Agreement TryAPL2 Copyright 1991 IBM Corporation - all rights reserved You may not enhance or modify this offering except for providing APL2 functions, variables, and operators to be used for promotion, demonstration, or education. TryAPL2 may not be used for commercial computing. You may not package TryAPL2 with another software product sold commercially. You may not use TryAPL2 with another software product sold commercially and designed for its use. You may not modify TryAPL2 to overcome restrictions. You may include TryAPL2 in a publication or book available commercially so long as the price of the publication or book does not include a fee for TryAPL2 beyond the cost of media and duplication. You may copy and distribute the TryAPL2 files in their entirety. IBM's rights extend to all copies so made. Disk copies should be labeled with the information on the sample disk labels in the back of the document or in the online documentation. You may charge a fee only to cover the cost of duplication, media, and distribution. This offering is not covered by any warranty expressed or implied.