Created 01/10/1997 Updated 05/06/1999 _________________________ About PS Program Services When you purchase a software product directly from IBM, you are entitled to certain free services called "Personal Systems (PS) Program Services." These services generally refer to your entitlement to report software errors in IBM code or documentation and to receive a software fix free of charge (not including media charges). Technical support for these services is provided through support centers located around the globe, but the way these services are delivered may vary from country to country. Services Available IBM provides you with a set of PS support services free of charge. These services enable you to: Report suspected errors in IBM code or documentation via Internet e/mail, facsimile, or surface mail. Electronically download the most recent PS fixes. Availability of PS Program Services PS Program Services are provided as a basic entitlement of having purchased a software product from IBM and does not require a support contract. PS Support Family is a group of services that are available to you under contract. This family of services provides a superset of the services that are available to you under Program Services and gives you easier access to these enhanced services. ______________________________ How to Report Suspected Errors This section describes how to report suspected errors in IBM code or documentation and the Terms and Conditions of doing so. If you have a PS Support Line contract, DO NOT use this procedure. PS Support Line customers can report suspected errors in IBM code or documentation (and ask technical questions) via Internet based tools or by phone. This section is intended as an aid to PS customers who want to report a suspected error in IBM code or documentation but do not have a support contract. WHAT YOU DO To use the Internet to report a suspected defect: Internet URL: or FTP to Log in using "anonymous" as the userid and your e-mail address as the password. Change to the ps/defect_submission directory. Download PROBLEM.TXT Using a text editor, fill out as much of the following Defect Report Form as possible, and send the completed form to one of the following: Internet mail: E-mail: Facsimile: FAX: IBM Corporation SUBJECT: PS Program Service FAX NUMBER: 1-800-426-8602 U.S. Mail: IBM Corporation Solutions Management Center, ZIP 30-01-A 13800 Diplomat Road Dallas, TX 75234 You will receive one of the following responses: Defect: A defect in IBM code or documentation has been noted and corrected. Information on obtaining a fix will be provided if one is available. Non-defect: The reported condition has been determined not to be the result of a defect in the code or documentation. Information on obtaining support for the problem will be provided. Unknown: The reported condition has not been noted as a defect at this time but may be at a future time. Information on obtaining support for the problem will be provided. ____________________ Terms and Conditions The base set of Program Services provides support for IBM code that is not performing to specifications or has a documentation error. Program Services are: Provided for PS and IBM licensed software products which operate on the PS platform. Available for PS and IBM licensed software products until notification terminating support is received. Code-related problems or documentation errors may be forward to IBM by facsimile, U.S. Mail (or equivalent) or Internet e-mail. Voice support is available for a fee via PS Support Line Family at 1-888-426-4343, option 3. Limited to code-related problems or documentation errors. All problems that are not documentation or code-related will be directed to the PS Support Line for handling under a fee contract. IBM will continue to charge for support not related to code or documentation errors via PS Program Services. Customers may contract with PS Support Line to continue receiving voice support for software problems and questions. IBM will respond in the same media as the inquiry. Customers will be notified of receipt of the PROBLEM.TXT within two business days excluding holidays and weekends if notified by facsimile or Internet e-mail, and seven business days if by U.S. Mail (or equivalent). IBM's reply to each new PROBLEM.TXT report will include a PMR (Problem Management Record) number. This number is used by IBM to track each unique problem reported by each customer. This reply will also include any other information necessary for the situation and or request for additional information. If your problem description matches a previously reported defect that has been closed by IBM, you will receive the explanation, work-around or directions to obtain a fix. Most fixes can be downloaded from the Internet. If your problem description matches a previously reported defect that has not yet been closed by IBM, an APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report) will be opened and you will be informed that you have been added to the Interested Parties list for the APAR. An APAR is opened on each unique problem that will be addressed by IBM Development. IBM will contact you once the APAR has been addressed. If your problem description does not match a previously reported defect, the IBM reply will indicate that your PROBLEM.TXT is not a known defect in the IBM product code or documentation. If at some later time, IBM discovers that this is a defect in the IBM product code or documentation, a fix for this problem will be available either in the next release of the product, or in the next available Service Pak for that product. IBM may also contact you in the course of determining if a defect exists. IBM will contact you, by facsimile, e-mail or U. S. Mail (or equivalent) regarding your PROBLEM.TXT defect report. However, if voice contact is necessary in order to expedite the process, IBM may contact you by telephone. ________________ Status Inquiries IBM is dedicated to resolving each PMR in a time frame acceptable to customers. However, IBM does not guarantee a time frame in which a PMR will be addressed. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *********************************************************************** THIS FORM IS PROVIDED TO REPORT SUSPECTED DEFECTS IN ANY OF THE PERSONAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT FAMILY PRODUCTS (THE U.S. ENGLISH VERSION ONLY) *********************************************************************** PLEASE REVIEW THE ENTIRE PROBLEM REPORT FOR ACCURACY BEFORE SUBMITTING *********************************************************************** Please provide as much information as possible about your problem. Feel free to add additional space, or remove sections of this form that are not relevant to this problem report. Please limit this information to 72 characters per line. Be sure to include all pertinent customer and problem data, and if possible, a reproducible test case or trap. CUSTOMER CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: ______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: (___)____-______ FAX Number: (___)____-______ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________ IBM Customer or Registration #: _____________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address Line 1: ____________________________________________________ Address Line 2: ____________________________________________________ City (U.S. only): ___________________________________________________ State (U.S. only): ____ ZIP (U.S. only): __________________________ SYSTEM INFORMATION: Machine/brand type of PC:_____________________________________________ Model: _______________________ Serial Number: ________________________ Can you re-create the problem? Yes ____ No ____ Has this problem occurred on more than one system? Yes ____ No ____ Operating System: ____________________________________________________ Version: _______________________ Current CSD Level: ________________ Note: On OS/2 systems, use the VER /R command to find the version, and the SYSLEVEL command to find the current CSD level; on Microsoft systems, use the VER command to report the version. Failing Product (if other than the Operating System): ______________________________________________________________________ Current CSD level of failing product: ________________________________ (Use the SYSLEVEL command on an OS/2 System.) Preferred Media for FIX PAK APAR (Internet, Diskette, CDROM): ________ Environment: (Please provide information about your environment, i.e. configuration, disks, memory, adapters, network connections, applications running) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Description: This field must include information about the problem and what you were trying to do. If possible, provide a step-by-step re-creation scenario. Include any fixes or work arounds you may have already tried: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What were the results? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What steps did you perform? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What error messages were displayed? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What steps are required to recreate the problem? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ TRAP INFORMATION If an OS/2 TRAP occurs and results in a 32-bit trap display similar to the following, enter any of the register values that you recorded: TRAP = ______ ERRDC = ______ ERACC = ______ ERLIM = ______ EAX = ______ EBX = ______ ECX = ______ EDX = ______ ESI = ______ EDI = ______ EBP = ______ FLG = ______ CS:EIP = _______ : ______ CSACC = ______ CSLIM = ______ SS:ESP= _______ : ______ SSACC = ______ SSLIM = ______ DS = ______ DSACC = ______ DSLIM = ______ CR0 = ______ ES = ______ ESACC = ______ ESLIM = ______ CD2 = ______ FS = ______ FSACC = ______ FSLIM = ______ GS = ______ GSACC = ______ GSLIM = ______ THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION ## ______:_________ - _____ : _____ _____ , _____ ______ INTERNAL REVISION __ . _____ DATE: _____/_____/_____ TESTCASE (OPTIONAL) If you are sending supporting data, please describe how it will be sent, expected arrival date, media type and archive format (if any): ______________________________________________________________________ A test case may be requested. Make certain that the PMR number, contact name and company information is supplied when shipping via surface mail or Internet e-mail.