APAR Identifier ...... II12000 Last Changed ........ 00/03/29 INFO APAR FOR PRINTSUITES/40 AFP TOOLBOX 5798AF300 R370 R371 Symptom ...... IN INCORROUT Status ........... INTRAN Severity ................... 4 Date Closed ......... Component .......... INFODNLIB Duplicate of ........ Reported Release ......... 001 Fixed Release ............ Component Name DN LIB INFO ITE Special Notice Current Target Date .. Flags SCP ................... Platform ............ Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Info apar for PRINTSUITES/40 Toolbox 5798AF300 Also review the information in the other products info apars: II10133 for MVS and II09240 for AIX. __________________________________________________________ Section - A Creating a physical file named AFPOUT Section - B No blanks occur in the output Section - C *************************************************************** Section - A The documentation regarding 'Creating a physical file named AFPOUT' is misleading. The documentation states: "Create a physical file named AFPOUT...This file should have the same characteristics as QAOCL/QAYTBRESCS." Should read like: "Create a physical file named AFPOUT with member called RPGTEST as follows: CRTPF FILE(AFPOUT) RCDLEN(92) MBR(RPGTEST) TEXT(' File to receive sample output form AFP Toolbox')" Other wise the program may not be able to write records to the file. *************************************************************** Section - B Problem: No blanks appear in the printed output. The problem is in our Cobol processing. These two variables are initialized in ATXCBVAR to 0. This is incorrect. They should be initialized to -1 instead (which is what the DEFAULT-xx values are). Since 0 is not the same as -1, if they never specify anything for AFP-EXTRA-VARSPACE, the Toolbox is assuming they want the default from the COBOL variable, in this case 0. That's why the SVI of 0 is being built. The following two lines need to add before the first AFPWRITE command (right before the AFPDFNAM). MOVE DEFAULT-WS TO AFP-EXTRA-VARSPACE. MOVE DEFAULT-ICS TO AFP-EXTRA-ICSPACE. LOCAL FIX: