Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel

Pivoting, Retaining, and Suppressing Data

After you retrieve data into the worksheet, you may want to manipulate the data in various ways. For example, you may want to move rows and columns to different positions in the worksheet, or you may want to tell Essbase to suppress or retain specific data during data retrievals.

To help you manipulate worksheet data, this section steps you through the following procedures:

Pivoting Rows and Columns

With the Pivot command, you can change the orientation of worksheet data. Use the Pivot command to do any of the following:

You can execute the Pivot command in two ways:

To pivot Year data from a row group to a column group:

  1. To open a new worksheet, select File > New or click the icon.
    You should already be connected to the Sample Basic database. If you are not connected, follow the steps in "Connecting to a Database".
  2. Select Essbase > Retrieve.
  3. Drill down (double-click) on Measures and Product (in cells B1 and C1, respectively).
  4. Press and hold the Alt key, and, in cell E1, drill down (double-click) on Scenario.

    Figure 26. View Before Pivoting

  5. In cell C3, select Year and select Essbase > Pivot.

    Figure 27. Result of Pivoting a Row Group to a Column Group

    Essbase pivots the Year dimension to a column group next to Market (above the Scenario members).

  6. As another example, in cell C2, select Actual.
  7. Right click and drag Actual to product 100 in cell A3.

    Figure 28. Pivoting a Column Group to a Row Group

    The member label box that is displayed under the cursor during the pivot operation displays the names of the members that you are pivoting. The orientation of the member label box, however, does not determine the orientation of the pivot result. Essbase determines the data orientation by the location of the destination cell.

    Essbase pivots the Scenario members (Actual, Budget, Variance, and Variance%) from a column group to a row group that is displayed to the left of the Product members.

    Figure 29. Result of Pivoting a Column Group to a Row Group

To transpose the order of row groups:

  1. In cell A2, select Actual.
  2. Right-click and drag Actual to Profit (cell C2).

    Figure 30. Pivoting the Order of Row Groups

    The pivot changes the order of the row groups.

    Figure 31. Result of Pivoting the Order of Row Groups

    In this example, notice that both the source cell and the destination cell are now members. Whenever the source cell and the destination cell are members of different row groups, Essbase exchanges the member groups. You must select a destination cell that contains a member name to exchange row members. You can also exchange column members by choosing a destination cell in another column that contains a member name.

Retaining a Data Subset

The Keep Only command retains only selected member rows or columns and removes all other data from the worksheet view. This command provides a powerful way to remove dimensional slices without having to delete individual cells.

To keep only Actual and Budget data in the current worksheet:

  1. In cell C2, select Actual and, in cell C3, select Budget.

    Figure 32. Selecting Members for the Keep Only Command

  2. Select Essbase > Keep Only.

    Essbase removes the Variance, Variance%, and Scenario rows from the worksheet and retains only Actual and Budget data.

    Figure 33. Result of Retaining a Data Subset (Adjacent Cells)

Occasionally, the data that you want to remove from the worksheet does not lie in an adjacent range of cells.

To select and retain nonadjacent cells.

  1. Press and hold the Alt key, and, in cell D1, zoom in (double-click) on Year.
  2. Select Qtr2 (in cell E2).
  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select Qtr4 (in cell G2).

    Figure 34. Selecting Nonadjacent Members for the Keep Only Command

  4. Select Essbase > Keep Only.

    Essbase retains only Qtr2 and Qtr4 data and deletes the other Year members.

    Figure 35. Result of Retaining a Data Subset (Nonadjacent Cells)

Removing a Data Subset

The Remove Only command is the counterpart to the Keep Only command. With Remove Only, you can remove selected member rows or columns and retain all other data in the worksheet view.

To remove a data subset from the current worksheet view:

  1. In cell B7, select Ratios.
  2. Press and hold Ctrl, and, in cell B9, select Measures.
  3. Select Essbase > Remove Only.

    Essbase removes data for Ratios and Measures but retains data for Profit and Inventory.

    Figure 36. Result of Removing a Data Subset

Navigating Through the Worksheet Without Retrieving Data

With the Navigate Without Data feature, you can perform navigational operations, such as pivot, zoom in, zoom out, keep only, and remove only, without retrieving any data into the worksheet.

This feature is especially useful when dealing with dynamic calculation members, which are usually specified by the application designer. By activating Navigate Without Data, you are effectively telling Essbase not to dynamically calculate values (that is, calculate the database at retrieval time) while you are creating the spreadsheet report. Dynamic calculation is discussed in more detail in "Retrieving Dynamic Calculation Members".

To navigate through the worksheet without retrieving data:

  1. Select Essbase > Navigate Without Data.

    Essbase displays a check mark next to the menu item.

    You can also disable Navigate Without Data by clearing the appropriate option in the Essbase Options dialog box (Global Tab) or by clicking the Navigate Without Data button on the Essbase toolbar.
  2. In cell D2, double-click the secondary mouse button to drill up on Qtr2.

    Essbase shows the collapsed Year dimension but withholds retrieving any data that is changed as a result of drilling up. The cells where data would normally be displayed are blank.

    Figure 37. Result of Zooming Out (Navigate Without Data Enabled)

  3. In cell D2, drill down (double-click) on Year by pressing and holding the Alt key.

    Essbase drills down without retrieving data.

  4. In Cell C3, select Actual and select Essbase > Pivot.

    Essbase executes the pivot but does not retrieve data.

    You get the same result by pivoting any of the other Scenario members.

    Figure 38. Result of Pivoting (Navigate Without Data Enabled)

  5. In cell G1, click the secondary mouse button on Market and drag Market to product 100 (cell A4).

    Essbase executes the pivot without retrieving data.

    Figure 39. Result of Pivoting (Navigate Without Data Enabled)

Navigating without data also works with the Keep Only and Remove Only commands.

To navigate without data when using the Keep Only or Remove Only command:

  1. Select Qtr1 (cell D2) and Qtr2 (cell E2) and select Essbase > Keep Only.

    Essbase retains only the selected members and does not retrieve data.

    Figure 40. Result of Keep Only (Navigate Without Data Enabled)

  2. Select products 300 (cell B7), 400 (cell B9), and Diet (cell B11) and select Essbase > Remove Only.

    Essbase executes the Remove Only command without actually querying the database for information.

    Figure 41. Result of Remove Only (Navigate Without Data Enabled)

To turn off Navigate Without Data when you are ready to retrieve data:

  1. Select Essbase > Navigate Without Data.

    Essbase removes the check mark next to the menu item.

    You can also disable Navigate Without Data by clearing the appropriate option in the Essbase Options dialog box (Global Tab) or by clicking the Navigate Without Data button on the Essbase toolbar.
  2. In cell A3, drill down (double-click) on Market.

    Essbase drills down on the Market dimension and also retrieves data into the worksheet.

    Figure 42. Result of Drilling down (Navigate Without Data Disabled)

    If you want to retrieve data without changing the current worksheet view, you can also retrieve data by simply double-clicking in any data cell or by selecting Essbase > Retrieve (after disabling Navigate Without Data).

Suppressing Missing Values, Zero Values, and Underscore Characters

Several types of data can be returned to a worksheet view:

A missing value is not the same as a zero value that is loaded into the Essbase database. When data does not exist for a data cell in Essbase, a value of #Missing is returned to the worksheet. If any cell in a row contains a value, that row is not suppressed on a retrieval.

With Essbase, you can suppress missing and zero values from the display in the worksheet. In addition, you can tell Essbase to suppress underscore characters that are in some member names.

To suppress rows that contain missing values from displaying in the worksheet:

  1. In cell C3, double-click the secondary mouse button to drill up on Profit.
  2. Pivot Measures (in cell C3) to Actual (in cell D1).
  3. In cell B4, drill down (double-click) on product 100.

    Notice that, in the South, the product 100-30 row contains all missing values, indicating that this product is not sold in the South. You may need to scroll down the worksheet to see this row.

    Figure 43. Worksheet View Displaying Missing Data Values

  4. Select Essbase > Options, and select the Display tab.
  5. In the Suppress option group, select the #Missing Rows check box and click OK.
    The Suppress #Missing Rows and Zero Rows options are not available when any of the Formula Preservation options are selected in the Essbase Options dialog box. For more information on Formula Preservation, see "Preserving Formulas When Retrieving Data".
  6. Select Essbase > Retrieve to update the worksheet.
    After you change a worksheet option in the Essbase Options dialog box, you must perform a retrieval or drill operation to have the new setting take effect.

    Essbase suppresses product 100-30 from the South member group.

    Figure 44. Result of Suppressing Missing Data Values

  7. Select File > Close to close the worksheet. You do not need to save the worksheet.
    After you enable the Suppress #Missing Rows feature in the Essbase Options dialog box, any missing values suppressed during a data retrieval are not retrieved again by simply disabling the feature. If you disable the feature in the Essbase Options dialog box, missing values are retrieved from only that point on. For example, in the tutorial task described above, Essbase could not go back and return the missing values for product 100-30. To return these missing values to the worksheet, you disable the Suppress #Missing Rows feature, drill up on a Product member, and then drill down again.

You can also suppress zeros and underscore characters as described in the task above by clicking the appropriate options in the Suppress option group in the Essbase Options dialog box (Display tab).

In addition to suppressing specific values and characters during retrieval, Essbase enables you to define a label for missing values (#Missing) or for data you do not have access to (#NoAccess). If you define a replacement label for these values, Essbase displays the replacement labels instead of the default labels. For more information on defining replacement labels for the #Missing and #NoAccess labels, see the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help.

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