Subject: Announcement letter 999-222, Withdrawal of CMVC (01-Feb-2001) Date last updated: 28-Oct-1999 Withdrawal Announcement: 999-222 Date: July 20, 1999 Software Withdrawal: IBM Configuration Management Version Control, Version 2, Replacements Available Overview Effective October 20, 1999, IBM will withdraw from marketing the Configuration Management Version Control (CMVC) programs listed in the Withdrawn Programs section that are licensed under the IBM Customer Agreement. On or after that date, you can no longer obtain these programs directly from IBM. You can obtain these programs on an as-available basis through IBM authorized remarketers. Effective February 1, 2001, IBM will withdraw the products listed in the Withdrawn Programs section from service. Replacement Product Information: These programs have been replaced by: VisualAgeł Team Connection Enterprise Access Server, V3.0 (04L3809). To help with your migration from CMVC to VisualAge TeamConnection, we offer a variety of fee-based services. These VisualAge Product Affinity Services are available to customers exploring a move to TeamConnection or migrating existing CMVC libraries to TeamConnection. Information about these offerings can be found at: Contact if you have questions about these service offerings. Withdrawn Programs Program Feature Description Number Number Program Package CMVC for AIX(R) Systems V2 5765-207 One-time charge (OTC) 4228 Each User OTC OS/2(R) Client Feature 4292 OTC per User DOS/Windows(TM) 4745 Client CMVC for HP-UX System V2 5765-202 OTC Each User 4156 OTC OS/2 Client Feature 4297 OTC per User DOS/Windows 4743 Client CMVC for SunOS System V2 5622-063 OTC Each User 4005 OTC OS/2 Client Feature 4024 OTC per User DOS/Windows 4042 Client CMVC for Solaris Systems V2 5765-397 OTC Each User Client/Server 4740 OTC per User OS/2 Client 4741 OTC per User DOS/Windows 4742 Client *** end of main note ***