BLD FLASH 9420.1 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 5/94 ¦ PSF/2 NETWORK PERFORMANCE TUNING The following information is to be used as a guide for tuning a PSF/2 system for optimum performance. These parameters were used on a local 3745 Token Ring attached PSF/2 system but most of these parameters can be used, regard- less of the attachment method. Several factors can affect performance including data complexity, communi- cations links, the speed and RAM available on the PS/2, and other activity in the customer environment such as high CPU utlilization, network load or other active applications on the PS/2. For this reason, customer expectations for PSF/2 with DPF should not be set until the application is understood and matched against the ones used for the results in HONE FLASH 9304 (Document ID G023203). The following parameters were used to achieve the highest throughput results shown in FLASH 9304. They will not necessarily be optimum for all hardware and software configurations, but they should be a good starting point for achieving similar performance. For best performance you should configure the Token-Ring adapter for 16KB Shared Ram Size. This is done using the Setup Diskette for micro-channel sys- tems, and the dip switches on the adapter for non micro-channel systems. Please note that the IBM Token-ring Adapter and IBM Token-Ring Adapter II (full length) will not support 16KB Shared Ram Size. VTAM (NCP Gen) o DELAY = 0 (the default is DELAY=.2) o TRANSFR=64, BFRS=240 (The product 64x240 must be greater than the maximum RU requested (8K) ) o MAXOUT=7 (This parameter is very important for REMOTE attachments. Lower values have proved to cause significant performance degredation) OS/2 COMMUNICATION MANAGER (LAN Adapter and Protocol Support - Edit Token Ring Configuration) o Number of Receive Buffers = 20 o Receive Buffer Size = 2040 o Number of Adapter Transmit Buffers = 1 o Transmit Buffer Size = 8400 (This will only be supported by the IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter and 16/4 Adapter/A. If you receive an er- ror during boot of OS/2 you should remove this.) OS/2 COMMUNICATION MANAGER (DLC Proviles - T/R or other LANtype) o Maximum RU = 8192 PSF/2 COMMUNICATION MANAGER (SNA Additional Features - MODE entry "BLANK") o Receive Pacing = 7 o Maximum RU = 8192 Note: Specifying Maximum RU=8192 on the workstation configuration does not mean the communication traffic will use 8K RU's. This simply open's the Workstation up to negotiate to the highest possible RU Size allowed by the host/attachment. JES checkpoint interval should be set to 100. OS/2 - PSF/2 SPOOL FILE o CONFIG.SYS - Specify a Diskcache of at least 1K and enable Lazywrite in the Config.Sys file. (Example: DISKCACHE=1024,LW ) o Format Using FAT (vs HPFS) NOTE: This recommendation is based on performance testing done some time ago in an OS/2 2.0 environment. The recommendation is for the partition containing the DPF Spool to be formatted using FAT. Recent feedback has indicated this may be less critical at current software levels than when the testing was done. All PSF/MVS, Communications Manager and PSF/2 tracing should be turned off. PSF/2 Code Level - latest CSD UR41102 MINIMUM Memory (RAM) o 20MB for the first DPF printer plus 2.5MB per additional printer o The following table is provided as a guide for estimating memory require- ments. (Do NOT use, the PSF/2 Getting Started Publication as this infor- mation is no longer current) ______________________________________________________________________ | Component | Memory(RAM) | Hard-Disk(DASD)| |______________________________________________________________________| | Basic PSF/2 Configurations | |______________________________________________________________________| | Required for local printing: | 16MB | 70MB | | - PSF/2 base code | | | | - OS/2 (default install) | | | | - DataBase Manager (without | | | | Remote Data Services) | | | | - Single Printer | | | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | For Host Printing (DPF): | 4MB | 25MB | | - PSF/2 Distributed Print Function | | | | - Communications Manager/2 | | | | - Network Transport Services (LAPS) | | | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| |Additional Printers (more than one) | |______________________________________________________________________| | Additional Printers for local printing| 2MB/per| 1MB per | | | additional| printer | | | printer| | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | Additional DPF printers (distributed | 2.5MB | 1MB per | | printing) | per additional printer | | | printer| | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| |LAN Support | |______________________________________________________________________| | OS/2 3.0 LAN Server (basic install) | 4MB | 10MB | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | Novell Support Netware Requestor for | .5MB | 2MB | | OS/2, v2.01 | | | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | TCP/IP (Base, LPD) | 4MB | 10MB | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| |Optional PSF/2 Functions | |______________________________________________________________________| | PostScript | 5MB | .9MB | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | Type Transformer | 4MB | 2.2MB | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| | ADD TOTALS | | | |_______________________________________|_____________|________________| Note: Additional DASD is required for the OS/2 swap file. Sufficient Memory (RAM) will help minimize OS/2 swapping and result in the best performance. Additional DASD will also be required for print resources and print jobs. $EOM