CL4 FOR UPLOADING AND REBLOCKING AFPDS RESOURCES ONLY ----------------------------------------------------- There are several PC programs available to edit an AFP resource on a PC. Programs are available to edit a Font, Character Set, Code Page, or an Overlay. These programs will require the resource to be in PC file format or VM type 'flat' file format. This program will put a PC file into a VSE OBJ format by putting the file into 80 byte OBJ records (ESD, TXT, END cards), wrap POWER JECL and VSE JCL around the OBJ deck and make it available so you can use PC File Transfer to upload the JOB and run it on the VSE Host. The result will be a PSF PHASE catalogued into a library.sublibrary. The data will come in 4 files: 1. CL4.ASM - A source PC assembler program which can be customized. This file must be downloaded to the PC using BINARY format. 2. CL4.EXE - The executable program. This file must be downloaded to the PC in BINARY format. 3. CL4.DEF - This file contains the POWER JECL and VSE JCL skeletons. You must EDIT this file and change the defaults to suit your environment. You can add JECL or JCL. You must also indicate the lib.sublib where you want the PHASE to be catalogued. The resource name will be used as the {JOB} name. This file contains the following JECL and JCL: * $$ JOB JNM={JOB},DISP=D,CLASS=0 * $$ LST DISP=H,CLASS=X,DEST=(*,DUBE) // JOB {JOB} // LIBDEF PHASE,CATALOG=LIB.SUB // OPTION CATAL INCLUDE PHASE {JOB},S {TXT} text delimiter ** do not touch ** /* // EXEC LNKEDT /& * $$ EOJ Operational considerations: - Prerequisite software levels: - VSE/ESA APAR PL77851 in PTF UN06427 - VSE/SP V4 APAR PL76660 in PTF UL92181 - VSE/SP V3 APAR PL77268 in PTF UL89813 - The PC application runs in under 640K USING CL4 - After you have edited an AFP resource you run the CL4 program against the file to put it into OBJ format. CL4 resourcename.type - The AFPDS resource will be split into 80 byte records with POWER JECL and VSE JCL (from CL4.DEF) placed around the data. This data will be UNREADABLE in object form. It will be transferred in binary to ensure data integrity. - The result is a file called resourcename.DCK - Transmit this file to the mainframe, specifying: SEND resourcename.DCK (FILE=RDR BINARY NOUC LRECL=80 - The result is a data stream sent to the POWER RDR Queue - By default it has DISP=D (execute immediately). DISP and CLASS POWER JECL parms should be changed to reflect your system environment - Change the LIBDEF Catalog statement to specify the LIBRARY.SUBLIBRARY where the PSF PHASE will be cataloged *** CL4.DEf must be customized before you run the CL4 program. Use a PC editor or you can upload the file to the VSE host and use ICCF or another file editing program to customize CL4.DEF. You can add or delete any POWER or JCL statement as long as you do not touch the {TXT} statement. Method of delivery: - These programs will be shipped over the IBM network. Once satisfied we will make them generally available. - At this point there are no plans to parameterize the most heavily used options, as it would further delay the delivery of this program. - It is understood that this material is provided on an "as is" basis; all the standard statements associated with this procedure are assumed to be appended. PRTOVLY ASMSAMP is a sample program to print an overlay without data. USING AFPREBLK FOR UPLOADING/DOWNLOAD AND REBLOCKING AFPDS DOCUMENTS ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program reblocks an AFPDS file into fixed 80-byte records for transmission to a PC or AIX system, and reblocks a stream file transmitted from a PC or AIX system (in binary mode) to VSE as individual variable- length records suitable for printing. All input data is assumed to be AFPDS structured fields with a x'5A' control character appended to the beginning. The program is controlled by a parm designating the direction of the conversion. To reblock AFPDS for transmission to the PC, use PARM='AFP2PC'. The input file will be SYS001, DLBL AFPVBIN, a variable-length blocked file. The output will be SYS002, DLBL AFPPCOT, a fixed-blocked 80 byte file. To reblock for printing on VSE, use PARM='PC2AFP', input file SYS003, DLBL AFPPCIN, an 80-byte blocked file, and output file SYS004, DLBL AFPVBOT, variable length blocked. To print directly to the Power spool, use PARM='PC2PRT', input file SYS003, DLBL AFPPCIN, an 80-byte blocked file, and output file SYS005, assigned to a Power printer. To transfer a reblocked file from VSE to a PC, copy the output of this program (AFP2PC, file AFPPCOT) to the POWER spool queue, then use ICCF (or another file tranfer program) to download from the spool to the PC. To transfer a file from the PC to VSE, use ICCF option 386 with the sendfile command: SEND file A:file (BINARY LRECL=80 NOCRLF where file is the PC filename and A:file is the terminal emulator session and the spool file name. ICCF option 385 may be used to then transfer the file to an ICCF library, where it can be then saved to a SAM file (use DITTO or IDCAMS REPRO). NOTE: REQUIRES COBOL II 3.3 OR LATER WITH APAR PN64949 TO COMPILE AND PRINT TO POWER.