APAR INFORMATION ________________ o IR28716 TCP/IP was using a 32-bit interface when our code was 16-bit. As a result, it hung after 256 socketts were used, and it was wrapping. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR28853 DPF STM information included extra fields that should have been removed. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR28855 The addinfo area was too small for large OPC's from printers. This could cause a PSF/2 trap on startup. o IR28892 DPF was doing an unnecessary TP_ENDED when CM/2 had already terminated the session. This was causing the host and DPF to get out of sync, and eventually lock up. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR28896 AFRCATCH has been updated to pass FORMDEF. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29040 Several minor documentation changes. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29135 PSF Direct counters are bad when there is more than one part to an OPC response due to a long OPC. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29260 AFCCU has several channel performance problems. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29268 PCL5C color was very bad for HP printers. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29460 Trap in AIN3DPDS.EXE APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29461 Envelope sizes handled incorrectly for PCL printers. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29462 Resource table assert in the IPDS Converter. Applicable to DPF only. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29467 OS/2 changed an API so that it would not handle a zero length field, so there was garbage in the Control Panel description. Our workaround was to add in a character. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29468 Message display for PSF Direct during termination was hanging entire process. This is a workaround. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29471 Channel was abending in IOINSTS.PAS. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29472 Starting page was not correct after an INTERRUPT was done with DPF. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29473 SQL errors were happening when names were wrapping in DPF. This completely messes up the database. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29483 JISCII rotation problems. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29485 Added in trace enhancements for the HYPERVISOR. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29491 Windows and OS/2 driver enhancments. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29495 CP 950 was added into JISCII support. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29510 QREADER.NLM for NOVELL 4.1. Still needs some work. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29655 Trap in Converter on Bad File handle. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29678 SMSP was not cleaning up the stack correctly. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29682 0260..02 nack, then works. Blank backside of duplex sheet on first page printed. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29961 For square paper on fanfold printers, the OPC was being handled incorrectly. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR30073 Printer Summary does not print with the default number of resources. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR30090 More than 1215 jobs on OS/2 spool, all OS/2 spools stop printing. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR30186 German only, JIS timer field bad in EUI. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR30308 Under assert conditions, the Hypervisor was going into an infinite loop redriving the same job forever. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR30499 Valid image was causing an assert in AIN3DPDS.EXE. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR31023 Install source directory has 32 character limit in the INSTALL.EXE program. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR31052 When valid conditions are encountered, AIN3DPDS.EXE was vanishing from memory. Mostly related to stg full conditions. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR44121 o IR29727 DPF when printing a DBCS font causes the printer to generate a NACK saying that the LFI length is incorrect. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR30533 Spool Q Processor has a memory leak. The leak was fixed by eliminating the use of the C/2 library for memory allocation. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR30705 NETSCAPE.CMD was shipped for use with Novell 4.1 since QREADER.NLM was not working with that version of NOVELL. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR31192 XFMFLTR has a problem with AIX paths in the Job Name field. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR31209 PMARL.EXE traps if there are no AFP resources in the library. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR31788 If APPC is being used with a printer that is not a 3820, it traps due to buffer overflow. 3820 used a smaller buffer size. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR31793 Job was hitting an assert in AIN1HSBF.C, line 688. This assert was causing a job never be deleted in DPF. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR32225 SYS3175 shen device was deleted from Control Panel after two were added then first one was deleted. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR32433 FONTINST.CMD had a missing quote in the FRENCH version. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR32434 PSF2DEV does not set CUADDR when parallel is selected. This later causes a problem when the device tries to start the secondary process. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR32875 If there is a blank backside in an AFP document on the first page of an AFP job, it traps. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33119 Slow performance for the first job of the day when GRID tables are being loaded. Need to remove GRID tables from \PSF2\SYSTEM directory to speed things up unless customers are using them. Documented in CSDREAD.ME APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33135 IPDS Converter, DBCS sections are sent down with duplicate section numbers for one font. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33512 Problems with the Outline Font CSD are all included in this one APAR. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33550 JISCII Transform is trapping when many images are occuring. The problem was that File I/O had some entry traces with no exit traces, and it was eventually overflowing the stack of functions invoked. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33596 DB2/2 had a hang that was a DB2/2 problem when doing a STOPDBM. As a workaround we removed STOPDBM from out code when we shutdown a device. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR33915 PSF/2 Direct continued talking to CM/2 after it was told the TP had been shutdown. This was causing several interesting side effects (host hangs, etc). APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR34038 PT3 IPDS tower not supported in OPC. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR34039 PT3 IPDS tower not supported in OPC for Warp Server. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR34358 IPDS converter deletes a font from the printer that is used by an Overlay. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR34759 On Japanese systems, PMAFP.DRV traps when a Client tries doing a Print Screen. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR34977 Set Media Size is not supported by DPF, and when it occurs before a Discard Buffered Data as sent by PSF/MVS it causes us to loose a vital part of a job file. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35330 PostScript L1 MOVE command gives a missing parameter error after an image overruns the parameter. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35333 CFL files that are not getting deleted are causing OS/2 spool hangs. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35334 ASCII duplex asserts when a pointer is released twice. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35335 Multiple EFF's between jobs create a performance problem with 3900 Mod 2 printers. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35340 JISCII opens multiple file handles and never closes them. This causes jobs to be held on an OS/2 spool and never printed. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35343 PSF/2 traps on invalid file generated by DOS fragmenting the file. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923 o IR35344 Ethernet Parallel attachment performance boost by allowing output buffer size to be set by a CONFIG.SYS paramenter. This was a workaround for an OS/2 problem. APAR initially fixed in PTF UR47923