BLD FLASH 9512 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 3/95 ¦ PSF/2: DPF PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION AFTER UPGRADING PSF/MVS PSF/MVS users who upgrade to Version 2.2.0 and use DPF may notice a perform- ance degradation from previous releases of PSF/MVS or that despite having the Resource Saving function on in DPF, no resources are being saved. The problem occurs on DPF attached printers that do not explicitly return RRL (Reasonable Resource Loading) support in the OPC (Obtain Printer Character- istics) response. (An example of a printer that does not return RRL support in the OPC would be non-IPDS printers such as the 4019) PSF/MVS APAR OW10530 (PTF UW15504) is now available to resolve the problem. PSF/MVS V2.2.0 will no longer require explicit RRL support to be returned in the OPC when attached through DPF in order to recognize Resource Saving sup- port. The PTF is available on MVS PUT tape 9502 or by calling IBM Software Support at 1-800-237-5511. $EOM