BLD FLASH 9428 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 7/94 ¦ PSF/2 TO MORE THAN 3 NOVELL PRINTERS USING NOVELL CAPTURE OS/2 2.1 with NetWare Requester V2.1 now supports LPT1-9. This will allow PSF/2 to use the Novell CAPTURE command to direct print to up to 9 Novell printers. The NetWare Requester can be obtained from Novell by purchasing it from Compuserve (NETWIRE) or through the IBM Bulletin Board. Using this new Requester there are two ways to invoke CAPTURE: 1. By using the NetWare Tools which is contained in the Novell folder you can set up to CAPTURE LPT1-9, and can select NO FORM FEED and NO BANNERS. Once you have the CAPTUREs set up and working, you can save the CAPTUREs as well as the active LOGINS and Drive Mappings and cause them to be re- established on the next boot. To do this go into the Network Tools, se- lect the Network pulldown, select Save Setting. You will get prompted for a name. A file called .NWS will be created for you that con- tains the active CAPTUREs, Logins and Drive Mappings. To re-establish these, add "NWTOOLS .NWS" to your Startup.CMD file. Note: In order to allow CAPTUREs for LPT4-9 to be saved and restored, you will require an updated version of NWTOOLS.EXE. You can obtain this from NETWIRE on COMPUSERVE, or by submitting an ASKQ to PSF2. 2. Command line CAPTURE... In order to support LPT4-9 you must obtain the NetWare 4.01 version of CAPTURE. You can do this from a 4.01 server. To re-establish the CAPTUREs on reboots, add the LOGINs followed by the CAPTUREs to the STARTUP.CMD file, or the CAPTURES can be added to the LOGIN script on the Novell server. This should guarantee that the CAP- TURES are active after reboot. NOTE: In order to activate ports LPT4-9 on the OS/2 system, either IBM Lan Server can be installed, or the IBM 4033 Utility for OS/2 can be installed. As with the previous workaround the IBM 4033 Utility for OS/2 can be obtained from PENNHELP or by opening an ASKQ item for PSF/2. You DO NOT need a 4033, just the Utility for OS/2. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: _____________________ When using OS/2 virtual ports that have been redirected with CAPTURE or NET USE, there is a possibility that the redirection might not be active or that it may go away without PSF/2 knowing. In the case where PSF/2 is sending data to a virtual port that has not been redirected or the redirection has been lost, the print job will be lost. PSF/2 thinks the job has been printed and deletes it from the OS/2 queue or the DPF queue. $EOM