06092 and PN88249 should ALL be applied!! 3 - Output is available on the JES spool but is not selected UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 054 OF 079 by the JES for PrintWay. If using DEST, FORMS and CLASS in the PrintWay Routing entry the job must have matching parms and the JES2 PRTnnnn JES3 DEVICE(I/O) statement must have all three defined. Also, if using some combination of the three, make sure the work selection criteria (WS=) in the above JES statements is correct. For example if using CLASS and FORMS only and NOT DEST, the work selection should be set like: WS=(F,Q/R) or some variation (as long as the R is not on the left side of the '/'). See the JES documentation for more info on work selection. Also, if using DEST=IP: in the JCL, the routing file will NOT be used. IF 'R' is specified before OR after the / in the JES work selection criteria, a match will NEVER be found and the output will not be selected and 'given' to PrintWay. 4 - JES2 customers: specifying TRKCELL=YES on PRTnnnn statement and TRKCELL=5 on SPOOLDEF is recommended for peak performance. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 055 OF 079 5 - When printing to an HP LaserJet printer we have found that the LPR option LINETERM 0D25 must be coded to avoid incorrect output. Without this the output is varied but most often describes as "stair-stepping". Where each line is indented further than the previous line. 6 - If using DEST=IP in the JCL for a print job, the PRTOPTNS= keyword must also be coded if an options file (LPR options) entry is to be used. 7 - If a user is putting ascii Postscript data on the JES spool, there is a chance that some of the data will be lost. This can occur is using BLNKTRNC=YES (jes2) or TRUNC=YES (jes3) is coded for the PrintWay output class. With these coded, jes will truncate blanks (x'40') to save spool space. An ascii '@' character is actually x'40' and is used frequently in Postscript. Set BLNKTRNC=NO in jes2 OUTCLASS definition or TRUNC=NO in jes3 SYSOUT or BUFFER definition. YES is the default for both!! 8 - There is some confusion on the number of transmission queue UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 056 OF 079 data sets that are needed in a multiple fss (multi-fss) environment. Chapter 3 of the PrintWay Guide under "ANFQUEUE DD..." has a NOTE that states, "Specify a different transmission queue data set for each PrintWay FSS." This should be removed (ignored). As in the following section it explains that you can also share one transmis- sion queue data set between multiple FSS's. How each shop works depends on their needs. 9 - If printing to an IBM Network Printer (NP12 NP17 NP24 D/T4312 D/T4317 D/T4324 4312 4317 4324) and the data set never prints. Check the LPD PRINTER name that is specified in the LPD Port icon (\PIPE\LPDx) in the Output port window of the CREATE A PRINTER window of OS/2 desktop. The LPD printer name MUST be TEXT for PrintWay. This is also known as the print queue. (This only applies if the LPD is running on the OS/2 box that the printer is attached to). For details please see the IBM Network Printers Ethernet and Token Ring Configuration Guide chapter 13 and 19. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 057 OF 079 10- ABEND02A RC0C (RC000C RC0000000C 0C 000C 0000000C ABEND02A-0C) in HASCHAM when a SYSPRINT DD in the PrintWay proc is pointing to sysout and the TCP/IP RESOLVER trace active. Please see TCP/IP apar PQ11340. This is a tcp/ip problem that can be circumvented by either deactivating the RESOLVER trace or removing the SYSPRINT DD from the PrintWay proc (started task jcl). 11- MSGANFM1200I when using a VALID print queue name and NOT using USERPORTS. This error will occur when using TCP/IP translate tables that have NOT been created using the CONVXLAT program. See the PrintWay Guide Chapter 5 under the heading "Using EBCDIC to ASCII Translation Tables". 12- If using IP PrintWay with TCP/IP 3.4 and msgANFM1104I is issued with errno 60 (errno60 ETIMEDOUT), specify the USERPORTS LPR option. This assumes that the LPD supports ports above 1023. 13- MSGANFM1109I with errno 54 (econnreset) can be issued after suffering a hardware error (output bin full) and UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 058 OF 079 using HP printers with the JetDirect card. We found that they were using a PRINT QUEUE NAME in the PrintWay routing file entry or in the PRTQUEUE jcl keyword that is other than TEXT or RAW. According to the HP "Software Installation Guide" for the JetDirect print server...you MUST use either TEXT or RAW... Once they changed the print queue name in PrintWay to TEXT they were able print with no problem. 14- ABEND09B RC0010 may occur if running JES2 and a STEPLIB is present in either the JES2 proc or PRINTWAY proc (or both) and two copies of the jes2 load mod HASPFSSM exist in those libs. Using the same STEPLIB in both procs will resolve this error. 15- Abend047 will occur when tyring to use the PrintWay ISPF panels if using Computer Associate's ACF2 security. The dump will show an SVC119 (svc x'77' TESTAUTH) in acf2 module ACF9C000. Below are the SAFDEFs needed to fix this for PrintWay. The info in lower case is installation specific: UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 059 OF 079 INSERT SAFDEF.ipw ID(ipprtwa2) PROGRAM(ANFIEPC) RB(ANFIEPC) NOAPFCHK RACROUTE(REQUEST=AUTH,CLASS=DATASET,STATUS=ACCESS) INSERT SAFDEF.ipw ID(ipprtwa2) PROGRAM(ANFIEQ) RB(ANFIEQ) NOAPFCHK RACROUTE(REQUEST=AUTH,CLASS=DATASET,STATUS=ACCESS) F ACF2,REFRESH(SAFDEF) is needed after. 16- Getting INCORROUT, partial or missing output and/or printer only prints the part of the output then requires operator intervention (printer becomes NOT READY), make sure that the routing file entry has a Print Queue name and is not specifying PORT or PORTNO. If specifying a port number this implies Direct Sockets and bypasses LPR/LPD processing which can cause the above symptoms. Direct Socket support was added with a new function apar 17- If MSGANFM131I is issued but a valid routing file DOES exist, it is possible that the ptf for DFSMS apar OW26115 is not applied. The message can be issued if a non-zero return code is passed back from VSAM for OPEN, GET or PUT macros issued to the routing data set. The apar fixes UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 060 OF 079 some problems in this area. Another cause of the msgANFM131I is a mismatch between load libraries that are being used by the PrintWay started task, the TSO logon proc and what is currently running in MVS LLA. Make sure the SANFLOAD data set is in LINKLST and remove any references to it from the PrintWay proc and the TSO logon proc and refresh LLA. Or, assure that both procs point to the same copy of the data set and refresh LLA. Another symptom of this mismatch is msgIEC999I iec999i 18- MSGANFM121I ANFM121I not documented. The IBM IP Printway Guide s544-5379-04 does not list the anfm121i message. The message test follows: ANFM121I FSS: fssname The TCP/IP INITAPI call failed, IP Printway is terminating Explanation: The INITAPI call failed. Either TCP/IP was not started or the name was specified incorrectly. You must start TCP/IP before starting IP PrintWay. In the message text fssname is the FSS name from FSS definition. System Action: The FSS terminates. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 061 OF 079 Operator Response: No response is necessary. System Programmer Response: Start TCP/IP first. See doc apar ow36670 19- MSGHASP750 JES2 FSI ERROR CODE= $F02 RC= 00040006 can occur if large RETAIN SUCCESS and/or RETAIN FAILURE times are used and numerous network transmission errors occur. Large RETAIN times mean that PrintWay cannot release the data sets to JES until the RETAIN times expire, which results in a build up of storage usage. Addition Symptoms: ABEND02C HASP750 RC00040006 ABENDF02 ABEND$F02 msgANFM105I with ABEND0C4 IN ANFQSCAN. 20- Per doc apar OW31728 some LPD's do not support multiple copies via the COPIES= jcl keyword. However, the following jcl may allow you to circumvent this restriction by generating multiple copies on the jes spool but routing it to the same printer: //PWAYJOB4 JOB ... //STEP1 EXEC PGM=USERA //OUTDS1 OUTPUT CLASS=E,FORMS=WIDE,DEST=DEPT001 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR II10841 PG 062 OF 079 //DD1 DD SYSOUT=(,),OUTPUT=(*.OUTDS1,*.OUTDS1) The number of jcl refer-backs (*.OUTDS1) is directly related to the number of sysout data sets that get created. 21- If using JES3 and the RECORD LPR option to pass JCL CHARS= parm as a -ochars= to an aix machine but the wrong font name is passed, add 'U' to the WS= parm of the JES3 DEVICE IO statement for this printer fsa. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 063 OF 079 APAR NUMBER = PQ06092 LAST UPDATE = 97/09/03 PTF IN ERROR = PIN = NO CURRENT APAR STATUS = CLOSED CLOSING CODE = PER ORIGINAL APAR NUMBER = SECURITY/INTEGRITY = NO SERVICE NUMBER = 0567032 REPORTED COMPONENT = 5655HAL00 R320 TCP/IP V3 MVS FIXED COMPONENT = 5655HAL00 TCP/IP V3 MVS FAILING MODULE = EZABB035 PROBLEM ABSTRACT: HPNS ENABLED NON-BLOCKING APPLICATION HANGS WHEN SENDING DATA REPORTED SCP RELEASE: 038 ERROR DESCRIPTION: HPNS enabled applications that send data using a non-blocking socket may hang. The outgoing push value is not being updated correctly when HPNS sends the data over to the TCP/IP address space. This results in data being left on the outgoing segment queue. The remote side of the connection may not respond at the application level to the send since all the data is not UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 064 OF 079 delivered. If the local socket application follows the send with a select for read, it may hang. This problem has been seen to cause PSF to hang. ADDITIONAL SYMPTOMS: Non-blocking send type socket calls may actually perform like a blocking call and fail to return control to the application until all the data has been sent to TCP/IP. VERIFICATION STEPS: 1) Ensure that UQ03848 is applied as this corrects a more common flavor of this problem. 2) The application must be issuing write requests with a data length greater than the databuffer size specified in the profile. 3) A socket trace can be used to verify the application is using a non-blocking socket and is going through HPNS. 4) The socket trace must have an ACB queued from HPNS that "does" not have the PENDMINITIALWRITE flag on. TEMPORARY FIX: UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 065 OF 079 PROBLEM SUMMARY: **************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of TCP/IP for MVS; V3R2. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: HPNS enabled application data may not * * be delivered. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** Assuming the following value in the TCPIP Profile, DATABUFFERPOOLSIZE 100 10k A socket application issues a nonblocking send type socket call for 50k bytes of data. HPNS determines the minimum/maximum buffers required and attempts to provide them. On this call, 5 buffers are allocated and filled with data. Then, Send_Data builds an ACB to queue the request over to the engine with the PendMInitialWrite bit turned on. Control is passed back to UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 066 OF 079 Process_Part1 which then calls Process_Part2. Process_Part2 determines all the data has been sent and returns control to the application. The engine code processes the ACB and sets OutgoingPushNumber because the socket is nonblocking. Since all the data was passed to the engine in the 5 buffers, the effective write length is the same as the write length. The data is all queued to the outgoing segment queue for this connection and TcpDown starts sending it out. The application gets control back and issues a select for write to determine when there is buffer space available. The select will pop as soon as the engine has sent 10K of the data, thus freeing up 1 buffer. The application then issues a nonblocking send type socket call for 20K of data. We will follow the same processing flow as above until we reach GetTcpStor which only gets 1 buffer since UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 067 OF 079 the application still has 4 in use. The first 10K of data is moved into the acquired buffer and Send_Data is called since a buffer was acquired. Send_Data again builds an ACB to queue the request to the engine with PendMInitialWrite on, but the write length will be 20K and the effective write length will be 10K. Control is passed back to Process_Part1 which then calls Process_Part2. Process_Part2 turns off PendMIinitialWrite and determines all the data has not been sent, so data buffers are re-allocated and Send_Data is called again. Send_Data will build an ACB to queue the request to the engine, but the PendMInitialWrite bit is not on this time. Control returns back to Process_Part2 which determines all the data has now been sent and returns control to the application. The engine processes the ACB with the first 10K and PendMInitialWrite, setting OutGoingPushNumber = ClientSndNxt + EffectiveWriteLength -1. This means that the outgoing push value is only incremented by the 10K instead of the 20K. When the ACB UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 068 OF 079 with the second 10K is processed, the outgoing push value is not updated since PendMInitialWrite is not on. The problem is that the second nonblocking write() call acts like a blocking call, and the outgoing push value is only incremented to 60K but 70K of data is queued to the outgoing segment. Since TcpDown only sends out entire segments unless the data is pushed, the last 10K will not be shipped out until there is enough data to fill a segment. This residual data will remain in the outgoing segment until the outgoing push is updated past its sequence number or enough data is queued to fill a network segment. Additional Keywords: PSF PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TCPREQU has been amended to increment the OutgoingPushNumber for a nonblocking socket for subsequent writes other than the initial write. UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: HMOS100/9704 APAR PQ06092 PG 069 OF 079 * Cross Reference between External and Internal Names EZABB035 (TCPREQU ) MODULES/MACROS: EZABB035 SRLS: NONE CIRCUMVENTION: APPLICABLE COMPONENT LEVEL/SU: ENV=HTCP320 PS=Y PTF=UQ07907 CLOSED AVAIL=NO VOLID=F708 UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS101 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 070 OF 079 *********************** * SUBSET JMOS101 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR IP PRINTWAY JAPANESE FOR OS/390 VERSION 2, RELEASE 5, MODIFICATION 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. YY/MM/DD INSTALLATION INFORMATION NO ENTRIES 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 98/11/25 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. YY/MM/DD SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS NO ENTRIES 5. YY/MM/DD CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES NO ENTRIES UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS101 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 071 OF 079 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. YY/MM/DD XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains changes to the product's Program Directory. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ This section outlines major errors in the product's published UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS101 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 072 OF 079 documentation. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains general information, i.e. SYSGEN hints/tips. 1. 98/11/25 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |Feature |UPGRADE |SUBSET(s) | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |PSF base |PSFMVS310 |HPRF310 JPRF311 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |NetSpool |NETSPOOL |HPRF226/9704 | | | |JPRF228 JPRF229 | |--------------+---------------+----------------| |MVS Download |PSFMVS310 |JPRF312 | UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS101 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 073 OF 079 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |AFPUPLOAD |AFPUPLOAD |HPRF227/9824 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |ACIF |ACIF |HQN2110/9846 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |IP PrintWay |PRINTWAY |HMOS100/9704 | | | |JMOS101 | | | |JMOS102 | +--------------+---------------+----------------+ ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. YY/MM/DD PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS101 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 074 OF 079 * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ This section contains information that is dependent upon another product other than this subset ID. It also contains information dealing with migration and product coexistance. 1. YY/MM/DD INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS102 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 075 OF 079 *********************** * SUBSET JMOS102 * *********************** This subset contains installation information for IP PRINTWAY SPAN Version 2, Release 2, Modification 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. YY/MM/DD INSTALLATION INFORMATION NO ENTRIES 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 98/11/25 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. YY/MM/DD SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS NO ENTRIES 5. YY/MM/DD CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES NO ENTRIES UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS102 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 076 OF 079 SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. YY/MM/DD XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains changes to the product's Program Directory. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ This section outlines major errors in the product's published UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS102 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 077 OF 079 documentation. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ This section contains general information, i.e. SYSGEN hints/tips. 1. 98/11/25 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |Feature |UPGRADE |SUBSET(s) | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |PSF base |PSFMVS310 |HPRF310 JPRF311 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |NetSpool |NETSPOOL |HPRF226/9704 | | | |JPRF228 JPRF229 | |--------------+---------------+----------------| |MVS Download |PSFMVS310 |JPRF312 | UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS102 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 078 OF 079 |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |AFPUPLOAD |AFPUPLOAD |HPRF227/9824 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |ACIF |ACIF |HQN2110/9846 | |--------------+---------------+----------------+ |IP PrintWay |PRINTWAY |HMOS100/9704 | | | |JMOS101 | | | |JMOS102 | +--------------+---------------+----------------+ ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. YY/MM/DD PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ UPGRADE: PRINTWAY SUBSET: JMOS102 INTRODUCTORY TEXT PG 079 OF 079 * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ This section contains information that is dependent upon another product other than this subset ID. It also contains information dealing with migration and product coexistance. 1. YY/MM/DD INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************