DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide


This section lists books that are included with DB2 OLAP Server and its add-on products. DB2 OLAP Server users can find these books from the Start > Programs > IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 > Documentation information map. The books are stored in the x:\ibm\db2olap\docs directory, where x:\ibm\db2olap is the directory in which you installed DB2 OLAP Server workstation applications.

If you choose the Typical option during installation, DB2 OLAP Server installs only a subset of the documentation. To install all the documentation, choose Custom during installation and select the books you want.

Table 1 lists the publications that are included with the DB2 OLAP Server base product.

Table 1. DB2 OLAP Server Publications

Publication Name Description
Installation Guide (SC27-1228) Explains how to install and configure DB2 OLAP Server and its features.
Quick Path (SC18-7000) Summarizes the major tasks of creating OLAP applications using DB2 OLAP Server.
OLAP Miner User's Guide (SC27-1611) Explains how to use DB2 OLAP Server Miner, a no-charge feature that combines the powerful IBM data mining technologies with OLAP technologies.
Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for Excel (SC27-1232) Explains how to use the Spreadsheet Add-in with Microsoft Excel for Windows to analyze data.
Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for 1-2-3 (SC27-1231) Explains how to use the Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows to analyze data.
Database Administrator's Guide, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 (SC18-7001, SC18-7002, and SC18-7003, respectively) Provides administrators with strategies and techniques to implement, design, build, and maintain an optimized multidimensional database. Provides instructions for how to design and build a security system. Provides instructions for how to load, calculate, and report your data. Also provides instructions for performing tasks using the Application Manager.
MaxL User's Guide (SC18-7005) Describes how to use MaxL, the multidimensional database access language for DB2 OLAP Server. MaxL is a flexible way to automate Hyperion Essbase administration and maintenance tasks.
SQL Interface Guide (SC18-7004) Explains how to load data from SQL, relational, and flat-file data sources. The SQL Interface tool is part of the Tools Bundle, which is an add-on product for DB2 OLAP Server.
Technical Reference Provides reference about writing formulas, calculation scripts, report scripts, MaxL statements, and custom-defined macros and functions. It also includes ESSBASE.CFG settings and ESSCMD commands.
API Reference Provides reference information for functions that are available through the Application Programming Interface, which is part of the DB2 OLAP Server Tools Bundle.
Message Reference Describes common messages in DB2 OLAP Server and their auses and solutions.
Integration Server Administration Guide (SC27-1227) Explains how to use the Administration Manager component of the DB2 OLAP Integration Server.
Integration Server Data Preparation Guide (SC18-7006) Explains how to prepare relational data for use with the DB2 OLAP Integration Server.
MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference Provides reference information for the MERANT (INTERSOLV) ODBC drivers.

The DB2 OLAP Server publications are also available online at:


Several IBM Redbooks about DB2 OLAP Server and related topics are available. To view OLAP Redbooks online, visit the IBM Redbook Web site at:


The following Hyperion Essbase and Essbase Integration Services books are not included with this product. The information in this book supersedes the information in following books:

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