.FO OFF .RH ON Document ID G023340 .SP 2 .RH OFF TITLE: WSC FLASH 9130 DISTRIBUTED AFP PRINTING: INFORMATION ON AFP NETWORKING TOPICS DISTRIBUTED AFP PRINTING: INFORMATION ON AFP NETWORKING TOPICS DISCUSSED DURING THE 10/7/88 FTN BROADCAST One of the topics of the AFP Technical Update broadcast on FTN October 7 was a discussion of networking of AFP data and resources across the MVS, VM, and VSE operating systems. The presenter said that her ex- amples would be available on EQUAL. How can I get this information? ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: Here it is: *** DISTRIBUTED AFP PRINTING *** Printer FTN 10/07/88 **************** *** NETWORKING AFP PRINT JOBS ***************************************** *======================================================================= TOPICS: 1. Networking Concerns: AFP Print records, PSF options, PSF resources 2. Networking Examples: Sample Jobs for Distributed Print Output 3. Inline Resources 4. VM Release 5 Networking Issues *======================================================================== See also: WSC Flash 8711 "Networking Advanced Function Printing Data " and : July 1987 FTN Notes (Item #42884) *======================================================================== TOPIC 1A - NETWORKING CONCERNS: AFPDS Oversized Print Records Concern: Oversized AFPDS records could not be sent to/thru VM R4. VM/SP R4, RSCS 2.1: maximum print record 206-bytes for virtual 3800 133-bytes for virtual 1403 Exceptions: 1) user "Bridge" code to block/deblock records 2) PSF/VM to PSF/VM on VM R4 : PSF-handles block/deblock GOOD NEWS: VM R5, RSCS 2.2 will accept oversized AFPDS print records. SUMMARY: System Levels for networking oversized AFPDS print records: * VM/SP Rel 5, RSCS 2.2 * VSE/SP 2.1 * MVS/SP 1.3.4 or 2.1.2 * *======================================================================== TOPIC 1B - NETWORKING CONCERNS: PSF Options PAGEDEF= and FORMDEF= Concern: Could not send PAGEDEF= or FORMDEF= options to/from VSE or VM Exceptions: 1) can indicate PAGEDEF using "FCB" print option 2) if sending to PSF/VSE, PAGEDEF and FORMDEF indicated in Printer Parameter Member (PPM) stored on PSF/VSE system. The PPM name is sent in job "FORMS" or "FNO" option GOOD NEWS: 1) VM R5 RSCS 2.2 will send/receive PAGEDEF, FORMDEF options 2) VSE POWER 2.3 will allow PAGEDEF=, FORMDEF= keywords as "user-defined options" on outbound networking jobs Note: PSF/VSE still won't accept PAGEDEF or FORMDEF keywords PPM name is required in "FORMS" (or VSE "FNO) keyword. SUMMARY: System Levels for networking PAGEDEF=, FORMDEF= * VM/SP Rel 5, RSCS 2.2 * VSE/POWER 2.3 * MVS/SP 1.3.4 / 2.1.2 * *======================================================================== TOPIC 1C - NETWORKING CONCERNS: PSF Resources (Also see TOPIC 3: INLINE RESOURCES) Concern: Print resources used by job could not be sent with print job. Exception: PSF/VM to PSF/VM - all resources may be sent with job. GOOD NEWS: PSF/MVS R2 and PSF/VSE R2 will accept PAGEDEF and FORMDEF sent "INLINE" as part of the print data. SUMMARY: PSF Levels for networking PAGEDEF and FORMDEF resources: * PSF/VM R1 * PSF/VSE R2 * PSF/MVS R2 * *======================================================================== *======================================================================== TOPIC 2 - NETWORKING EXAMPLES: 2A-MVS, 2B-VSE, 2C-VM R4, 2D-VM R5 ** All referenced "NOTES" follow TOPIC 2D ** Comments in JCL or VM command examples are indicated by ">>>" signs. ** When using the examples, code the words in upper case exactly as shown. Replace the lowercase words with values used in your own specific environment. *======================================================================== TOPIC 2A - NETWORKING EXAMPLES: Sending Jobs FROM MVS System ********* TO: MVS or VM R5 - from MVS System ************************** //OUT1 OUTPUT DEST=node.prtdest,PAGEDEF=pdef,FORMDEF=fdef NOTE 1,5 //print DD SYSOUT=c,OUTPUT=*.OUT1 ********* TO: VM R4 - from MVS System ********************************* //OUT1 OUTPUT DEST=node.SYSTEM,FORMS=prtdest NOTES 2,5 //print DD SYSOUT=c,OUTPUT=*.OUT1,FCB=pdef NOTE 3 ********* TO: VSE - from MVS System *********************************** //OUT1 OUTPUT DEST=node.prtdest,FORMS=ppm NOTES 1,4,5 //print DD SYSOUT=c,OUTPUT=*.OUT1,FCB=pdef NOTE 3 *======================================================================== TOPIC 2B - NETWORKING EXAMPLES: Sending Jobs FROM VSE System ********* TO: MVS or VM R5 - from VSE System ************************** * $$ LST CLASS=c,DEST=(node,prtdest),FCB=$$$$pdef NOTES 1,3 >>> or >>> ,PAGEDEF=pdef,FORMDEF=fdef NOTE 6 ********* TO: VM R4 - from VSE System ********************************* * $$ LST CLASS=c,DEST=(node,SYSTEM),FNO=prtdest,FCB=$$$$pdef NOTES 2,3 ********* TO: VSE - from VSE System *********************************** * $$ LST CLASS=c,DEST=(node,prtdest),FNO=ppm NOTES 1,4 >>> or >>> ,FCB=$$$$pdef NOTE 3 *======================================================================== TOPIC 2C - NETWORKING EXAMPLES: Sending Jobs FROM VM R4 System ********* TO: MVS or VM R5 - from VM R4 System *********************** SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FCB pdef NOTE 3 TAG DEV PRT node prtdest NOTE 1 PRINT fn ft fm NOTE 7 ********* TO: VSE - from VM R4 System ******************************** SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FORMS ppm NOTE 4 >>> or >>> FCB pdef NOTE 3 TAG DEV PRT node prtdest NOTE 1 PRINT fn ft fm NOTE 7 ********* TO: VM R4 - from VM R4 System ******************************* SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FORMS prtdest FCB pdef NOTES 2,3 TAG DEV PRT node SYSTEM >>> PRINT fn ft fm > or NOTE 7 >>> PSF (fn ft fm) (psf-options, psf-resources) *======================================================================== TOPIC 2D - NETWORKING EXAMPLES: Sending Jobs FROM VM R5 System ********* TO: MVS or VM R5 - from VM R5 System ************************ SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FCB pdef NOTE 3 TAG DEV PRT node prtdest NOTE 1 >>> PRINT fn ft fm (OVERSIZE NOTE 8 > or >>> PSF (fn ft fm) (psf-options, psf-resources) NOTE 9 ********* TO: VSE - from VM R5 System ********************************* SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FORMS ppm NOTE 4 >>> or >>> FCB pdef NOTE 3 TAG DEV PRT node prtdest NOTE 1 >>> PRINT fn ft fm (OVERSIZE NOTE 8 > or >>> PSF (fn ft fm) (psf-options, psf-resources) NOTE 9 ********* TO: VM R4 - from VM R5 System ******************************* SPOOL PRT TO rscs CL c FORMS prtdest FCB pdef NOTES 2,3 TAG DEV PRT node SYSTEM >>> PRINT fn ft fm NOTE 7 > or >>> PSF (fn ft fm) (COMPAT psf-options, psf-resources) NOTE 10 *======================================================================= *TOPIC 2 NETWORKING: NOTES for above examples ========================= *======================================================================= 1) "prtdest" is the printer DESTINATION name on the receiving system. If a DESTINATION name is not assigned to printer, "prtdest" may be: 1) omitted, 2) coded as "SYSTEM", 3) coded as "LOCAL" (JES3) 2) To VM R4: FORMS option indicates "prtdest" for cut-sheet printers. FORMS options indicates printer form name for continuous forms printer 3) FCB option may be used to specify PAGEDEF name, instead of using the MVS or VM PAGEDEF option, or the VSE "ppm" member. 4) To VSE: FORMS=ppm names the "Printer Parameter Member" on VSE that specifies PAGEDEF and FORMDEF to use for printing. 5) In MVS JCL, DEST may be also be coded: on the DD SYSOUT: //print DD SYSOUT=c,DEST=(node,prtdest) or in Default OUTPUT: //deflt OUTPUT DEFAULT=Y,DEST=node.prtdest or on ROUTE stmt: /*ROUTE PRINT node.prtdest DEST for MVS/JES messages: //jesds OUTPUT JESDS=ALL,DEST=node.prtdest (PAGEDEF and FORMDEF for MVS/JES msgs may also be coded on jesds OUTPUT) 6) VSE/POWER R2.3 allows keywords PAGEDEF= and FORMDEF= as user-defined options, for sending PSF options to MVS or to VM R5 system. 7) VM R4: CMS PRINT command may be used for non-AFPDS line data only. AFPDS print data may be sent via PSF command only from VMR4 to VMR4. (User-written "bridge code" may also be used to block/deblock AFPDS data for sending to/from/through a VM R4 system) 8) VM R5: PRINT (OVERSIZE may be used instead of PSF command to send oversized AFPDS print records thru VM Spool. PRINT cmd, without OVERSIZE option, can be used for non-AFPDS files. See Topic 4A. 9) VM R5: PSF cmd sends PSF Options (PAGEDEF=, FORMDEF=) to MVS or VM. (FORMS=ppm required to send options to VSE). PSF cmd can also send PAGEDEF and FORMDEF resources inline to MVS or VSE, and can send all PSF resources to another VM system. See TOPICS 3B and 4A. 10) VM R5: PSF (COMPAT option to block AFPDS records for PSF on VM R4. *======================================================================== *======================================================================== TOPIC 3 - INLINE RESOURCES (including PSF Resources in print data file) *======================================================================== TOPIC 3A - INLINE RESOURCES: Printing Them * VM: ALL PSF Resources may be inline (imbedded in print data file) PAGEDEF, FORMDEF, FONTS, OVERLAYS, PAGE SEGMENTS * MVS or VSE: Only PAGEDEF and FORMDEF may be inline (in print data) Requires PSF/MVS R2, PSF/VSE R2. See also TOPIC 3E. * NAME of Inline Resource must be specified in PSF Print Options Inline Resource will NOT be used unless it is named in PSF options: MVS: PAGEDEF=pdef,FORMDEF=fdef VM: PAGEDEF (pdef) FORMDEF (fdef) VSE: FNO=ppm >where PPM specifies name of inline PDEF, FDEF> *======================================================================== TOPIC 3B - INLINE RESOURCES: Sending Them * From VM R5: "SEND" option of PSF cmd imbeds Resource in print data file and specifies NAME of PDEF,FDEF in PSF Options sent to VM or MVS (If sending to VSE, "FORMS ppm" required to specify PDEF, FDEF names) * FROM VM R4: PSF command may SEND resources and options to VM R4 only. * From MVS or VSE: User must imbed PSF Resource in print data file, surrounding it with BR, BRG, ER, ERG structured fields. Data file must have Carriage Control, and if sending to VM system, must have variable-length data records. Format of data file, and Str. Fields, shown below. *======================================================================== TOPIC 3C - INLINE RESOURCES: Print Data File Format (Hex format) BRG Record: X'5A0008D3A8C6000000 (This is 1st record in print file) BR Record: X'5A001AD3A8CE000000NnNnNnNnNnNnNnNn00000821xx0000000000 Resource: X'5A... PAGEDEF or FORMDEF Resource - ... (all records of resource object member) ER Record: X'5A0010D3A9CE000000NnNnNnNnNnNnNnNn ERG Record: X'5A0008D3A9C6000000 Print rec's CC... Print data records, with Carriage Control byte CC... (all print data records in print file) Notes: BR Record field "xx" = X'FD for PAGEDEF, X'FE for FORMDEF NnNn...Nn = prefixed name of PAGEDEF or FORMDEF (in EBCDIC format) The PDEF,FDEF name specified by the PSF options for the print file MUST match this BR/ER NAME field, to select the inline resource for printing. The BR/ER NAME need NOT match the member name of the PDEF or FDEF resource on the PSF library, since this member name is not normally stored in the resource records which are imbedded in the print file. Multiple PAGEDEF and/or FORMDEF resources may be included in one print data file. Each resource must be bracketed by BR and ER records. A single BRG and ERG record bracket the entire group of resources. *======================================================================== TOPIC 3D - INLINE RESOURCES: VSE PPM Possibility In sending to a PSF/VSE system, it is possible to use a single PPM for printing all jobs with inline PAGEDEF and/or FORMDEF resources. 1) Choose a NAME to use in the BR/ER records for all inline PAGEDEF or FORMDEF resources. Example: PAGEDEF=P1XMITPD FORMDEF=F1XMITFD 2) On VSE, create a PPM (eg. PPM "XMIT") that selects those NAMES: PAGEDEF=P1XMITPD, FORMDEF=F1XMITFD 3) On networked jobs, code FORMS=XMIT (or FNO=XMIT) to select your PPM, and ALWAYS code the BR/ER records for the inline PDEF or FDEF as P1XMITPD and F1XMITFD. Note: these names do not have to be the "real" names of the inline PDEF or FDEF members - see notes for 3C. 4) On the VSE system, you may also wish to copy your default PDEF, FDEF and name the copies P1XMITPD and F1XMITFD. This would allow you to use PPM "XMIT" for jobs that send only a PAGEDEF, or only a FORMDEF, inline. The other member, not sent, would be found on the VSE system. *======================================================================== TOPIC 3E - INLINE RESOURCES: "Non-Inline" Resources Some PSF resources cannot, or should not, be sent "INLINE". * Only PAGEDEF and FORMDEF resource may be sent inline to MVS or VSE. FONTS, OVERLAYS, and PAGE SEGMENTS cannot be sent inline (except VM to VM), and must be stored on the printing system. * There is an exception for PAGE SEGMENTS. Instead of using a PSEG resource, the "image block" records of the PSEG may be extracted and included as AFPDS data in the print file. (The "image block" is simply the Page Segment without the BPS and EPS records). DCF automatically extracts the "image block" and places it inline if "INLINE" option is coded on the DCF ".si" cmd that invokes the PSEG. * For performance, frequently-used resources should be stored on the printing system, rather than transmitted with the print job. * Resources may be easily sent between MVS and VM systems (R4 or R5) FROM MVS: TSO XMIT DS ('data.set.name(member)') SEQ TO VM: "RECEIVE" from CMS RDRLIST FROM VM: CMS SENDFILE fn ft fm TO MVS: TSO RECEIVE >>>let parameters default, then copy the > received member to the correct library * To send a PSF resource member to a VSE system, the member must be converted to VSE library format. See INFOSYS Item #939DX. *======================================================================== *======================================================================== TOPIC 4 - VM R5 ISSUES *======================================================================== TOPIC 4A - VM R5 ISSUES: Sending Print Jobs * PSF Cmd to Send INLINE RESOURCES with the print job. PSF options (PAGEDEF=, FORMDEF=) sent with job to MVS or VM. "FORMS ppm" required to send PSF options to VSE. * PSF Cmd or PRINT Cmd to send system line data (non-AFPDS) PSF Cmd or PRINT (OVERSIZE may be used to send AFPDS print data. "OVERSIZE" option cannot be used to send "oversized" line data. Non-X'5A records will be truncated to VM Spool Maximum: 133-bytes for virtual 1403, 206-bytes for virtual 3800 * PSF (COMPAT option required to send AFPDS data to VM R4. * NOTE: PSF command may be ordered separately from PSF/VM. *======================================================================== TOPIC 4B - VM R5 ISSUES: Receiving Print Jobs * In VM R5, "prtdest" is coded in new CP SPOOL option: "DEST" * For networked jobs, CONFLICT between "prtdest" and RSCS destination: when RSCS receives job with "DEST=node.prtdest", the "prtdest" option is interpreted as id of RSCS user or workstation. SOLUTION: 1) ALL PSF "prtdest" id's must be coded in new RSCS 2.2 table: "DESTINATION IDENTIFIER FILE" (See RSCS 2.2 Plan.&Install. SH24-5057) 2) For PSF 3812, which must be defined to RSCS, use different ID's for PSF "dest" and RSCS "linkid" of 3812, then RSCS "REROUTE" job from PSF through RSCS to the printer. Example: Networked Print JOB: DEST=VMNODE.ABC (ABC is "prtdest") PSF PDM for 3812: DEST=ABC, LINK=ABC (DEST may also be "*") RSCS Config File: LINK=XYZ (XYZ is Linkid of 3812) RSCS PROFILE: REROUTE ABC TO XYZ *======================================================================== *======================================================================== ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------