SOURCE: BLD FLASH 9538 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 9/95 ¦ PSF FOR OS/2 INSTALLATION WITH DB2/2 V2.1 PRE-PSF/2 INSTALLATION ______________________ There is a problem with the PSF for OS/2 (PSF/2) installation routine related to DB2/2 V2.1 (either Standalone or Server). The PSF/2 install program uses a BIND syntax which is valid for previous versions of DB2/2 but requires a modification prior to a PSF/2 installation with DB2/2 V2.1. The following procedure is a workaround: o Copy the PSF/2 installation files from the \PSF2 directory on the CD into a \PSF2TEMP directory on the hard drive. (This will be done for you as part of the procedure for installing from diskette.) o Edit INSTALL.CTL in the \PSF2TEMP directory using E or EPM. Search for SQLBIND. You will find 5 consecutive lines: "17" "SQLBIND.EXE" "%s\PSF2\BIN\AIN3LXLB.BND" "AINLIB" "/FLOC" "17" "SQLBIND.EXE" "%s\PSF2\BIN\AIN3LRLB.BND" "AINLIB" "/FLOC" "17" "SQLBIND.EXE" "%s\PSF2\BIN\AIN3QRLB.BND" "AINLIB" "/FLOC" "18" "SQLBIND.EXE" "%s\PSF2\BIN\AIN2QSML.BND" "AINDPF" "/FLOC" "18" "SQLBIND.EXE" "%s\PSF2\BIN\AIN3QSML.BND" "AINDPF" "/FLOC" Replace "/FLOC" at the end of each line with "/F=LOC". (This is a valid BIND option for DB2/2 V2.1.) o Use the modified INSTALL.CTL to install PSF/2 from the \PSF2TEMP direc- tory. Backup the INSTALL.CTL file, and then remove the contents of the \PSF2TEMP directory. POST-PSF/2 INSTALLATION WITH ERRORS ___________________________________ If you have attempted to install PSF/2 with DB2/2 V2.1 and received the fol- lowing message: SQL0104N 'An unexpected token "OC" was found following "DATETIME". Expected tokens my include:"DEF" SQLSTATE=42601 Use the following procedure to recover, and then continue with the preceding instructions to edit the INSTALL.CTL file and re-install PSF/2: o Make backup copies of the OS/2 INI and CONFIG.AIN (not CONFIG.SYS) files per the Cookbook section on "Installing the PSF/2 code". This is a pre- cautionary step. o Delete the contents of the \PSF2 and \PSF2RES directories. o Restore CONFIG.SYS by copying CONFIG.AIN to CONFIG.SYS. $EOM