*********************************************************************** ** ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1998. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** ** *********************************************************************** Welcome to IBM* DB2 Universal Database* (DB2*) Text Extenders Version 5.2.1 DB2 Text Extenders Version 5.2.1 for AIX, Solaris and HPUX can operate in a non-partitioned database environment. It can also exploit the partitioned database support provided by DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition. This file describes how to install DB2 Text Extenders Version 5.2.1 for AIX, Solaris and HPUX. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS _________________________ Before you install the DB2 Text Extenders, ensure you meet the installation requirements for their server and client components. SERVER REQUIREMENTS The server components prerequire the installation of DB2 Version 5.2 (or above). CLIENT REQUIREMENTS The client components prerequire installation of the DB2 Version 5.2 (or above) Personal Edition, DB2 Version 5.2 (or above) Client Application Enabler, or DB2 Version 5.2 (or above) Software Developer's Kit. INSTALLING THE DB2 TEXT EXTENDER _____________________________________ 1a. Install the product components in the target machine AIX. 1b. Install the product components in the target machine Solaris. 1c. Install the product components in the target machine HP-UX. 2. Establish the DB2 Text Extender instance. 3. Establish the DB2 Text Extender instance environment. STEP 1a - INSTALL THE PRODUCT COMPONENTS IN THE TARGET MACHINE AIX 4.x 1. Log in at the target client or server machine as the root user. 2. Use installp to transfer the files from the db2tx.pkg to the target machine. You can use the System Management Interface tool (SMIT) to run installp from a prompted interface, or you can enter the installp command. To run smit: a. Enter the smit install_latest command. The Software Installation and Maintenance Tool menu opens. b. Type in the location of the package in the INPUT device / directory for software field. c. Click the DO button or press ENTER. This confirms the installation directory. d. Identify in the SOFTWARE TO INSTALL field whether the client or server components are to be installed. e. Click the DO button or press ENTER. f. You are prompted for confirmation of the installation parameters. To confirm, press ENTER. g. Identify in the SOFTWARE TO INSTALL field which (if any) diction- aries you want to install in the client. (All DB2 Text Extender dictionaries are automatically installed in the server when you install the server components.) Table 2 lists the DB2 Text Extender dictionaries. Installing a dictionary also installs the stop words for that language. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 2. DB2 Text Extender dictionaries | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DICTIONARY | LANGUAGE | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Da_DK | Danish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Nl_NL | Dutch | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.En_GB | English (U.K.) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.En_US | English (U.S.) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Fi_FI | Finnish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Fr_FR | French | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Fr_CA | French (Canada) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.De_DE | German | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.De_CH | German (Swiss) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Is_IS | Icelandic | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.It_IT | Italian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.No_NO | Norwegian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Pt_PT | Portuguese | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Es_ES | Spanish and Catalan | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Ru_RU | Russian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | db2tx_05_02.dic.Sv_SE | Swedish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ To install all the dictionaries in the client, enter db2tx_05_02.dic in the SOFTWARE TO INSTALL field. 5. Logout. STEP 1b - INSTALL THE PRODUCT COMPONENTS IN THE TARGET MACHINE SOLARIS 1. Log in at the target client or server machine as the root user. 2. Use tar to get the installable packages out of your fixpackfile: tar -xvf IBMdb2tx.tar 3. Use pkgadd to transfer the files from your directory to the target machine. Enter the command as follows: pkgadd -d . db2txclnt db2txsrv db2txcom db2txmsgs db2txmsc db2txdius This command install DB2 Text Extender Client and Server with the English (U.S.) dictionary. 4. Or you could enter the command as follows: ./db2tx_install Then indicate if you want to install a Text Extender Client or Server and which dictionaries you want to install. 5. Logout. STEP 1c - INSTALL THE PRODUCT COMPONENTS IN THE TARGET MACHINE HP-UX 1. Log in at the target client or server machine as the root user. 2. Use tar to get the installable packages out of your fixpackfile: tar -xvf db2tx.tar 4. Run the swinstall prorgam using the command: swinstall This opens the Software Selection window and the Specify Source window. Do the following: a. If necessary, change the Source Host Name. b. Enter your tar directory with IBMdb2tx as the value for the Source Depot Path field. c. In the Change Software View field, select Products. d. To return to the Software Selection window, select the OK button. The Software Selection window contains a list of available software to install. e. Highlight the DB2TX Product if you want to install Text Extender with all dictionaries and for documentation in all provided languages. f. If you want to install parts of Text Extender, choose Open Item from the Actions menu. For every fileset you want to install, highlight it and choose Choose Mark for Install from the Actions menu. You can choose to install the Text Extender server or the Text Extender client: Text Extender Server - DB2TX.db2txsrv Text Extender Client - DB2TX.db2txclnt g. Choose the dictionaries (if any) you want to install. Table 2 lists the DB2 Text Extender dictionaries. Installing a dictionary also installs the stop words for that language. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 2. DB2 Text Extender dictionaries | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DICTIONARY | LANGUAGE | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdidk | Danish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdinl | Dutch | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdigb | English (U.K.) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdius | English (U.S.) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdifi | Finnish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdifr | French | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdica | French (Canada) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdide | German | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdich | German (Swiss) | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdiis | Icelandic | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdiit | Italian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdino | Norwegian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdipt | Portuguese | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdies | Spanish and Catalan | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdise | Swedish | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ | DB2TX.db2txdiru | Russian | +-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ h. Choose Install from the Actions menu to begin product installation and open the Install Analysis window. i. Select the OK button in the Install Analysis window when the Status field displays a Ready message. j. Select the Yes button at the Confirmation window to confirm that you want to install the DB2 for HP-UX software products. View the Install window to read processing data while the software is being installed. Installation is completed when the Status field indicates Ready and the Note Window opens. The swinstall program loads the fileset, and runs the control scripts for the fileset. The HP-UX operating system provides detailed help for swinstall. Help is available by typing: man swinstall 5. Logout. STEP 2 - ESTABLISH THE DB2 TEXT EXTENDER INSTANCE 1. Ensure you are active as the root user. 2. Enter: cd /usr/lpp/db2tx_05_02/instance (AIX) cd /opt/IBMdb2tx/V5.2/instance (Solaris/HP-UX) 3. Run txicrt as follows: ./txicrt instanceid db2instanceid [port] __________ where instanceid is an existing DB2 instance user ID or a user ID to be __________ associated with a DB2 instance and db2instanceid is an existing DB2 instance ID. Running txicrte creates the /u/instanceid/db2tx directory. Do not __________ create additional files or directories under /u/instanceid/db2tx; these __________ files will be lost if the instance is deleted. Additional parameters are required if you are using a partitioned database environment. For further information about the txicrt command read the DB2 Text Extender Administration and Programming guide. (If you are using HP-UX you must specify a free port number for the Instance creation.) 4. If you have an existing instance you could use: ./txiupdt instanceid db2instanceid __________ to update your 5.2 instance with the new files. 5. Logout. STEP 3 ESTABLISH THE DB2 TEXT EXTENDER INSTANCE ENVIRONMENT. 1. Logon with the instanceid. 2. Stop and start DB2 before you start working with DB2 Text Extender. 3. Start DB2 Text Extender server with txstart. 4. Now you could start working with DB2 Text Extender! * are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.