VSE Resource Conversion for MVS or VM Utilities. NOTE: When uploading this exec to a VM or MVS host, be certain that the upload program has not mis-translated the character | (x'4F'). Some upload utilities translate this as x'6a', the broken vertical bar ¦. If you get message "DMSREX460E Error 13 running VSERES EXEC, line nn: Invalid character in program" edit the progam and change all x'6a' to x'4f'. VSERES is REXX exec to convert VSE LIBR PUNCH phases to AFP resources /* Invocation: /* VSERES ifn ift ifm (trace r /* where ifn ift ifm is the input file containing one or more /* punched phases containing AFP resources. /* for MVS, ifn is the input file and ift and ifm are ignored /* If ifn is ? or unspecified, help information is displayed. /* output will be separate files for each resource, with /* fn = phase name, ft = rest3820, where rest is the resource type /* from the first letter of the phase name, /* /* F = formdef = FDEF3820 /* P = pagedef = PDEF3820 /* O = overlay = OVLY3820 /* S = pageseg = PSEG3820 /* T = code pg = FONT3820 /* C = charset = FONT3820 /* Z (VSE print parameter) = ZDEF3820 /* for MVS, output will be separate members in a new PDS /* named .PDS /* Converts VSE LIBR PUNCH AFP resources from phases to separate resources. (QUIET (note that fm and ft are ignored in MVS and on workstations) (QUIET suppresses member list) To extract resources from a VSE system: On VSE, run a job similar to: * $$ JOB JNM=RESPUN // JOB RESPUN PUNCH RESOURCES TO VM USER * $$ PUN DEST=(,),PUN=SYSPCH // OPTION PARSTD // EXEC LIBR A S=. PU *.PHASE /* /& This will send a resource file in the form of a text deck containing all the selected resources, to the designated destination (alternatively, the punch file could be directed to disk/tape and transferred to MVS/VM manually). If you route the punch file to an MVS system, you may get the following messages when receiving the file: INMR921I Received file appears not to be an Interactive Data Transmission Facility file. The first record is: INMR922I : : PHASE F1A18D1,S+X'000000' INMR901I Dataset X.RECEIVE.INVALID.FILE from ? on ? INMR907A Enter copy parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' + reply with dsn(respun.output) space(40 10) cyl release You may also need to edit the file to remove an extra space in the first column (probably x'41'). Running on this file will produce separate files for each resource (VM/CMS) or separate PDS members (MVS), in a PDS names .PDS You may also extract a print file from the VSE POWERqueue to a PC, and then to a VM or MVS host, using: Upload this file to the host using the options BINARY CRLF. If the resulting file contains any AFP records, trailing blanks will have been truncated and must be restored using a tool such as CPDSFILE. If the file originally had ANS carriage control, the resulting file will have been converted to machine control. ======================================================================= The other programs do (roughly) what VSERES does, but not exactly. They do 1 resource at at time. RESPUNCH/vm sends the resource, via NJE, to MVS or VM. On MVS, the resource will end up as 60-byte records. RESMAKE turns the 60-byte records back into a normal resource. This all is to circumvent limitations in NJE, Power and JES. It is all documented in the GG24-3765, AFP in a Cross-System Environment pub. They have been in print for several years, and today are mostly useful because 1)they are in the pub or 2) better methods are not available. From the pub for RESPUNCH: This program can be used in connection with "Program to Create a Resource from VSE Punch Output" in topic C.3 to extract an AFP resource from a VSE library, create a an input file for the MVS program, and create the necessary JCL statements to invoke the resource creating program in the MVS system. By setting the PDEST parameters in the POWER JECL properly the resulting file is sent automatically to the MVS system. For RESMAKE: This program is used for creating an AFP resource in the MVS system from the output created by "Program to Punch an AFP Resource for MVS" in topic C.1 in the VSE system. This program has to be link-edited into an MVS library before invoking program with a batch job from the VSE system.