SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9703 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 5/97 AFP* UPLOAD - PL/I V2R3 VERSUS LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT* FOR MVS The AFP Upload announcement (US Announcement Letter 296-207) and the AFP Upload Configuration Guides (S544-5422 for SNA and S544-5423 for TCP/IP) describe that the PL/I Version 2 Release 3 run-time libraries for MVS are a required prerequisite. The purpose of this FLASH is to describe that AFP Upload customers can also use the IBM* Language Environment for MVS, which includes PL/I run-time libraries, rather than the PL/I V2R3 product. An AFP Upload installation includes a client program that is shipped with current maintenance for PSF* for AIX* (5765-505) and runs on AIX and a server program that is purchased as a feature of PSF/MVS (5695-040) and runs on MVS. Most of the MVS server program is written in the PL/I programming language (the rest is written in S/370* assembler language). Therefore, when the MVS server program runs it requires the PL/I run-time libraries. If the customer does not wish to use the PL/I V2R3 run-time libraries with AFP Upload using SNA, Language Environment Version 1 Release 4 or later is required. If the customer does not wish to use the PL/I V2R3 run-time libraries with AFP Upload using TCP/IP, Language Environment Version 1 Release 5 or later is required, and the fix for LE APAR PN81331 must be installed. Finally, OpenEdition* MVS Services in MVS/ESA* SP V5 must be running. Here is a summary of requirements for using LE with AFP Upload: -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Minimum | LE | OpenEdition | | | LE | APAR PN81331 | Svcs required | | | level | fix required? | with LE? | |-------------------------|---------|----------------|---------------| | AFP Upload using SNA | V1R4 | no | no | |-------------------------|---------|----------------|---------------| | AFP Upload using TCP/IP | V1R5 | yes | yes | -------------------------------------------------------------------- The prerequisites for the SNA and TCP/IP programs differ because the AFP Upload TCP/IP program uses PL/I multi-tasking capabilities whereas the AFP Upload SNA program does not. (APPC/MVS provides the multi-tasking capabilities required by the AFP Upload SNA program.) Language Environment for MVS has an error in its PL/I multi-tasking support. The error is addressed by APAR PN81331. You must install the fix for this APAR to run AFP Upload using TCP/IP. You do not need this APAR fix to run AFP Upload using SNA. The PL/I multi-tasking support in Language Environment requires the OpenEdition MVS Services of MVS/ESA SP V5. So, the AFP Upload TCP/IP program with LE requires that OpenEdition MVS Services be running. The AFP Upload TCP/IP program with PL/I V2R3 does not require OpenEdition Services, nor does the AFP Upload SNA program with either LE or PL/I V2R3. For AFP Upload using SNA, please note that the AUPDDDEF sample JCL on the product tape and sample TP profile on the product tape and in our configuration guide assume that the PL/I V2R3 libraries are used. A few changes are required to use the Language Environment. Here are the changes we made: 1. AUPDDDEF sample JCL : Use ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R4M0.SCEELKED) SHR. instead of ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLIBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMBASE) SHR. 2. APPC/MVS TP profile sample JCL : Use //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R4M0.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR instead of //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPSNAS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLILINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMLINK,DISP=SHR For AFP Upload using TCP/IP, please note that the AUPDDDEF sample JCL on the product tape and sample run JCL and PROC in our configuration guide assume that the PL/I V2R3 libraries are used. A few changes are required to use the Language Environment. Here are the changes we made: 1. AUPDDDEF sample JCL : Use ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SCEELKED) SHR. ADD DDDEF (PLITASK) DATASET(CEE.V1R5M3.SIBMTASK) SHR. instead of ADD DDDEF (PLIBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLIBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (SIBMBASE) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMBASE) SHR. ADD DDDEF (PLITASK) DATASET(PLI.V2R3M0.PLITASK) SHR. 2. Sample run JCL : Use //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.V1R5M3.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR instead of //STEP EXEC PGM=AUPTCPS //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUP.SAUPLOAD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.PLILINK,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=PLI.V2R3M0.SIBMLINK,DISP=SHR ----------- * Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.