Last updated....: 06/26/1998 Abstract........: WSC FLASH 9323 PSF/2 INTEGRITY AND LAZYWRITE OS/2 installations may experience disk cache failures requiring reinstalla- tion of all PC software if LAZYWRITE caching is used. This is not limited to systems with PSF/2 installed but is an exposure on any OS/2 system. The OS/2 installation process enables LAZYWRITE as the default! We strongly recommend that LAZYWRITE be disabled in PSF/2 installations in order to guarantee disk file integrity. LAZYWRITE is an option in both the File Allocation Table (FAT) and High Per- formance File System (HPFS) file systems. LAZYWRITE can be disabled in the following manner: FAT FILE SYSTEM To disable LAZYWRITE for disk partitions using the FAT file system remove the "LW" parameter from the DISKCACHE statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. CONFIG.SYS may be found in the root directory of your OS/2 boot drive, (normally the C drive). A typical DISKCACHE statement looks like the follow- ing: DISKCACHE=128,LW All you need to do is remove the ",LW", save the file, shutdown and reboot your system. Now all writes will be done directly to disk. HPFS FILE SYSTEM To disable LAZYWRITE for disk partitions using the HPFS file system add the following statement to your STARTUP.CMD file: C:\OS2\CACHE.EXE /LAZY:OFF The STARTUP.CMD file is in the root directory of your OS/2 boot drive, (normally the C drive). After you have modified STARTUP.CMD shutdown and re- boot your system. Now all writes will be done directly to disk.