BLD FLASH 9628 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 7/96 ¦ 3130: PSF/2 DPF ATTACHMENT CONFIGURATION INFORMATION When configuring a PSF/2 DPF session for a 3130 Release 2 there are some unique configuration steps that must be taken. Note: a 3130 Release 1 config- uration WILL NOT WORK. Verify CM/2 and the 3130 SNA Configuration are set up as follows: 1. Verify they are using Local LU Address of 0 and that they DO NOT check Partner LU is dependent in the CM/2 partner LU setup for the printer as documented in the configuration steps. 2. Verify they have the Remote LU name in the printer set up to a unique value THAT DOES NOT MATCH ANYTHING. If set to match the local node name as documented the LU-LU session will fail. This is because CM/2 has al- ready used this name when setting up the CP-CP session between the PSF/2 server and the 3130 CP name and cannot use the same name to establish the LU-LU session. 3. It is also recommended the 3130 CALLTYPE is set to CALL. Known symptoms resolved by the above are VTAM CODE 1001 SENSE 8002 which is an ACTIVATE PATH error. There are also various CM/2 messages indicating APPC is unable to allocate a session. NOTE: For AS/400 V3R6 you must also have PTF SF32907 installed to success- fully start a DPF session with the 3130 Release 2. $EOM