BLD FLASH 9518 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 4/95 ¦ PSF/2: UPLOAD-N-PRINT ENHANCED TO ALLOW HOST PRINTER DESTINATION A new EXEC 'AFRDIST' is now available to allow PSF/2 users of UPLOAD-N-PRINT to specify a host printer destination. Users will now be able to select any host attached printer defined in the Upload table (PRINTDEF) to direct LAN jobs to a desired host printer. The host printer name may be specified in the DIST parameter on the APRINT command and will override the default host printer defined in the Upload-n-Print transform. The AFRDIST EXEC will work on both MVS and VM platforms. To obtain the AFRDIST EXEC request the AFRDIST PACKAGE from the PRINTERS disk. The following command can be used from a VM command line: TOOLCAT PRINTERS GET AFRDIST PACKAGE The following changes should be made in the online documentation for setting up Upload-n-Print when using AFRDIST. STEP ONE: Add the Upload-n-Print transform to PSF/2 o Item 10 should read: Change the entry in the Host Command entry field to AFRDIST. o Item 11 should read: Enter the name of a 'default' host printer to be used when a printer destination is not specified via the APRINT DIST= pa- rameter. STEP THREE: Edit the PRINTDEF table... o Printer name: The printer name is specified with the ;p. keyword and is required. It must match the printer name that was entered in the Upload Options panel or the name specified in the DIST= parameter on an APRINT command. $EOM